Chapter 1143 - 1143 Chapter 128- Reagan – The Future (VOLUME 6)
Chapter 1143 - 1143 Chapter 128- Reagan – The Future (VOLUME 6)
1143 Chapter 128- Reagan – The Future (VOLUME 6)
Well, that was an exciting meeting. Mom, Dad, Talia, the director from that NSA office showing up, so much had happened, and it hadn’t even been that long of a meeting. At most two hours, if that. It is over now though, and time for us to move on.
Mom was going to be going with the other magic users and Fae to put up a barrier around the city. Dad was, of course, going with her. And that meant that little Reeselynn was going to be here with us. Nona and Lola were here as well, but as the older siblings, I know that Rika and I could handle things. We had been just fine with the quads when they were younger. Granted, we were only eight when they were born. Now we were nineteen and a lot more mature and responsible.
I was sitting with the baby in the living room, looking down at her face and the peacefulness that she seemed to emanate. I knew that I was being sentimental, but I didn’t care there was just something about her, something that was so calm and perfect.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Rika asked as she came into the room. I had sensed her coming, so she hadn’t surprised me at all.
“Just looking at her face. She is so calming and serene. Do you think it’s like an innate ability of hers or something?”
“I don’t know. It’s been a while since we were around babies like this. And even then, we were too young to sense something like this. It could just be a baby thing.”
“Maybe.” I nodded my head at her words, still looking at the sleeping baby. “Do you ever think about it?”
“It? And what would that be, knucklehead? I can’t read minds, so incomplete sentences are not going to cut it with me.” She laughed at me, and I realized that I hadn’t finished my thoughts properly.
“Do you ever think about the future? Who our mates will be. What our children will be like. What life in general will be like. Do you ever think about those things?”
“Sometimes.” She admitted, causing me to look up into her face. She was my sister, my twin, I had shared the womb with her, and therefore I knew pretty much all there was to know about her. And it also meant that I could tell when she was upset, like she was now.
“What is wrong?” I asked her, not knowing why she was so sad all of a sudden.
“I don’t know. It’s hard to say. I mean, when everything started in the fall, when we started at the university, I thought that I had met my mate. The way that the stuff with Clovio was going, I thought for sure that he was my mate. And there was something about that time, with all that was happening, that made me feel like my wolf was recognizing my mate. Still, she never told me for sure that I actually had met them. I don’t know why, but it’s like my wolf has been silent, like she’s been ignoring me or something.”
“Really?” I thought about it, about my wolf. “I don’t talk to mine, not really, but I know that he is there. I know that he is looking for his mate and that we will find her when the time is right. He doesn’t ignore me though. He is there, always present at the back of my mind.” I explained to her what it was like with my wolf.
“Oh, I know what you mean. And I can sense mine as well, but it’s like her presence is lessened. Even when I shift, it’s like she isn’t all the way there. I don’t know why, but my wolf has been ignoring me lately. For a while really.”
“When did it start?” I asked her, curious to know how long she had been losing touch with her wolf.
“I don’t really know. I think since right before we turned eighteen.”
“Over a year! Rika!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “You’ve been losing touch with your wolf for over a year? How could you keep that a secret?”
“She isn’t gone. And I can still shift, so I know that she is there. It’s not like I am losing touch with her. It’s more like she has gone silent on me. I haven’t heard her much over the last year or so. And I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want to make Mom and Dad worry about me. So please, Reagan, don’t tell them.”
“Rika, this isn’t good. You need to find out why she is ignoring you. You need to reconnect with your wolf.” I felt like it was me that was being affected by this, not her. I didn’t like thinking that my sister was suffering like this. What was I going to do to help her? I was the older brother here, so it was up to me to fix this.
“I know.” She nodded at me. “I will do what I can to reconnect with her, I promise. Only, I am going to wait until this whole issue is over. I don’t want to be a bother while we have this issue with the DOE and that Orson guy. I will figure it all out soon, Reagan. I promise you.”
“You’d better.” I narrowed my eyes at her before I looked back down at the baby in my arms. At least I didn’t have to worry about Reeselynn at the moment. She wasn’t going to have these troubles for a long time.
While I was looking at the baby, Rika had been looking at me. She spoke after a long silence as well, not really startling me, but making me look up at her in shock, nonetheless.
“What about you?” That had been all that she said, but it took me by surprise.
“What do you mean, what about me?” I asked her, not sure what she was getting at.
“Do you think about those things? The future? Mates? Families? All that other stuff. You asked me about it, but you never said anything about it.”
“Sorry, you took me by surprise with your comment about not sensing your wolf. And, to be honest, yeah, I think about it a lot. I mean, we’re the same age Mom was when she married Dad, so that means that you might find your mate really soon.”
“You too.” She pointed it out to me. “Why wouldn’t you find her now?”
“Well, Dad was older than Mom by a few years. I might have to wait until I am closer to his age for it to happen.”
“Does that make you sad?” She asked, and I didn’t know how to answer that.
“Yes, and no.” I looked at her. I gave her my full attention. “I want my mate, I know that it will make me happy to find her, but I don’t think that I will be lonely without her. Not at the moment anyway. I know that I have time. And that she is out there. There is no reason for me to think that I will be alone forever.”
“Well, you could be like Uncle Dietrich. He was alone for over five hundred years before he met Uncle Shawn.”
“Ugh, don’t tell me that.” I groaned at the words that Rika had just said. I didn’t want to wait five hundred years to meet my mate.
“You know that if you did have to wait that long, like Uncle Dietrich did, you would just love her that much more. Whoever she will be, I know that she will be a lucky girl. You’re a good guy, Reagan. I should know, I used to share a womb, and a bathtub with you.”
“Shush.” I made a face at her. “I do not need to hear about that.” I pretended like it was a horrible memory for me. In reality, I remembered when we were toddlers too, and how we would always take a bath together. It was something that we had to argue with Mom and Dad with far too often. They wanted to stop them when we were three, but we held out for another year, bathing together until we were four.
“I know that waiting five hundred years seems like a long time, but the point here is that we are looking for our true loves. The other halves of our souls. We don’t want to rush that and think that the wrong person is the one for us. Trust me, I know how that can feel.”
“I know.” I looked at her tenderly, remembering the heartache she had felt before. I didn’t want to see my sister suffering like that, never again.
“Besides, Reagan, I know that you won’t take that long to find your mate. You’re already halfway to the perfect man for whoever she is.”
“Halfway?” I narrowed my eyes at her.
“Yeah, you’re clearly going to be a doting dad. Now you just need to grow a handsome face.”
“Hey!” I would have done something, given her a noogie, punched her arm, something, but I was holding Reeselynn and couldn’t do that even if I wanted to. She just laughed though, thinking that it was funny.
“Yeah, no wonder your wolf is ignoring you. You’re such a child.” I joked with her.
“Yup, we both are. So don’t rush it too much, bro. We will find them when the time is right.” She looked at me then with the baby in my arms. “Besides, no offense to mom or anything, but I want to finish school before I have a baby.”
“She finished school, it was just amid running a kingdom and raising us.”
“Yes, and it was hard on her. I don’t want that. I want to be done with school before I have a baby.”
“Understandable. I don’t want to put my mate through that as well. I want her to do what is best for her.”
“Heh. Maybe you’re at least seventy-five percent to being the perfect mate for your future girl. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders.”
“Hardy har har.” I glared at her. “You’re a damned riot today.”
“Watch your mouth, potty face. You’ll corrupt our sweet little sister before she’s even a day old.”
“Sometimes you really annoy me, you know that?” I narrowed my eyes at her, holding back the bulk of the stuff I wanted to say to her.
“Yes, I know this. That’s because I am your twin and I know all your dirty little secrets.” She winked at me then and ran from the room. She was annoying at times, but I did love that moron. I had no other choice really, she was my twin.
After Rika left the room, I looked at Reeselynn once more. I stared at her face, the softness of her cheeks, the soft golden red hair that covered the top of her head. She was perfect in every way.
“You know what, Reeselynn? I don’t think that I would mind being a father. Whenever I meet my mate, we will have a family. When she is ready, of course. I don’t want to rush her or anything.” Still, the idea of holding a baby that was mine, not just my little sister, brought a sense of pride to me that I had never felt before. “You know what else, little sister? I am going to do my best to help take care of you. That way, when I become a daddy, I will know what I need to do. You’re going to be my training baby. And you will be so spoiled by me, yes you will.” I whispered to the little baby in my arms, happy that no one was around to hear me saying those words. They were a little embarrassing.