Chapter 1144 - 1144 Chapter 129- Trinity – The Barrier (VOLUME 6)
Chapter 1144 - 1144 Chapter 129- Trinity – The Barrier (VOLUME 6)
1144 Chapter 129- Trinity – The Barrier (VOLUME 6)
After leaving the baby with Reagan, and giving instructions on what and how much to feed her, Reece and I left the castle with everyone that was going to be helping us erect the barrier. We needed to protect everyone that was in Colorado Springs and Trinity Falls.
We knew that it would be a little too hard to put the barrier around the entire city. Not that it was too large of a space, but that it would be hard to work with the humans all around us. So, we decided to go a little further away from town, in the empty space that was outside the city. The more in the middle of nowhere that we were, the less likely we were to be stopped by the humans and having them ask what it was that we were doing.
I went with Director Glick, Dolan, and Dayton, they were there to monitor what was happening. Reece went with Athair mòr and Aunt Glory, keeping them safe even though they were both powerful in their own right. The rest spread out in groups of twos and threes until we were able to form a rough circle around the two cities in question. We would keep all these people safe, no matter what was to happen.
I started the barrier. As the one that was going to be the main user of the alert tool, I had to be the one to pour the most magic into it. Not only that, but I had more magic than most of them, so I was going to be pouring the most into it.
They all knew the process and would start when they noticed my magic spreading around the perimeter. I was using them as markers as to where to send the magic into the distance. That was why they had spread out the way that they had.
I didn’t need to chant anything, I just needed to imagine what I was wanting to do. Most of my magic had improved over the last twenty years, and it was a lot easier to cast now than it had been in the beginning. I poured the magic into the line that the others had formed and instantly felt it starting to spread out.
I could see the line in my mind. The map that I was making with the magic. It was forming like a picture drawn on paper. My mind’s eye was following it so perfectly. I felt the moment that I got to Reece, Aunt Glory, and Athair mòr. Their presence felt so strong and powerful to me. I knew the moment that I reached them and started to draw the line to the next set of magic users.
It took me perhaps ten minutes. A long time in the grand scheme of things, but not too long when you think about how far the magic needed to spread. Soon enough though, I was sensing myself with my magic, coming back up on where I started and closing the circle that I formed around the entire perimeter.
Now that the basic line of the barrier was in place, it was time for the others to get to work. Director Glick, having his phone on a conference call with the others, was waiting for my signal. He was going to tell them when it was time to begin.
“Now.” I told him the moment that the magic connected to itself, forming the circle.
“Trinity says it’s time.” He spoke into the phone, telling the others to begin.
I sensed the moment that they all started to pour their magic into the barrier. I could tell that they were adding their own brand of magic to the perimeter. It started to tingle and shimmer, but only faintly. It wasn’t enough for Dolan and Director Glick to see it, but I was sure that Dayton, with his heightened senses, could see that soft shimmer that meant that magic was in the air.
It took even longer for the others to put their magic into the barrier and fill it with the spell that I had taught them. They needed to weave it perfectly with the base that I had already put forth. This part took at least thirty minutes of just standing there and waiting for the magic to be filled.
Finally, after they had finished their task, it was time for me to do one more thing. I had to tie it all off, to bind the magic together and close the circle. I thought about the way that I wanted to be notified. I had a gold coin in my pocket, something that I would not spend, that actually had no monetary value. It was a trinket I had gotten years before, and it was perfect to use for this purpose. I bound that coin to the magic in the barrier. I made sure that the moment that Orson crossed into the city at any point, I would be alerted right away. And not only that, but I would know instantly where he was. This was my little trick that I was adding to the whole thing.
All in all, it took nearly an hour for the whole barrier to be set into place. When it was done, there was a faint, yet audible, sound of completion. It sounded something like ‘Schlink’. A partially metallic sound of something falling into place. I didn’t know how else to describe it.
“Is that it?” Director Glick asked. He had heard the sound too, so he knew that it had finished.
“Yes. The barrier is finished.” I told him calmly, but I was starting to feel tired.
“And it won’t stop people from coming and going?” He asked, looking around and not seeing the barrier at all.
“No, it won’t stop people. It isn’t a solid or physical barrier. You can test it out if you want.”
“I can’t even see it.” He said, admitting that there was a problem with testing it.
“I know, but walk five feet to your left and you will be past the barrier.” I told him, pointing in that direction.
“Alright.” He nodded and took the steps that I indicated. He wasn’t stopped or hindered at all. “I couldn’t even feel the barrier. So, I guess that you’re right. It won’t stop people at all.”
“As I had said before. It will not stop anyone, just think of it as a giant alarm system. And it’s set to only go off when Orson comes into the city.”
“Well, I have no reason to doubt you now, do I?” He grinned as he said that. “You’re quite special, Trinity Gray.”
“I am a lot of things, Director Glick, and right now what I am is exhausted.”
“I don’t blame you. After hearing that you just delivered that baby this morning and you’re already out here erecting these magical barriers. You are making me tired just thinking about it.” He shook his head. “Let’s get that husband of yours over here and we can get you home.”
“I am already here.” Reece said as he ran up to me. “I can sense how tired you are, Little Bunny. You need some rest.”
“I know.” I smiled up at him. “I put a lot into that barrier. I need to get home, feed the baby, and then go take a nap.”
“Yes, let’s do that.” Reece swung me up into his arms. “Come on now, sweetheart. I will carry you. Open a door, we will head home right now.” I did as he said, allowing all the others that were nearby to take the door with us. We ended up in the living room of the Royal Tower. I knew that this would result in the NSA being in my home, but I didn’t care. I needed some sleep. And Dolan had been there the night before, so there was no reason not to take them now.
“Mom?” Reagan was sitting in the living room, Reeselynn in his arms. “Are you OK? You look so tired.”
“I am tired.” I smiled at him and the baby. “I used a lot of magic today. I want to take a nap, but I will feed the baby first. Did she eat while I was gone?”
“No, I was just about to feed her, actually.”
“That’s good. It means that I can nurse her.” I smiled at the little baby. “Come here, Reeselynn.” Reagan handed her over.
“She was good, she didn’t cry at all while you were away.”
“That means that she felt safe with her big brother.” I leaned away from Reece a little, still in his arms, and hugged my son. I didn’t do this often enough, I forgot how much I liked hugging him.
“I am glad that she is already comfortable with me.” He smiled down at the baby and I knew that he was happy that she was here. “Go get some sleep, Mom. We will be fine down here for the time being.”
“Thank you, Reagan.” He kissed my cheek before Reece carried me away. He was a good boy. I was so very proud of him.
I let Reece carry me to our room. He took the stairs rather than a magical door so that he could spend that much more time carrying me. He was carrying me and the baby at the same time, so it was even more special for him.
“Here we are.” He said as he set me on the bed that we shared, the one where the baby was born not even twelve hours ago yet. To think about how much had happened in the last several hours. By the time that I was finished feeding the baby and drifting off to sleep, that was about when I was going to hit the twelve hour mark since delivering the baby. It had already been a long and exhausting day, but I was happy with all that had happened so far. We had accomplished a lot, and we would do more after I took a nap.
I laid in the bed with the baby, propping her up on a feeding pillow and nursing her so that she was no longer hungry. She was already a good eater. Latching was already perfect for her. That was good, it meant that she was going to get all the nourishment that she needed.
“I can’t believe how easily it all comes back.” Reece said as he laid with his arm wrapped around me. Cradling me while I cradled the baby.
“What are you talking about?” I asked him with a note of curiosity.
“How much we forget after they aren’t babies anymore. And then how quickly it comes back after the next one is born.”
“Yeah, it’s a little funny, isn’t it? I am glad though. I would know how to take care of our babies no matter what happens.”
“I know.” He nodded at me. “And I will be able to do the same. It’s just surreal.” He pulled me closer against his chest as he spoke. “I like how our family has grown over the years, Trinity. It’s practically perfect.”
“I think that it is perfect.” I told him. “I love all the kids, but I think, at least for a long time, Reeselynn will be the last to join the family. We need to focus on the family that we have now. And the futures that they are building for themselves.”
“Yes, that’s fine. We’re immortal after all. We can have another one in a hundred years. There is no reason to rush things.” He didn’t laugh at all. He was serious. And that was just another reason that I loved him so much.
I don’t remember when I started to drift off to sleep. I just remember Reece taking the baby from my arms, setting her in the bassinet, and then climbing back into the bed with me. He was snuggling close, ready to take a nap with me. That also made me happy. I loved when he held me while I slept.