Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1145 - 1145 Chapter 130- Reece – Scouting for Trouble (VOLUME 6)

Chapter 1145 - 1145 Chapter 130- Reece – Scouting for Trouble (VOLUME 6)

1145 Chapter 130- Reece – Scouting for Trouble (VOLUME 6)




A lot had happened lately. The attack at the stadium, the meeting after, Trinity going into labor and me delivering Reeselynn, putting a barrier around Colorado Springs and Trinity Falls. So much had been going on, and so much more was to come. I knew that my Little Bunny needed to rest, but she was pushing through.

She had taken her naps when she desperately needed them, that was for sure. Like the day that she put the barrier up. That was three days ago now, and she had gathered her strength back already. She bounced back after having Reeselynn way quicker than with any of the others. Probably because there was so much that needed to be done. We were too busy for her to take time off.

The barrier was up though, and we were actively looking for the man that was causing us all this trouble. The NSA, the FBI, and all of our people were looking for that man. And we would find him soon. He wouldn’t be able to hide from us much longer.

We had scouts out in as many areas as we could get them to. We knew that Orson was here in the States. He hadn’t left to go somewhere else, because we were his end goal. He wanted to attack us, to kill us. He wouldn’t leave for that.

Not to mention, every airport in the country had been put on alert for him. They had his photo and anything coming through their system with his face on it would flag a national alert. He would be treated like the highest level terrorist that there was. And that is because he was a terrorist. He was a domestic terrorist that wanted to kill as many people as possible. And if he ever managed to kill them here, he would set his sights on those in other nations.

At the current moment, I was trying to figure out how to make my mate, my Little Bunny, take some time off. We would find Orson, we would stop him, and we would make sure that no one else got hurt.


“Trinity, sweetheart, Little Bunny, you need your rest. Your body has been through a lot.” I was pleading with her as she fed the baby in her office. She had spent a lot of time in her office since the baby was born. There was even a bassinet in there now.

“Reece, I will take time off when this is all over. I can’t afford to leave now. I have to be there for my people, my family, and for Reeselynn. I know that doesn’t sound right to you, but if I don’t see this through to the end, then there might not be a future for any of us, including Reeselynn. I need to do this Reece. And my body is just fine.”

“You’re tired.” I ran both of my hands through my hair as I argued with her.

“Not anymore. I am good now. I was tired the first day, but I used a lot of magic and delivered a baby. Now though, I have taken plenty of naps and I have Reeselynn here to keep me energized. Don’t worry, Reece. I am not tired anymore.” She was shuffling through the papers on her desk as she spoke. “What are the scouts looking into now?” She knew who we had in the field, but their work was ever changing depending on where they were.


“I have most of them looking into the black markets that Glick told us about.” The NSA Director that had come to stay with us recently was being very helpful. He had a lot of resources, so with his help along with Rawlynne and Jackson’s help, we were able to find out a lot more than we had before.

“Have they found out anything yet?”

“Some have seen him, but most turned him away. It’s not easy to procure tanks and things like that. So, the smaller operations are not even taking him seriously.” I told her, remembering what it was that was reported to me that morning. It was why I had come to her office to see her in the first place. It’s just that when I saw her in here, working with the baby right next to her, I felt a pang of regret. I wished that things weren’t like this right now, that my mate and baby were resting upstairs in the bed or the living room, not working here in the office.

“So, there is no new information.” She said as she looked over the paperwork that she had.

“Yes, and no. We know some of the people that he has gone to see. So, we can partially track where he has been. He isn’t that far from here though, and that is what worries me. He might decide to just make a detour here with whatever it is that he has at the moment. We don’t even know how many people are left in his group. They might be dropping like flies with how frustrated he seems.”

“Frustrated?” Trinity asked in a worried tone.

“Yeah, the scouts say the people that they have talked to about Orson say that he is angry and pissed off. He is upset that he can’t get his hands on the items that he needs. He wants tanks, missiles, and any other heavy artillery that he can get his hands on, but he is failing, repeatedly. If this keeps up, he just might kill his entire army. While that isn’t ideal, it makes for less people that will attack the city.”

“Isn’t ideal?” my Little Bunny’s eyes opened wide then narrowed to slits. “That isn’t the term that I would use, Reece. Not ideal would be them showing up with a few dozen trucks filled with people carrying rifles and homemade bombs. Orson killing his entire army in a fit of rage is a catastrophe.”

“I know, Trinity. I know. I didn’t mean it that way. I was just saying, it would be easier in the long run if he did kill them. It saves us the hassle.”

“We won’t be killing the humans, Reece. Not unless we absolutely have to. We will be arresting them and sending them to prison where they belong.”

“Yes, I know.” I hung my head in shame. My Little Bunny had that ability, to make me regret what I said in an instant. “I didn’t mean it the way that it sounded. I am sorry.”

“I know that you are. You’re just tense and upset because you think that I am pushing myself. I am not though. I am just fine, Reece. I promise you.”

“I hope so.” I looked at her worriedly. I didn’t want anything bad to happen to her. I wouldn’t be able to handle that.

“I am fine, Reece. What we need to worry about, and to focus on right now, is Orson and when he is going to arrive. We need to stop him. I need to stop him.”

Ahh, here it comes again. I knew that this was going to get me in trouble again, but I didn’t care. I was going to say it again, even if I knew that I already smelled her anger frothing up from this argument once again.

“Trinity, sweetheart, Little Bunny, you need to stay here. If and when Orson shows up, you need to stay here with Reeselynn and the kids. I need you here, safe and sound.” I was telling her this once again, but I knew that she was not going to listen to me.

“Reece.” Her voice was already deepening. She was not happy with me.

“Trinity!” I countered, letting her know that I wasn’t happy either.

“We have been through this before, Reece. Not just now but in the past as well. I am the Queen. I am the leader of my people. And I will be the one that fights on their behalf. I don’t send people to battle without fighting at their side. I am not going to sit out this time. Besides, I am a shifter, Witch, and a Fae, what can a human do to me?” I couldn’t believe what she was saying to me.

“What can a human do?” I asked her, remembering all the dead super naturals from last year. “Do you not remember all the murders that the Jaegan committed? How many of our people were killed by humans?”

“They weren’t normal humans. They were enhanced by the blood of ancient beings. They had an advantage. And they were able to use runes. Trust me when I tell you this, Reece, Agent Harrison Orson of the NSA cannot use runes and he is not at all enhanced by an ancient being. He is human through and through.”

“And you know that you can guarantee that statement? How is that?”

“He wasn’t enhanced before, and he hates anything not human so much, that he wouldn’t ask them for help now. Trust me, Reece, he is as human as it gets.” She looked back at her desk and at the papers that were waiting for her there. “I will be fine, Reece, and I will be joining in the battle.”

“What if he launches a nuke? Huh? Can you survive that?” I countered with the only argument that I had left in me.

“Well, Reece, if the madman drops a nuke on the city, then none of us are likely to survive, so it wouldn’t matter if I died at your side or at home. So, no matter what happens, I am going to be there. I will fight that man, bring an end to his delusional reign of terror, and bring peace to the world once more. It might not be the world peace that we all dream of, but I can hope for something that is better than it has been.” She didn’t even have the decency to give me this part of the argument. How was I supposed to win against her?

“Trinity Faith Gray, I forbid you from coming to the fight. I forbid you from putting yourself in danger that way.”

I knew that I had fucked up the moment that the words were out of my mouth. I knew it, and yet I wasn’t able to stop myself. I was just too worried about her, and I wanted her to stay here, to be safe. I didn’t mean to shove my foot in my mouth up to my knee.

I could see the anger that was rising in my Little Bunny. She was standing as it rose, as if the anger was what pushed her into a standing position and it alone was supporting her. Though it was more than strong enough to hold her up at the moment.

“What did you say to me?” She spoke through her clenched teeth and lips that barely moved.

“I didn’t mean it, Little Bunny. I swear.” I tried to back pedal, but it was too late.

“It sounded to me like you were forbidding me from doing something.” Her blue eyes sharpened into daggers as she pierced me with them. “Reece Emerson Gray, you know damned well that it is not going to work when you forbid me from doing something. I will be there to fight that man. I will be there to put an end to this war. These are my people. They need me. And I will see it through. I will do what I need to do, and you know damned well that forbidding me to do it will only result in pissing me off.”

“I know, sweetheart, I know. And I am sorry. I didn’t mean it. I know that you want to be there, that you feel the need to be there. But can’t you see it from my point of view, sweetheart? I want to protect you. I need to protect you. And I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I understand that, Reece. I really do. But I will be there. I will end this fight. And I will not get hurt. If you want to protect me, then do it there, wherever that might be. Protect me in real time, don’t try to hide me away.”

“Hahh.” I sighed, a little too loudly and dramatically. I was trying my best to dispel the tension that had filled the room. “Alright. Fine. I will protect you there, on the field. And I will make sure that nothing happens to you at all. I can’t lose you, baby. I just can’t.”

“And you won’t, Reece. I promise you. I will be fine, you will be fine. Well all will make it home safe and sound.”

“We’d better. If we don’t, then I will call you a liar for the rest of time.” I pretended to scoff at her.

“I think that you need to be the one scouting for trouble. Here. In this very room.” She laughed at me. “You’re dangerously close to getting in trouble.” The laughter told me that it was all good, that she was ready to move beyond this, as long as I didn’t bring it up again.

Dammit! She always won.

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