Chapter 1162: Chapter 147- Trinity – The News (VOLUME 6)
Chapter 1162: Chapter 147- Trinity – The News (VOLUME 6)
The 'not quite a party' party lasted until late at night. It was the weekend though, so I didn't care. The kids didn't have school, most people, aside from guards, didn't have work. And we were able to just sit around and do nothing in the morning. I was sure that the bulk of the issues following the incident at the stadium would come on Monday morning, when the week actually started for people.
My plan was to just sit around the tower and pretend that the world didn't exist. I was going to let Vincent, Shawn, Dietrich, Shane, David, and Gabriel take most of the day off as well. They didn't need to come and protect me when I was just sitting around and vegging out with the kids.
They showed up though. Not quite as early as they usually did, but they were still there by eight in the morning. I was awake of course, because Reeselynn was up every couple of hours to be fed. And I was sitting in the living room with Reece when they came in.
"Are we heading to the office then?" Gabriel asked as he looked at me. I was dressed, but not for work.
"What are you talking about?" I clearly showed him how confused I was by the comment.
"There is a lot to discuss, Queen Trinity, I am sure that you want to stay on top of these things. And you want to be prepared when Odin comes to see you again, don't you?" I had nearly forgotten that he had said he would come to see me soon. I didn't want to let him catch me being a slob in my living room, not that there was anything wrong with that, it just wasn't all that Goddess-like.
"Alright." I sighed and got to my feet. "We can head down there, but I am bringing the baby."
"We figured." Shawn said with a smile. "Her bassinet is still down there."
"Is it now?" I smiled at him. They were always so prepared when it came to things for me and the kids. Like the incident with the blanket the other day. They had known me so well that they were ready for it. Then again, they had had to do similar things in the past, so they probably just planned ahead because of that.
"Let's go." Shane was smiling, but he seemed to be a little more somber and serious then he usually was. I wasn't sure how I felt about that.
The lights were on and there was a fire roaring when we entered the office. They had gotten things ready for me in advance. That was why they had been a little late when they came into the living room earlier. It made me smile, knowing that they were always thinking about me. I was their Queen, but it was more than that. They were family to me, brothers.
"Alright, so we have some things to worry about." I said as I nodded at them all. They were sitting in their chairs and facing me. "The first is the incident from yesterday. We know that it didn't go as well as it could have. And we might be facing backlash because of the disastrous ending."
"You know what, Trinity," Shane shook his head at my words, "it's that right there that made us bring you here today. You seem to think that it was a giant failure. That everything ended so horribly." He sighed loudly but with a smile, so I knew that it was all for show. "Hahh. You know that yesterday was actually a huge victory for you, right? You did everything right.
You saved the humans that had been fighting. You saved the humans that had been trying to kill everyone else. And you tried to save that Orson asshole. You did nothing wrong, and the world saw all of that."
"Orson still died though. And I know that there will be people that blame me for that."
"Not really." Vincent said as he pulled out a laptop. "You know that creep, Jeffrey Packard, the one that had Orson on his show multiple times?"
"Yeah." I nodded my head at him, not sure I wanted to know what Packard was saying about me murdering Orson.
"Well, he has gone to radio silence. He hasn't posted a single video about what happened, even though you know that he saw it. Now, he might have been arrested as part of the DOE, but if he wasn't, then you even managed to convince him that you're not a monster."
"Well, that is just one person, not the world." I pointed it out to him. "And he was probably arrested, as you said."
"Maybe." Shawn said as he continued the dialogue. "But I am going to guess that you haven't seen the news." He pulled out the remote for the screen that was across from me, the one that Vincent's computer was connected to wirelessly. "There are a lot of people buzzing about what happened."
"Yeah, I gathered as much. And I am sure that it is mostly-."
"Positive." David interrupted me. "They are not against you, Trinity. Most of the people out there know that you did everything that you could to save the humans yesterday. All the humans. There is also a lot of buzz about Odin, and how you're so powerful that you stopped a God."
"Th..they're not scared of me?" I asked him, not sure if I should believe what I was hearing.
"No, the majority of the humans are raving about you. Even the sites that used to post nothing but hate speech. They have deleted all their old posts and have been non-stop talking about the amazing Trinity Gray and how she was a savior to the human race."
"B..but why? They hated me so much before, and now they are acting like they were the ones that were personally saved."
"They saw the truth, Trinity. That is all that matters." Dietrich's calming voice filled the room as he smiled at me. "I know how you feel, as a vampire there have been a lot of people that have turned against me for no reason. And it feels good to have them support you when they learn the truth and see the error of their ways."
"I just don't understand it." I shook my head. "I was prepared for massive hate and more riots. I was prepared for things to get even worse before we were able to see any sort of peace."
"I know, Trinity, I think that we were all thinking that it would get worse before it got better. However, that didn't happen." Reece was sliding his chair next to mine, putting his hand over mine and squeezing with gentle pressure.
"Are you all sure, though? That the news is mostly positive?"
"See for yourself." Vincent smiled as he clicked a link that he had prepared.
The screen was suddenly filled with a group of news anchors that were sitting in a half circle. Not all of them were usually on this station, or even on an actual news show though. There was Kelsey and Wayne that interviewed us for that episode of Good Morning America. There was Lara and Dalton.
And lastly there were Harrington Lewis and Nicholas Fuller, both from that day of the bombing at the stadium. Fuller had been particularly against me that day.
"Well now, I am sure that you can all agree that there was a lot of excitement today." Kelsey said with a smile. This was a show that hadn't been officially recorded in the studio. It had gone straight online, possibly as a live broadcast last night.
"Definitely." Wayne was smiling happily. "I had always known that Trinity Gray was an amazing woman, but she went above and beyond today. What say all of you?"
"I agree. Trinity Gray is a kind soul that seems to want to help everyone." Dalton was smiling giddily.
"You know that I am already a supporter of the Grays. They have proven themselves to me. I was skeptical in the beginning, but they were forthcoming with the truth for me." Lara added.
"I believe that you want to know about us then." Harrington Lewis spoke next. "I told Trinity Gray the last time that I spoke to her that I had never been against them, but I wasn't an avid supporter either. I am not going to become one of those over the top fans that they have, but I will never again doubt their intentions. From what I saw today, Trinity Gray is an asset to this world.
We're lucky to have her."
"Even I have to agree." Nicholas Fuller smiled. "Unlike you, Lewis, I was against them. I thought that they were monsters and animals, but that just can't be true. The way that they showed their position to the world, the way that Trinity Gray saved all those people, no monster would do that. Not even for show. And those were real tears that she cried when she wasn't able to save Orson.
And I mean, come on, that man was trying to kill them all. If anyone there deserved to die, it was him. Not that I am saying that anyone did deserve to die. I just mean that Trinity Gray did amazingly well, and I will be the first to admit that I was wrong. Trinity, if you ever see this, know that I am truly sorry for all that I said to you and about you. I was so very wrong."
The show continued in a similar manner for a while, the various reporters and hosts talking about what had happened and the 'amazing' feats of the day. They were all quite surprised by the appearance of Odin. And they were wondering how so many people had been duped and controlled by someone like Orson. They just didn't understand his appeal.
I guess that was normal though, they hadn't seen the charisma that he likely had when he was talking to the people that followed him.
"I..I just can't believe this." I shook my head and looked at the guys. "Th..they are seriously praising me? Even people like Lewis?"
"Yes, Trinity, they are. They saw what happened and they know that you weren't lying. They are starting to trust us more." Vincent's smile said as much as his words did.
"This isn't to say that there won't be any more issues at all, but at least this is a start. We can worry less about how things are going right now." Dietrich wanted me to be happy, but not to stop being on guard altogether.
"Yes, I understand." I finally let myself smile and started to settle down. The moment that I did, Reeselynn gurgled and cooed a little, a sound that made me even happier that I had been just a moment before.