Chapter 1163: Chapter 148- Reece – More Support (VOLUME 6)
Chapter 1163: Chapter 148- Reece – More Support (VOLUME 6)
The news that we had seen the day after the incident was just the beginning. All throughout that day and into Monday morning, we watched almost nothing but people raving about what had happened while we were at the stadium. These reports were coming from both sides of the spectrum.
Those that had already been diehard fans of ours were now practically beside themselves with excitement because they were happy with the developments. They thought that Trinity was the greatest thing in the world for what she had done.
"Did you see what Queen Trinity did? Did any of you pay attention to what that all meant?" One of the supporters was raving on his website that had quite a following. His name was Chase and he was happily trying to share everything that was positive about us.
"Well, I saw what she did." He excitedly continued. "She was determined that all the humans were to make it out alive. She protected her enemies from the DOE and from Odin. From a literal GOD!" He was practically shaking with pent up excitement in the video that we were watching.
"This means that Trinity, in her plight to save us humans, was stronger than Odin, the KING OF THE GODS!" He kept raising his voice with his heightened emotions. "This was EPIC!"
I couldn't help but smile as I looked at Trinity watching the show. She was once again holding Reeselynn, like she was her security blanket after the incident the other day. "And the fact that Trinity is trying so hard to make sure that we don't get hurt. That the humans are safe and protected. I mean, that says a lot in my opinion."
The video, which was basically a testimonial for all things that used to go bump in the night, Chase's video love letter to us, Trinity and I turned on another video that was brought to us. This was from that man, Jeffrey Packard. The one that had interviewed Orson multiple times before. And the contents of the video were beyond my imagination.
"Brothers and sisters, believers and skeptics, I need your attention." He started the video like he was about to preach to the viewers. I wasn't interested in watching something like that, but I needed to know what he had to say. What his response was here.
"The other day, on Friday the nineth of March, something happened that blew my mind. There are no other words for that. Me, one of the biggest opponents to Trinity Gray and her people that are not human, was turned away from the dark side. Yes, I say that it was the dark side. We were all wrong. We were so woefully misinformed about this topic that we just didn't know how to approach it."
"Hmm." I heard Shawn's voice of surprise when he heard the man's words.
"I used to preach that we should hate these beings. That we should get rid of them. I was partially guided to that stance by the man known as the Colonel, Harrison Orson. He was the biggest naysayer that was out there, and he affected a lot of us. Now though, I see that he was wrong. Trinity Gray and her people have been here for millennia.
They have the support of the Gods. The actual Gods! How can we mere humans oppose their existence when they have the backing of the celestial beings?"
"He has a point." Vincent nodded as he too listened to the man's words.
"We all saw what happened the other day, when Odin came down from the heavens and did what he could to stop the fight from escalating. And then Trinity was stronger than him. I don't know if it will ever happen, but Trinity Gray might become the Queen of the Gods eventually, and that is not someone that I want to be on the wrong side of. Nope, nuh uh, not me.
I want you all to know that we need to accept them, to understand them, and to assimilate to a world with them in it. I mean, they've always been there, we just didn't know about them. So, Trinity Gray, if you're watching this, I am sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I am truly very sorry. I want you all to know that I will help you in whatever way I can.
And might I suggest some better ways of understanding for us humans. There is just way too much that we do not know about you."
"Well, that is true, but that is because we stayed hidden for so long." Trinity shrugged. "I think that he is right though. We do need to tell the humans more about us. We need to help them to understand what we are all about. That will only help things in the end."
"What do you think that we should do?" I asked her. "Hold conventions? Have meetings? I don't know how to make them understand more about us."
"Well, those are options. However, I think that we can do more. Especially for the younger generations. We can work with universities around the world to offer classes on super natural beings. We can start here in the city, but we can move on to having more at other locations as time moves on. I know that we have a lot of people in our community here that will be right for the job.
And it might become a popular course among the students. We can offer it as free, so that no one has to pay for it. It will be something that we provide as a service. And we can offer classes at community centers as well." She already seemed to have an entire plan mapped out here.
"We can't spare that many people. To offer these courses all over the country and the world." Dietrich looked at Trinity with worry. "We can't force people to teach these classes."
"I am sure that we will get some volunteers for some of them. However, I think that you are right. We won't have enough people. We can offer classes to other educators and help them to teach them. The curriculum could be written by us, but we need time to work on it before we offer that option."
"Alright." I nodded in agreement as I watched Gabriel taking notes at the desk beside my Little Bunny's. "So first thing that we need to do is get someone that is willing to help us write the curriculum."
"I will take care of that, Reece." Gabriel smiled at me. "I have the information that they will need to use. And I am sure that I know the right person to start with this class. I will work on this over the next few days and get back to you soon."
"Alright. I will leave that to you, Gabriel." Trinity nodded at him.
"I know that there is a lot of positive news lately," Shawn started as he turned to face the rest of us, "but it isn't all over yet."
"I know that." I nodded at his words. "Not everyone is willing to take them at their words, or to let the proof speak to them. There will always be people that hate us, no matter what we do. That is life, though. It has been human nature since the beginning of time and, unfortunately, there is nothing that we can do to change that.
Over time, hopefully, people will understand that we do not mean them harm and stop fearing and hating us."
"Well said, Reece." Dietrich clapped me on the shoulder. "He is right, Liebling. We cannot change the way that people are. Even our people can be born and raised in hate, they do things that aren't right and perpetuate these issues generation after generation. I mean, need I remind us all about the Hidden Paw?" He mentioned Star and Artem's pack.
They had one of the most heinous traditions I had ever seen, and it was all started because of Edmond when he was alive. They worked it out though, and they ended the entire cycle of abuse. It wasn't easy, and it took them the better part of a decade to fully erase the trauma that had been caused there. Still, they are doing well now.
"I know that there are still going to be pockets of hate around the world. We all know that." I could hear the somber tone in my voice and wanted to get rid of it. I needed to make sure that they knew I wasn't upset here. I was just trying to sound serious. "We can't eliminate all hate, no matter how hard we try.
All we can do is respond to each incident in kind, and strive for a better tomorrow with each given day. My main focus here right now, is to see an improvement compared to how things were. If we do not have to fear the humans and their bombs, then we will be able to breathe easier."
"You're right." Trinity took my hand and squeezed it gently, still cradling the baby in her arms. "We just need to improve little by little. As long as we are to start moving on and living in peace, or mostly in peace, then we can consider this a win for us."
"Exactly." I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles. "We just want to see things getting better, and I am sure that they are already moving in that direction."
For the remainder of the meeting, we talked about what we were going to do in the next couple of days. We were all still focused on what had just happened. We knew that we needed to move on, we all wanted to move on, but it was a slow process. We needed to make sure that the humans were ready for that as well.
We were going to talk to the universities and the local community. We wanted to host events that helped people to understand us. We were going to host an official super natural convention where we planned to explain the real truth. The guards that we had there, along with Rowan and Ilana, told us about the errors that they had in their lore and legends.
The first step to a harmonious future was understanding. We should have started there back in December, but we weren't focusing on that at the time. Now we were. Now we were ready to educate as well as protect. With any luck, we would have a better future than we could have ever hoped for.
And we wouldn't have to worry about the twins, or even Talia when the fall came and they were all off at the university.