Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1167: Chapter 152- Trinity – A Visit from Odin Part 3 (VOLUME 6)

Chapter 1167: Chapter 152- Trinity – A Visit from Odin Part 3 (VOLUME 6)




"Wait a minute Odin, did you call them here because they are going to be the ones with this ability? Is that what this is all about?" I felt like my eyes were as wide as saucers. I was starting to actually see what he was getting at. And in the process, in the full height of my shock, I had to fight the urge to let my jaw drop open.

"Yes, Trinity, that is exactly why I am here. You see, Reece gained that ability because he was so close to you, a Goddess. Well, at the time you were just a Goddess Incarnate, but you were still linked to the Celestial Realm."

"So, it was me that did that for him?" I tilted my head in confusion. I hadn't changed him though, that had all been him and him alone.

"In a way, yes. You opened that path for him because you were there and wanting him to get stronger. Also, he already knew that he was powerful and in charge. That helped as well." I thought about Odin's words for a moment, trying to process them and fit them all into place in my mind.

This wasn't hard to manage, but it was just a topic that I never thought that I would be discussing with anyone, let alone a God.

"Alright, I get it. He was able to do more because he believed in himself and had a Goddess next to him."

"Yes." Odin's smile told me that he was happy that I had understood. "You are all powerful beings. I have chosen you for this next stage because you have what it takes to do what needs to be done. However, there will be rules and limitations to the methods that you are going to practice from here on out."

"And what are those rules and limitations?" Landon asked calmly.

"And what methods will we be putting into practice? I am still a little confused." Trevor added. I knew that he just wanted a little more information. He knew what Odin was saying, he just needed clarification.

"Well Trevor, you will now be able to make new people that are like you. New bear shifters."

"Really?" His eyes opened wide. "And will I have a sort of were-bear form?" He was sounding a little more excited now.

"Most of you will have some sort of in between form." Odin nodded. "You need something that marks you as being more powerful."

"Alright." Trevor pumped his arm in excitement. It was short lived though, Aunt Glory smacked him on the chest and he sobered up immediately. "Well, that is wonderful." He said a little more calmly, causing Odin to laugh at him and his forced restraint.

"It is something to be excited about, Trevor, there is nothing to be sorry about."

"I wasn't sorry." Trevor smiled. "I just toned it down because my wife thought that I was going to offend you."

"Trevor!" This time Aunt Glory called his name in shock, but that only made Odin laugh more.

"I am here on a goodwill mission. I am not going to get upset. Treat me no differently than you would the rest of your family, alright. There is a connection between us all now. Trinity is one of my subjects, as are a lot of your people. That man there," he pointed at Gabriel, "he harbors the soul of a God as well.

He is one of my people as well as one of Trinity's. We are sharing these followers now. I do not mind that you are acting like yourself. I actually prefer that to the alternative." Odin explained to Trevor as he returned to his seat.

"OK, I think that I get this now." Reece said as he looked at Odin over my head. "You are going to give them all a new ability, and some of them a new form."

"No, they all get new forms. It's just that the others didn't have an alternate form to begin with. So, now they are gaining something that they never had before."

"That is interesting." Reece nodded. "Go on."

"Thank you. Now, you are all here because I want to ascend you. Abraham Malachi, you are one of the rare Sea Dragons, and for the last several years, you have been watching over all of the sea dwellers. Because of that, I want to allow you to become the new God of the sea."

" mean like Poseidon or Neptune?"

"Yes. You see, Neptune wants to be reborn, much like the others that have joined the mortal realm. He has asked that you become the new Sea God in his place. And you, Valerian Undine, I am glad that you came here today as well. I had actually forgotten to mention you when I spoke to Trinity yesterday. You will be receiving Poseidon's soul, if you are willing that is."

"Yes. I will be happy to." Athair mòr nodded and sat up straighter.

"I am happy to ascend as well." Abraham Malachi said with a smile. "I wish to help my people as much as I can."

"Wonderful." Odin smiled. With that, he turned to face Landon and Noir. They were the next that he was going to offer the ascension to. "Landon, you are the current leader to the feline shifters of this world. The others look up to and answer to you.

Because of your connection to those that are in such high positions, Mishipeshu has asked that you take over her position as the Goddess of protection and winter. She is one of the few feline Gods that have been worshiped in this part of the world."

"I..I would be honored." He nodded. "Thank you."

"Noir Steelwing, Garuda has asked that you take his place so that he may also be reborn. Will you accept his position?"

"I will." She nodded, keeping her words clipped and curt.

"Thank you." Odin nodded before turning toward Trevor and Aunt Glory. "Trevor, the Hungarian Goddess, Ildiko, has asked for you personally. She is a Warrior Goddess that has been the symbol that leads the hunt. She believes that you will be perfect for her replacement."

"I accept." Trevor was, thankfully, calm and proper as he spoke.

"Thank you." Odin didn't stop for long. He just moved on to the next one. "Gloriana, you have been requested by Freyr, God of fertility, rain, sunlight, life and summer. You have the qualities that he is looking for."

"I humbly accept his offer." She didn't hesitate, she just nodded and agreed instantly. After a quick nod, Odin turned to the next visitor.

"Daciana, you are an amazing magic user, and that is why Del has asked that you take the position for him to be reborn."

"I..I accept." Her eyes were wide, but she didn't hesitate at all.

"Thank you." Odin nodded, this was all happening the way that he wanted. "Now, if you can all rise." Odin stood and looked at them all. "We will begin the ascension."

"Right now?" Trevor looked a little taken aback.

"Yes, young new god to be, we will do it right now. You will not see the Gods that are giving you their souls, but you will sense them."

Without saying another word, Odin raised his hands toward the ceiling, tilted his head back so that his face was raised, and closed his eyes. He was drawing magic toward him to open a connection between the gods and these friends of mine.

I remembered the times that the others had taken a god into their bodies. I had needed to touch the gods to bring them to this realm. Odin was just channeling them with his magic. There was a major difference in our abilities, this was plain for me to see.

As Odin had said, I didn't see the gods that were coming, but I could sense them. Their power and effervescence filled the room to near bursting. It was a calming sort of feeling, but I was used to things like that, most of the others were not.

Lights started to shine next to each of the people that had accepted Odin's offer. Trevor, Aunt Glory, Athair mòr, Daciana, Abraham Malachi, Landon and Noir. I was a little perplexed though. He had asked that Dietrich be here, but he had not spoken to him yet. And he was already calling the Gods here to ascend them. That was a little strange, but maybe he had other plans for Dietrich.

"Open your minds and your hearts." Odin called out to those that were getting a God or Goddess soul. "They are ready to grant you their souls."

There was a bright, almost blinding light that filled the room, but I was used to things like this. I just covered my eyes and tried to make it a little easier for me until it was over. I knew that it wouldn't last long at all.

And sure enough, it was already starting to fade. I knew that the process was over, they had all ascended to the point of being a God or Goddess. And even though I knew that there would be no visible change in them, I still looked. I had to check to see if there was anything that I could see in them that showed me that they were no longer just their normal selves, they had ascended.

There was nothing though, not that it mattered. I was happy for them, and I knew that this meant that there were a lot more possibilities for them. They would be stronger, faster, and more attuned to the world than they had been before.

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