Chapter 1166: Chapter 151- Trinity – A Visit from Odin Part 2 (VOLUME 6)
Chapter 1166: Chapter 151- Trinity – A Visit from Odin Part 2 (VOLUME 6)
Noon the next day rolled around all too soon. I had opened doors for Abraham Malachi, Noir, Trevor, Aunt Glory, Athair mòr, and Daciana. Landon and Dietrich were, of course, both local to the area. After the ones that Odin had called upon were in my office, waiting for his arrival, things seemed to get a little tense.
"Did he say what he wanted?" Trevor asked for the hundredth time as I sipped the juice that I had been given. I was still staying away from caffeine because I was breastfeeding. Reece and the others were drinking coffee though, and I was looking at it longingly. At least I had the cookies that Abigail had made for us.
"He didn't say. He just said that he needed to meet with us all here today. He specifically chose you, so this has to be important." I reached for another cookie, happy to have a metabolism that would allow me to eat the entire plate of them and not feel guilty about it.
"It's just a little nerve wracking." Shawn leaned in toward Dietrich as he said this, feeling a little uneasy about why Odin would need to see these specific people, these leaders of their kinds.
"It might be, Liebling, but we cannot assume that it is going to be a negative thing. With all that has happened lately, I like to think that this visit is going to be one that we are all happy with."
"Sometimes you're just too much of an optimist." Reece laughed at Dietrich, but he wasn't feeling worried either. He, like me, thought that this was going to be a good visit. So, I guess that he and I were both being optimists here as well.
"I prefer that to the alternative." Athair mòr joked as he hugged Daciana to his side. "If we were to worry for no reason, then we might make ourselves more miserable. I would rather be positive and think about all that we have accomplished lately."
"Agreed." Aunt Glory said as she got to her feet and stepped lightly around the room. Her movements were so light and airy that it was almost as if she were dancing around on the wind. "Let's all just calm down and-."
"I am here!" Odin interrupted her as he burst through the door. "The moment that you have all waited for is finally here." He grinned and acted like he was the most anticipated visitor in the world.
"Welcome." I gave him a smile and felt Reece's arms snake around me. He suddenly wanted to have me on his lap. That baby.
"Thank you. It is good to be here." He started to pretend like he was on some sort of game show or variety show. It was a little funny, I will admit that.
"Please, Odin, have a seat." I said from my position on Reece's lap. "Would you like a drink or something to eat?"
"That would be nice. I always enjoy the human food that I indulge in when I come to this realm. Last time I was a little too preoccupied for that."
"Of course, and if you would like, you can join us for lunch after this. Abigail is an amazing chef."
"Thank you, I would be happy to join you." He actually looked like he meant that as well. I wonder what he usually did when he was here in this realm. Why was it that the invitation meant so much to him?
He took his seat that he had been offered and the drink that Gabriel had prepared for him. He was also given a plate of desserts that we had prepared in advance. He didn't waste a moment before popping one into his mouth and savoring the flavor of the sweet treat.
"This truly is delicious." He smacked his lips together in an exaggerated motion before taking another sip of his coffee. "And this makes it all that much better. I feel like I have the energy to begin now." He laughed. "I am sure that you are all worried about why I called you here.
I realize that it isn't the easiest thing in the world, getting summoned by a God." He spoke the most like a modern human than any of the other celestial beings that I had ever met before. Probably because he walked among them so much.
"Yes, we are all quite curious." Trevor told him as he held his arms open for Aunt Glory. He, like Reece, wanted to have her in his arms and protected by his own strength.
"Well, this isn't a bad visit, and now that we are getting started, I will call forth the final participant." He motioned toward the door that was still there. "Come now, Selene."
"Selene?" Dietrich and Shawn both said this at the same time, sitting a little taller in their seats.
"Hello to you, Dietrich, and to you as well Shawn." Selene stepped through the door at that moment. She was a vision, that was for sure. Her hair was black as night. Her eyes, shining in the light, were silver. Her complexion was ghostly pale And her dress looked to be woven from black spider silk.
It threaded across her breasts, barely covering her, but then it flowed into a full skirt that trailed after her.
"It is good to see you, Selene." I had not spoken to her in such a long time, it was a little disconcerting to see her here and now.
"Thank you, Trinity. It has been a long time." She walked toward the chair that Odin was in and a new chair materialized before Gabriel had the chance to get one for her. This one was black and spiky, like it was made of many dead things. "And I do not need any refreshments." She stopped me before I could ask.
"Let's move on." Odin interrupted before anyone could say anything else. "Trinity, there is a reason that I needed to talk to you all, and why Selene is here as well."
"I gathered as much." I laughed slightly. "We are all waiting, please proceed."
"As you all know, when Reece ascended long ago, taking on his Lycan form, he gained a certain ability. I am sure that you all know what that ability is."
"Are you referring to the ability to change people into wolves?" I asked him, knowing that was the only ability that came with his Lycan form.
"Yes, that is exactly what I am referring to, Trinity." He smiled at me. "I am happy that you were able to pinpoint what I was referring to so soon."
"Well, there was a lot that happened at that point in time, but that was the only ability that expressly came with that form of his."
"You are correct." Odin rose to his feet and started to pace the room as he looked at me. "Now, do you know why he was able to take that form? Or why he was able to gain that ability?"
"Not really." I shook my head.
"We all have a semi change ability." Noir started to speak, almost thought better of it because she had spoken out of turn, then she continued. I was sure that she was saying, fuck it, the damage is done. "We have been able to shift our hands, our teeth, things like that. Small singular transformations like that.
However, Reece was the first one in a long time that was able to have a true in between form. One that was full beast and human at the same time. The man-beast of Hollywood lore. He, and now his son, are the only ones with that ability. And I am guessing that his son, Reagan, would now have that ability as well."
"You are right, Noir." Odin gave her a gentle smile and wasn't mad about the interruption. "Reagan will have the same power, because he has inherited it from his father. They aren't the only ones that will have an ability like this though. Not for long."
I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I didn't know who he was talking about, who it was that might be able to transform humans into wolves like us. That should be an ability that was reserved for Reece, and now Reagan. It should be something that only those that were in charge could do. We didn't want just anyone being able to make new wolves out of the humans.
They might change them without their consent. And then we would have a whole new issue on our hands.
I started to think about it now. A rogue wolf that was running through the world making new wolves everywhere he went. This might be a wolf with a grudge against me or anyone really. Or maybe they just wanted to target the humans because of the issues that we have had lately.
I was starting to panic, thinking about what it is that might happen to our world, to our people, then it hit me. There was a reason that Odin wanted to have this meeting. And a reason why he wanted to have all these specific people here. These people that were considered leaders among the leaders. They weren't just random shifters and magic users. They were specifically chosen, by Odin and myself.
All of them were part of my inner circle and the people that I dealt with all the time. Well, everyone except for Noir. I knew her, but I wasn't as familiar with her as I could have been. Still, she was a leader, an Alpha. Just like all the others were, in a way.