I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

How unfortunate must I be to have an older brother this foolish.

“Haah……..I feel so depressed…….”

A week had passed since my meeting with Lizbeth, and I was currently dragging my feet slowly as I made my way to the Emperor’s room.

Of course, it was to report that I had indeed succeeded in getting engaged to Lizbeth.

I mean, he was the one who set this all up so I assume he already knows it all, so why do I need to go and report this once again.

……….or that was how I was complaining in my head but, since I personally asked him to find an engagement partner for me, I need to give him my gratitude alongside the report as well.

Resigning myself to it all, I was walking without an attendant……or rather, without Maya, and I was about to turn the corner through the passage when—-



I collided into someone and fell on my back.

It’s my fault for not paying attention but who did I even………Oh.

“Hmm……….to think the “Dirty pig” would show his face here.”

Ah, geez. I really am unlucky today……….

Of all the people, it was the third prince, Robin.

“Brother Robin, a pleasant day to yo–……gh!?!”

As I tried to give curtsey while standing up, a shock ran through my side.

One of Robin’s two attendants had decided to kick me it seems.

Haah……..even though it’s our first time meeting ever since I was poisoned, we’re already back to this?

Or rather, how undisciplined are his attendants? I mean, I still am the fourth prince, you know?

Well, whatever.

To make an example and show that things won’t go as they did in the past, I need to return the favour at least a little.

“……….What’s the meaning of this?”

“Meaning, you ask? Fufun. Looks like the poison also rotted your brain to the level of cattle eh? Hey, don’t you think so too?”

When I glared at them, Robin snorted like a spoilt brat and spoke to his two attendants.

The two attendants of course, also snickered and agreed “It is exactly as you say, my prince!” and “You are as keen as ever, it is impressive!”. Typical sycophants, sucking up to his every word.

Of course this attitude was considered vital to be successful inside the Imperial Palace, but it was still embarrassing to watch.

At least, no matter how much they raise him up on a pedestal, Robin had no great future waiting for him.

What do I mean, you ask?

Well, according to the written history, even though he did end up assassinated by me, in truth, Robin had already been overthrown and was fallen prince already.

About three years from now, under the orders of the Emperor, he would lead a large army under his banner to the northern regions to suppress and subjugate an armed group of a different ethnicity, only to suffer crushing defeat by their hands and would end up running back to save his life while abandoning his subordinates and army.

Because of that, Robin would have his right to succession revoked, and would be given the rank of earl out of pity and get sent to some remote place in the sticks for the rest of his life.

That said, because there could always be people who could use his bloodline to rally a force behind him in the future, I still had him assassinated to avoid any kind of problems in the future.

“You damn pig, how dare you act like this in front of Prince Robin huh!? It is inexcusable! In place of the Prince, I’ll deliver punishment upon you!”

“Gah!? Guhh…….”

One the physically strong attendants, got more and more cocky and started to punch and kick at me even more.

My oh my, I’m still a prince and this is still the Imperial palace you know? If you cause this kind of trouble, it could be the capital punishment………..well, not really though……

That’s how much I had been ignored inside the palace, and no one would bother reporting something like this to anyone.

That’s why, I’d have to personally bring up this complaint to the Emperor but……..haha, this is all so stupid.

It precisely because of that, that he’ll be suffering from a lot of pain in the very near future.

“Owowow……….man, you really punched me hard huh. Now my face is all bruised up though……..”

“Hmph, you look better this way, no? Don’t you think so, Prince Robin?”

“Hahaha, agreed.”

I see. My face, looks better like this eh?

Unfortunately, I am never going to see your face ever again though.

“Well, I hope you guys are done now. But………oh yeah, I will have to properly explain why I was late to my meeting with the Emperor though.”


Too late buddy.

I am going tell this all to him, you know? That it was because of one of Robin’s attendants attacking me, that I was late.

And of course, I had proof right here on my very face itself.

“Wa-wait!? If you meet father like this, do you know what will happen……!?”

“That’s something I’ll think about, after I havetold the Emperor everything. Ah, I hope you’re not thinking of stopping me here, or dragging me away either. I mean, look over there..”

When I pointed to the end of the corridor, a middle aged servant……..the grand chamberlain that always stood beside the Emperor was heading this way.

Well, if I become this late, it was only natural that he’d come to check.

“Prince Rudolf…………?”

“My deepest apologies. I was subjected to this outrageous assault from brother Robin’s servant and could not make it within the promised time.”

I made a deep bow towards the grand chamberlain.

But I knew, that the corners of my mouth were upturned like the crescent moon.

“……..The emperor is waiting. Let us head there with haste.”

“Yes, of course.”


Leaving the pale faced Robin and his two attendants there, I followed after the grand chamberlain and headed to the room where the Emperor awaited.

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