I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Why is SHE here?

“fumu, that certainly sounds like quite the disaster.”

“My humblest and deepest apologies, for arriving so late.”

Hearing the story from the grand chamberlain, the emperor scratched his chin, while I took the knee and bowed my head with utmost sincerity.

Even if it was because of Robin and his lackeys, the fact remained that I was late. So rather than hide behind an excuse, I deemed it better to properly apologize regardless.

But more so than that.

“ufufu………Your majesty, why don’t leave this thing for later, and have some nice tea with me instead?”

…………Why was my mother here right now?

Disregarding the fact that this woman just referred to her own child as [that thing], why the hell is this woman dressed so obscenely in front of her own 14 yr old son, and is still buttering up to the emperor without even a tinge of shame? Utterly disgusting.

“Now, now, just wait a while Beatrice. Once I have listened to all that Rudolf has to say, I’ll soon accompany you wherever you want to go.”

As if he was pacifying his pet cat, the Emperor made a wry smile and gently caressed through my mother’s silver hair making her pout but still step back obediently.

As you’d expect of the Emperor’s favourite concubine, she knows exactly when to quit as well.

Watching it all made me want to puke on the floor though.

“So? Your report was about your successful engagement with the young lady of the Fahlcrantz family, yes?”

“Indeed. Thanks to your consideration, your majesty, I have made a vow to marry Lady Lizbeth. Once again, thank you very much for your help with this matter.”

“Umu, good, good. Be sure to properly treasure this Lizbeth girl okay? Just like I do.”

“Oh myy!!”

The Emperor wrapped his hand around my mother’s waist, making her happily jump back into his arms.

“Well then, I will take my leave.”


I gave another respectful bow, and then left the room.

As I left, I could hear my mother flirtatious voice behind my back………oh?

“Maya? And also……..Lady Lizbeth!?”

“Prince Rudolf, pardon me for a moment.”

“Eh!? WAI–!?”

For some reason, right outside the room, Maya was there and Lizbeth who happened to be with her approached close to me, and then began to pat around my face.

Wait wait wait wait!?! Why and how is Lizbeth here in the Imperial Palace right now!?

“Prince Rudolf, let us quickly return to your room for now. We need to treat your wounds with haste.”


She forcefully pulled on my arm, and just like that I was dragged back to my room by Lizbeth.



“Ow ow……….S-so, why are you here today…….?”

As I underwent the treatment by Lizbeth’s hands inside my room at the Scorpion palace, I cautiously questioned her.

“Well, isn’t that obvious? It is to come and meet my fiancé, Prince Rudolf of course. That aside, I wish to ask you a question as well. How did you end up with such injuries Prince Rudolf?”


Getting questioned that cut straight to the core of the matter, I ended up hesitating over how to reply.

It would be easy to explain Robin’s acts of violence, and if I do so, perhaps she would get disillusioned with me, and maybe even cancel her engagement………yeah, no, I doubt she’d go that far.

Both the Emperor and the Fahlcrantz family have officially agreed to this engagement. Basically, it was a contract between the country and a noble family.

To null the engagement over such a petty manner would harm the pride and dignity of both parties. It was not something that could be so easily done.

And above all………the fact that the fourth prince had been physically hurt by a mere servant would be a serious matter in and of itself.

What I’m saying is, it was my own pitiful self-pride that made me hesitate over telling the truth to her.

Even more so considering she was both my fiancée, as well as my future enemy that would one day assassinate me.

“………Very well. If you do not wish to answer, I will not ask any further.”


Her expression remained as unchanging as always, and she stared at me with her cold gaze.

But……..within her aquamarine eyes, for some reason it felt like I could sense both anger, and sadness………

“There, that should be enough.”

“Th-thank you very much.”

I gave my honest thanks to Lizbeth who went out of her way to treat my injuries.

Speaking of which, she seemed really adept with all this.

“This may come as a little rude perhaps but, umm……..lady lizbeth, are you perhaps used to treating injuries like these?”

“Yes. As you may already know, the Fahlcrantz family is the very symbol of the military might of the Baldyk Empire. To get hurt during training is an everyday matter for our kind.”

“u,ummm………does that include you as well, Lady Lizbeth……..?”

“Of course. Since I was 5 yrs old, I have been trained in the way of the spear day in day out.”

“I-I see……..”

Hmmm……..as expected of the “Lady of Ice” that would one day assassinate me. She was really used to battles huh.

Damn, it seems more and more that I might never win against her you know? What do I do?

“However, to see Prince Rudolf get hurt like this only makes me more and more worried about your safety, as your fiancée of course. And thus, I will make it a habit to come see you everyday from here onwards.”


Ho-hold up a minute!?

Why did it end up like this!?

“Th-there’s no need for that! Today was just a coincidence, that’s all! Right!? Maya!?”

I quickly turned to Maya who was standing beside her for some assistance.

Please! I beg of you, just match my story!!

“Today may have been a coincidence but, we don’t know when you might be faced with a similar problem again. As your personal attendant, I am quite worried as well……..”


Damn you Maya, you dare betray me here of all times!?

“That’s true. Even if a similar problem were to happen again, if I am by your side Prince Rudolf, I wouldn’t let anyone even raise a single hand at you. As I thought, it would be best to come here everyday, and stay beside you for as much time as possible.”

“W-wait, no! I would feel bad for making you put up with all this trouble just for my sake!!”

“What are you even talking about? There is nothing more important in the world than your safety Prince Rudolf.”

Lizbeth put her hand on her chest, and gazed directly at me with her icy eyes.

Even though you’re fated to assassinate me in the future, what are you even talking about!?—is what I wanted to retort but, it seemed like I didn’t have much of choice right here.

“Then, I’ll be in your care I guess………..”

“By all means, leave it all to me.”

With a dignified expression, Lizbeth elegantly curtseyed and in contrast to her, I could only show a wry smile at best.

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