I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Visiting Wife, Lizbeth

Today, Robin’s two servants were promptly executed.

Their offence, of course, the fact that they attacked the fourth prince.

Because of that, Robin was also put in a month long house arrest as punishment for not controlling his servants properly as their master. As for the noble families that these attendants belonged to, of course, they were also destroyed completely.

Even if I was a good-for-nothing bastard, if I were to appear in audience with the Emperor with a swollen face like that, a result like this was only bound to happen.

The fact that they got so cocky that they couldn’t even predict such a scenario, well, I could only call them stupid for that and nothing less.

All that said, the fact remained that such violence against me was normally ignored, and that was how the Imperial palace had always been for me personally.

But even so, I am desperate to find a way to live beyond the ten year time limit that I seem to have as per history. I am not going to just stand there and allow them all to do whatever they want to me.

 From here onwards as well, if someone appears that tries to do something similar to me, I will ruthlessly find a way to eliminate them.

And yet,

“Prince Rudolf, the weather’s fine today once again as well, don’t you think?”

“A, ahahaha………”

Why am I currently having a leisurely walk through the garden alone with the “Lady of Ice”, the woman destined to assassinate me?

Or rather, for my survival, staying as far away as possible from Lizbeth should be the priority and yet, I’m trapped by being engaged to her now as well.

Furthermore, there’s that too, you know?

Both me and Lizbeth, literally just came back from watching the public execution of Robin’s two attendants. I’m shocked by the nerves on this girl to be acting like this already.

But, now that we’re officially engaged, it’s basically impossible to now annul our betrothal.

In that case, I have no choice but to get on best terms possible with her, and make good relations with her as much as possible just so I don’t get assassinated later in the future.

Lovers………forget that, even friends might be too much but, if I can at least get to a level where we can normally greet each other when passing by, surely she wouldn’t think of killing me out of a sense of guilt right? I sure hope so. Please, I beg that to be the case.

As I pondered inside my head like I was praying, outside I smiled to get as favourable of an impression as possible with her.

“By the way……..when we both turn 15, we’ll be officially adults but, umm……..Prince Rudolf, what are your plans when that happens?”

Gazing at me with her aquamarine eyes, Lizbeth questioned me in a monotonous tone.

It would seem, she wants to confirm the life path I wish to take.

In the Baldyk Empire, children of the royalty and the nobility usually take admission into the Imperial Academy that was established by the Emperor from two generations ago.

My three elder brothers all enrolled in here as well, and while Fredric will graduate next year, Oscar and Robin will still be in the academy at that time.

However, enrolling there is not a compulsory requirement.

For example, if the head of a family loses there life in accident, the heir would have no time to be attending school, and even for the royals, there are exceptions where they are required to uphold their duty in case of emergencies.

That said,

“Of course, I plan to get myself enrolled in the Imperial Academy. I have no reason not to after all.”

I shrugged my shoulders and replied to Lizbeth.

As you’d expect, in the current situations, it’d be impossible for the fourth prince of the Empire to simply skip school.

“In that case, we can be together all the time from next year.”

Looking back ahead, Lizbeth muttered words that seemed to lack any kind of emotion.

But, for some reason, I ended up getting a bit curious.

“………..Lady Lizbeth, if I may ask a question?”

“Yes? What is it?”

“Well………I have only heard rumours at best but, from what I understand, you have been quite close with the son of the Duke Svalier house since childhood, right……..?”

Yes……….both the hero Wilhelm and Lizbeth should have some sort of connection at this point already according to the story.

As per the [War Records of Wilhelm] that I read in my previous life, Lizbeth and him met when they were young, and it was memories from that time that would lead to the blossoming of the romance between them in the future, or at least that’s what was written.

To be engaged to me, to spend her day to day life with me, should be quite painful to her I assume.

And yet…….why was Lizbeth beside me today again…….wait!?

“u-ummmm……..Lady Lizbeth……..?”


Since the day I first met her, have I ever seen her so openly show her clear displeasure with a frown? Yeah. I don’t think I have.

Her expression remained unchanged, and while she would often stare at me with these cold eyes of hers, she’s never so openly shown her emotions before……..

“C-could it be, that I brought up something that has possibly offended you……..?”

Not knowing what it was that made Lizbeth angry, I could only talk while flustered.

Just when I thought I was starting to somewhat get along with Lizbeth, I managed to instantly ruin it all in an instant.

“………No, it is in no way your fault Prince Rudolf. However, forgive me but may I ask you to please avoid talking about that thing in front of me if possible?”

“Wha, uh, sure…..”

Uh, uhhh,……..by “that thing” I have to assume that Lizbeth is talking about Wilhelm, right?

But, why did she hate talking about him so much?

Could it be that? Is she perhaps in the middle of fight with him right now?

Or perhaps, maybe our engagement was part of Wilhelm’s plan as well, and she always planned to assassinate me……….Nah, that’s a bit much to be believable.

After all, I am just the fourth prince with no power or backing to my name.

Now more than ever, Lizbeth’s true motives and her relationship with him became more and more confusing to me.

Or rather, there were a bunch of chapters dedicated to Lizbeth in the [War Records of Wilhelm] as well but, these current developments are way too strange.

Could it be that by revealing the frauds of Mrs Tapple and the rest, and then asking for a betrothal of my own, I have severely changed the course of history already…….?

………..no, no, just hold on a minute. It’s way too early to be coming to such conclusions already.

This could just be a small irregularity, and in the grand scheme of things I don’t think my actions have caused such a ripple yet and history may still follow its predetermined path.

In the end, while I was indeed curious, I spent the rest of the day trying my best to improve Lizbeth’s soured mood.

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