I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

I got invited to a birthday party.

3 months after my engagement to Lizbeth had been decided, once again, today I was having a nice tea with Lizbeth in the garden of the Scorpion Palace.

At first my dear fiancée seemed to show no emotion on her face, and would stare at me with a cold gaze making me feel like I was lying on a bed of needles but, now………..yeah, she’s still the same, emotionless as always.

And yet, as you’d expect of the [Lady of Ice] that was so extolled upon in the [War Records of Wilhelm], she was indeed a top class beauty.

Haah………I feel like she’d be a lot cuter if she could at least show a little bit of a smile though…….

“Prince Rudolf, you seem to be somewhat out of sorts but, is something the matter?”

“!?! N-no, well………I was simply deep in thought so………”

“……….is that so.”

That’s not good, now’s not the time to be dazing about.

In these 3 months, even I have somewhat learnt how to discern between Lizbeth’s different moods and, right now she seems to be outing her lips just a little showing that she is sulking a bit.

………now that I properly think about it, until now no one would even interact with, or even when they did, it would be like Robin who only focused on showing his disdain for me. But now, I have both Lizbeth and Maya constantly interacting with me.

Well, those two people being the woman that would assassinate me in the future and someone’s spy ,is, well, how do I say this, very much like me, if I say so myself.

“N-now you seem to be laughing at something? What is it?”

“S-sorry! It’s nothing!”

Lizbeth seemed to be getting more and more pouty with every so I reflexively straightened myself in attention.

Ugh………I should properly concentrate on her for now.

“Th-this sweet is quite delicious as well so please, try tasting it as well.”

In an attempt to fix her mood even if by a little, I put some colourful macaroons and shortcakes on a plate and presented it to Lizbeth.


She seemed to take the plate looking somewhat dissatisfied.

But, seeing her pick a couple and bring it to her mouth, it seemed like her mood did get better after all. Thank god.

“Looks like you’re finally getting used to dealing with Lady Lizbeth as well, eh Prince Rudolf?”

Could you not whisper something like that in my ear right now, Maya?

I’m probably making a very strange expression right now, I’m sure.

“……..by the way, umm……..today, I happen to have a request to make to Prince Rudolf.”

“A request to me, you say…….?”

Seeing Lizbeth speak as if she had resolved herself for something, I ended up bracing myself as well.

I’m sure, her request is probably not something simple.

“Yes. To tell you the truth, a week from now, I happen to my birthday so………”

“Your birthday!?!”

Well, turns out it was not something as crazy as I was expecting but, basically she wants me to celebrate her birthday, right?

What do I do? Could I even arrange a satisfactory present for her in a week’s time……..?

But, considering our betrothal is basically set in stone now, and considering I need to do my utmost to maintain good relations with her, this birthday might actually be a good chance.

That is, of course, if I don’t end up completely messing t all up.

“And so, I would like to have the Prince attend my birthday party, as my fiancé if possible……..”

With upturned eyes, Lizbeth took a peek at my face.

Unlike her usual dignified look, her aquamarine eyes showed a tinge of anxiousness.

But……..I’ll be honest, the gap between her usual cold look and this current look was so big, that my heart started beating fast suddenly.

“um, well, If you are okay with it, I’d be more than happy to.”

“!! Th-thank you so much!”

Lizbeth gave a bow, and her eyes shone with jubilance.

Completely charmed by this Lizbeth, I was also struck with a sense of unease.

Why was she this happy……….?

After all, according to the [War Records of Wilhelm], Lizbeth rejected the advances of Tyrant Rudolf at every step, and never opened her heart to her.

In truth, I almost felt a little pity towards Rudolf who was willing to give her the entire Empire just to receive her love and yet failed.

And yet, the girl in front of me was clearly trying her best to open her heart towards me.

At first, the only impression I got was her cold attitude but, the more I’ve come to know her, I’m starting to realize that she’s just kinda awkward that’s all.

And that only served to perplex me even further.



“Then, I’ll be looking forward to it, a week from now.”

“uh, yes. I’ll be in your care as well.”

As I helped hr up into her carriage, Lizbeth asked and confirmed the promise with me once again.

I could really feel no ill intent from this girl from any of her actions at this point.

Soon, the carriage with Lizbeth in it disappeared into the distance.



“Sorry but, I need to acquire all the items I’m about to tell you right now. Without fail.”

“Understood, my lord.”

Having already guessed my intentions, Maya gave a deep bow.

And thus a week passed, and Lizbeth’s birthday party arrived in a flash.


“A-A pleasure to make your acquaintance……..”

Standing with a daunting pose at the front gate of the Fahlcrantz mansion, I was greeted by Lizbeth’s father, Marquis Douglas Fahlcrantz.

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