I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

The Entry of the History’s Great Hero


“A-A pleasure to make your acquaintance……..”

Standing with a daunting pose at the front gate of the Fahlcrantz mansion, I was greeted by Lizbeth’s father, Marquis Douglas Fahlcrantz.

Okay, I’m scared.

The way’s he’s staring at me, those are the eyes of a man looking at his enemy.

Not to mention, this is the man hailed as the Empire strongest general and feared as the “Obsidian War God” because of his jet black hair, the striking feature of the family that are infamous as the very symbol of the Baldyk empire’s military might. The pressure was on a whole different level.

If I had at least Maya beside me, I’d have some sort of mental support but, coming to a party of my fiancée with another woman beside me wouldn’t be a great look either so…….she’s stayed back home.

All that aside………isn’t it about time, he finally escorted me into the mansion already.

A bunch of other guests have been watching our staring competition from the side with a curious gaze for quite some time now.

Just then,

“Dear, why are you……..Oh my! Prince Rudolf! Thank you so much for coming here today!”

A lady with flaxen hair came to call the Marquis, and then curtseyed as soon as she noticed my presence.

Judging by her looks and face, she was probably Lizbeth’s mother.

“Rudolf Fürst Baldyk. Thank you for inviting me today.”

“I am Lizbeth’s mother, Teresa Fahlcrantz. My deepest honour to finally meet you face to face, your highness.”

Seeing me bow with my hand to my chest, Lady Fahlcrantz curtseyed once again, this time introducing herself.

Until now, I had only attended the parties in the Imperial Palace and even there, I was no more than a wallflower so it was my first time meeting either of the couple.

“Now now, please come inside. My dear daughter Lizbeth has been eagerly waiting for your arrival, my prince.”

“Thank you very much.”

Urged on by the Lady, I stepped into the mansion but……..the Marquis continued to silently glare at me without saying a single word. But it would seem, as far as this family goes, the initiative lay in the hands of the Lady of the house instead.

“Lizbeth! Prince Rudolf has arrived my dear!”

Shouting in a loud voice, Lady Fahlcrantz energetically flung the doors open.

How do I say this, military families really are the lively type huh……..


Seeing Lizbeth in her pale blue dress that matched her eyes, I unconsciously ended up gulping air.

I mean I always knew that she was pretty but, today she’s looking exceptionally beautiful…….

“Prince Rudolf, once again, my deepest thanks for coming here today.”

“Eh? Ah, uh, yes. Likewise, thank you for inviting me today.”

Finally returning to my senses upon her words, I quickly gave a bow in a panic.

“ufufu, until the party starts, you two just relax together okay?”

“Th-thank you very much.”

Lady Fahlcrantz left the room, leaving me and Lizbeth alone together.



Th-this is troubling. What do I even talk about………?


Damnit! We overlapped!

“Ah……..please, you go ahead first, lady Lizbeth.”

“No no, please, you first your highness.”


This is no good. We are going to be stuck like this forever.

I resolved myself, and then spoke up.

“Um, well, Lady lizbeth……..you look, very pretty today……..”

“!?!………that, makes me very happy to hear.”

………..Is the girl in front of me really that Lizbeth?

Her beauty was divine, and while her expression remained unchanging, her cheeks blushed upon my compliments, and seeing her like this, I simply could not imagine this girl ever even thinking of assassinating me.

And above all, she was supposed to be Wilhelm’s partner, is this really okay………?

When that thought crossed my mind, suddenly, I felt a prick in my chest.

“R-right. To celebrate your birthday, I have brought some presents for you as well, Lady Lizbeth.”

As if to try and ignore the pain in my chest, I brought out a small box that I was carrying on me, and handed it over to Lizbeth.

“May I open it now…….?”

“Of course.”


Slowly, Lizbeth opened the box.

“It’s beautiful……..”

Inside the box, was a ring embedded with a gem the same pale blue colour as her eyes.

In the [War Chronicles of Wilhelm], after Lizbeth assassinated me and was about to take her own life,  Wilhelm stopped her and then proposed to her……. with this very ring.

That’s why, in order to avoid that fate, I used the excess of funds left over from revealing Mrs Tapple’s frauds and embezzlement to arrange this ring……….and seeing her aquamarine eyes lovingly admire that ring, my chest began to ache even more.

Why would you look at it with such eyes?

I’m not Wilhelm, I’m just a tyrant.

“Prince Rudolf, thank you very much. Really…….genuinely, this is the greatest gift I have ever received in my life. I mean it.”

She gripped the ring tightly in her hands, and in her own awkward way tried convey her true feelings, her happiness.



“Well, since it is a ring after all, allow me………”

I took Lizbeth’s left hand, and then gently slipped the ring on to her ring finger.

“Does it, suit me…..?”

“Of course it does. There is no woman in the whole world that it would suit more.”

Hearing her nervous question, I smiled and replied with a sly grin.

………even if it is just for today, I want her to be my partner and not Wilhelm’s……..that’s fine right?

To finally escort her to the main hall, I gently took her hand in my own.

It was at that moment.

——-*knock* *knock*



A young man with blazing red hair and amber eyes entered the room.

Of course, I knew exactly who that man was.

Yes…….he was indeed the protagonist of the story that I read so many times in my previous life. The man that birthed the Svalier Kingdom.

——–Wilhelm Von Svalier.

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