I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Huh? This is quite different from history though?



A young man with blazing red hair and amber eyes entered the room.

Of course, I knew exactly who that man was.

Yes…….he was indeed the protagonist of the story that I read so many times in my previous life. The man that birthed the Svalier Kingdom.

——–Wilhelm Von Svalier.

As I thought, he was connected to Lizbeth after all.

If not, she wouldn’t know where Lizbeth’s room was, and above all, he wouldn’t dare come inside her room so casually either.

In the end, our engagement was nothing but forced upon her due to the emperor’s orders, and she possibly just playing all with me as a joke I guess.


“………Why are you at our mansion, and how dare you enter my room without even waiting for my permission?”

Lizbeth frowned, and sent a death glare towards Wilhelm.

Her expression made it seem like she was actually furious, and full of hate.

“What’s the matter Lizbeth? These past few months you didn’t reply to any of my letters. And when you finally did it was simply [Never show your face to me again], just that. Of course, I got worried and came here.”

“Oh so you do seem to understand then. The, immediately leave this place.”

In contrast to Wilhelm who seemed to be making a worried expression, Lizbeth  was curt and to the point.

Hmmm? Weren’t these two supposed to be madly in love? But right now, it feels more like Lizbeth sees Wilhelm as her enemy instead though?

“Wait a moment. Weren’t you and me connected through fate since we were children? Then why…..”

“You and me? Connected by fate? Please, don’t make me laugh. I do not recall being acquainted with a conman that excels only in falsehoods.”


Ah……..I feel like I’m starting to understand the situation a bit more.

Looks like this guy tried to deceive Lizbeth.

All I can think of, is that Wilhelm probably had an affair behind her back or something.

As per history, he certainly had a bunch of concubines as well, and even in the [War Records of Wilhelm], there were a bunch of episodes about him laying hands on different women everytime he went to the front lines as well…….

“Anyway, today my dear fiancé, Prince Rudolf is here as well. I’ve had enough of your farce, so disappear out of my sights immediately……..”

“Wait. What do you mean Fiancé?”

“Did you not hear? Three months ago, I got engaged. Unlike a man like yourself, I have chosen the far more sincere and honest Prince Rudolf instead.”

Can you not drag me into this if possible?

Wilhelm’s suddenly glaring at me with hate because of this now.

“And above all, when I sent my servant to you with that letter, you received that as well right? The reward for defiling my precious memory?”


  Her [precious memory] was probably the same as the one that was written about in the [War Records of Wilhelm] as well.

After I attempted to hurt Lizbeth in the garden of the imperial palace, Wilhelm protected her from me after which she gave him a brooch and then exchanged a promise with each other to meet again.

Thinking now, let alone having a memory of doing anything like that to her, I don’t even recall ever even meeting her before our engagement meeting.

I think, in order to further glorify the relationship between Wilhelm and Lizbeth, the history tellers of the future made that stuff up. What a nuisance for me to be treated as such an utter villain however.

“Fufu……….even now, I feel like laughing just thinking about it. After handing you the letter, my servant asked you about what I had handed you on that day correct? But, after thinking for a long, long while, the answer you decided upon was – a [brooch] of all things?”


Lizbeth simply chuckled to herself, as if mocking him, making Wilhelm bite his lip as it seemed to have hit a sore spot.

But……. the episode of the [War Records of Wilhelm], by the looks of it, was indeed nothing more than a fabrication and nothing more.

That said, judging by her excessive anger and derision towards him, I fell like the episode itself wasn’t a lie in and of itself………I think.

Could it be, that her memory in fact involved someone else and not Wilhelm in that case?

And it seems, that memory is truly precious to Lizbeth.

Of course, I could totally empathize with her. I knew that feeling all too well as well, after all.

Because, I too have a similar memory, and that memory alone has helped me maintain my sanity until now.

While staring at Lizbeth, I put my hand in my pocket and tightly gripped the gold coin inside of it.

It was then–

“If you seem to have failed to understand the letter, then allow me to speak plainly and directly. Get out of my sights, and never show yourself in front of me ever again.”

“!!………..I will, take my leave for now. Also,……..here, a present, for your birthday.”

“I do not need it.”

When Wilhelm tried to hand her the present, she simply waved her hand and rejected it.

Hit with that, Wilhelm simply turned to angrily glare at me again, and then quietly left the room.

“……….Prince Rudolf, my deepest apologies, for making you endure this farce.”

Saying that, Lizbeth gave a deep and sincere bow apologetically.

In her cold yet dignified Aquamarine eyes, I could see that behind her anger towards Wilhelm, there was also a tinge of anxiety as well.

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