I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

The Past of the Marquis’ Daughter

“……….Prince Rudolf, my deepest apologies, for making you endure this farce.”

Saying that, Lizbeth gave a deep and sincere bow apologetically.

In her cold yet dignified Aquamarine eyes, I could see that behind her anger towards Wilhelm, there was also a tinge of anxiety as well.

“I-it’s fine……..however, is this okay…….?”

“Of course. A scumbaglike him, just seeing him, or hearing his voice, both only bring me displeasure and nothing else.”

Seeing the way she treated Wilhelm, I nervously questioned her but from the looks of it, Lizbeth seems to genuinely hate that man from the bottom of her heart.


Raising my head back up, just as I was about to speak again, we ended up overlapping once again.

“Ah, Lady Lizbeth, please, speak first.”

“Oh no, Prince Rudolf, by all means, you first………”

“N-no, no, I wasn’t going to say anything important per se, so please, Lady Lizbeth you may speak first…….”

This exchange continued for a couple times before Lady Lizbeth finally agreed to go first.

“Well………after hearing my conversation with that man just now, Prince Rudolf what are your thoughts about it, did you recall something, perhaps……?”

Showing a tinge of anxiety in her usually calm and dignified expression, Lizbeth looked at me.

The colour of her eyes, her expression, it all seemed faintly familiar to me.

A face someone only showed when they really didn’t want the person in front of them to dislike them.

When I was young, hoping to want my family………no, anyone to just look at me, to not hate me, I would always try and judge the expression on the face of the people around, and the face I made when doing that was exactly this kind of expression. It was like looking into a mirror to my own past.

That’s why.

“Let’s see………to be honest, I don’t even know who that was. I guess he was an acquaintance of yours? But, seeing the way you two interacted, it felt more like watching a bug bothering you…….or at least that was the impression I got.”

In a somewhat joking manner, I replied so.

I have no idea what happened between Wilhelm and her but, it was clear that Lizbeth hated that man. Now that she was my fiancée, all I need to do was to keep my relationship with her a smooth one so that I could avoid my own assassination.

………no, that’s not it.

I just didn’t want to see her make that kind of expression.

Haha………..even though she’s supposed to the woman that kills me, why did I end up thinking that way?

Even I think that it’s pretty stupid.

“Prince Rudolf………You, really haven’t changed even one bit……….”

“!?! Wh-wait!?”

She suddenly grabbed my hand, and then a single tear went down her face.

Seeing her like that, I could help but suddenly fall into a panic.

“*sniff*…….I knew it, you are indeed my destined partner. And certainly, not that man.”

“Lady Lizbeth………..”

Lizbeth stared directly at me with moist aquamarine eyes.

But, I couldn’t help but be curious.

As per history……..it was Wilhelm that was supposed to Lizbeth’s destined partner.

And I was the man that tried to tear them apart, the villain, the tyrant, and nothing more.

However, she boldly claimed me to be her [destined partner] instead. And she treated Wilhelm with animosity. No, it was pretty much outright hatred towards him.

“……….Lady Lizbeth, just what exactly happened between you and that man?”

As I wiped the tears off her face with a handkerchief, I decided to ask what was on my mind.

To be honest, there was one more thing I wanted to ask of her but, that can wait for now. Because until I get this answer first, I will be unable to understand the difference between her attitude over the last 3 months and what I know of her from history.

“Very well…………will you listen to my story? The story of a stupid woman that was fooled, by that glib scumbag, Wilhelm Von Svalier, and let him defile her most precious memory?”

Saying that, Lizbeth tightly gripped her hands, and then slowly began to talk.



It was 9 years ago from now,……..back when I was just 5 years old.

I had arrived at the Imperial palace alongside my father, and while he was busty talking to other nobles, I was staring out of a window out of sheer boredom.

When I suddenly noticed a beautiful garden……..where my favourite jasmine flowers bloomed. It had me completely captivated.

Looking back at my father, it seemed like his talks would go on for a while longer still.

And so, I secretly left his side, and made my way towards the garden.

However, the palace was far too wide for the little me, and I soon lost my way.

Then, I could simply ask someone to lead me there but, if any other adult found me, I would surely be scolded for running around the palace on my own.

While trying my best to not be overcome with both unease and loneliness, I continued to go around in circles in the corridors when suddenly–

“Hey, who are you! This is the Imperial Palace you know!!”


When I turned to look, a blonde boy with two servants beside him was pointing towards me and shouted.


“You! How dare you infiltrate the palace! For your sins I will personally cut you to pieces! Hey you lot, go and quickly capture that girl!!”

“Wha-uh, yes…….””

Hearing the orders of the boy, the two attendants were also bewildered.

Fearing the situation, I quickly turned tail and ran as fast as I could.

“!! Hey Wait!! It’s all because you fools were dilly dallying around!”

“”Uh, Yes!!””

The two attendants, finally began to chase after me.

If it was like this, I would surely be caught very soon.

But, I could do nothing else but run, and I kept going from one corridor to another, and upon turning one corner.

“Over here.”


Suddenly my hand was pulled, and I got dragged inside a room.

“Shhh. You’re being chased, right?”

Putting his finger on his lips, a young boy grinned at me.

His silver shone brightly and in contrast, his amber coloured eyes were soft and full of warmth.

And I simply……….could not take my eyes away from that boy.

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