I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Living Together? I didn’t hear anything about this?

“What……….is this………?”

10 days after the day I had my tea with Lizbeth and renewed my resolve, seeing the complete remodelling of the Scorpion palace happening right in front of my eyes, I could only just stand there bewildered.

I don’t recall giving any such order though?

When suddenly,

“Prince Rudolf, Good morning. You woke up early today it seems.”

“Good morning, Maya. With everything outside my room being so noisy and all, anyone would wake up. So, I’d be very happy if you could explain what is any of this?”

“Unfortunately, I cannot answer.”

Ohhh……..you do remember that I’m the master of the Scorpion palace right? I feel like these days my position and Maya’s seems to have been reversed but, that’s just my imagination, right? God, I hope so.

“That aside, now that you are up so early for once, let’s get the preparations done as soon as possible. Yes, let’s do that first.”


Maya pushed me back into my room, so I decided to change my clothes……..though, she wouldn’t let me do even that by myself.


“What is it?”

“Why am I in the bath so early in the morning?”

“Isn’t it obvious? If you are to meet Lady Lizbeth, you are to always look prim and proper of course.”

Hmmm? I do meet Lizbeth everyday but, I haven’t gone through this much preparation since the day I met her for the first time though?

So why today especially?

“ufufu! I’m sure Lady Lizbeth will be completely smitten when she sees you today your highness!”

“Y-you think……..?”

I tilted my head in confusion, but in the end, I did what Maya wanted a always.

Well, if it makes Lizbeth happy, I suppose there’s no harm in it.

And so, after soaking myself in the bath, I then changed into the clothes Maya had prepared in advance for me.

These weren’t my usual clothes either, and the getup was close to party wear instead. Yeah, isn’t this a bit too much?

“As expected of Prince Rudolf! Lady Lizbeth will surely be all over you with love, I’m confident!”

“Y-you think so………?”

I tilted my head again, and then looked into the mirror.

Well, if it makes Lizbeth happy, I suppose there’s no harm in it. (part 2)

“Then, let’s go to the dining hall for breakfast shall we……..”

“Prince Rudolf, today, the breakfast will be a little late than usual.”


I didn’t think even that would get postponed.

Wait, why though?

“Anyway, let’s head to the entrance hall first.”


Okay, wait…….did I have plans to go outside in the morning today?

Or rather, the only time I go outside, is when I go to the Fahlcrantz mansion, but I don’t recall making such a promise with Lizbeth for today though?

“I’m sure that would make Lady Lizbeth very happy as well!”

“Y-you think………?”

I tilt my head, and then headed to the entrance hall.

Well, if it makes Lizbeth happy, I suppose there’s no harm in it. (part 3)

It was then.

“Huh? Wait, that carriage is…….”

Passing through the front gates, a single carriage was heading towards us.

The insignia on the carriage was………it was very clearly a carriage from Fahlcrantz family.

But, it’s rare for Lizbeth to come so early in the morning though.

Normally, she’d come around 3p.m. or so……..Wait!?

“Wh-what’s going on!?!”

I inadvertently pointed towards the carriage and screamed.

T-That’s because, because, now that I see it clearly, there’s a bunch of other Fahlcrantz carriages following right behind it as well!!

But, to my shock, all the carriages were indeed headed right this way, and the carriage at the front of the line stopped right in front of me.

“Prince Rudolf, Good morning.”

“uh, yeah, good morning……….”

I was still completely perplexed, as I gave my hand to help the brightly smiling Lizbeth step down from the carriage.

“uh, well, so what’s with all the other carriages………”

“?? Did you perhaps not hear it from Maya?”

As I timidly asked, Lizbeth made a confused expression.

Eh? What’s this about?

In a panic, I turned to Maya and………..ah, she just averted her eyes.

Seeing as how she was trying to suppress her laughter from how her shoulders were trembling, it would seem this was indeed a premeditated crime.

“Haah……….Seriously, Maya you……..”

“No but seriously, can someone explain to me what’s actually going on though……..”

Guessing instantly that it was all Maya’s doing, Lizbeth simply sighed.

And I, in turn, asked her to explain once again.

“From today, until a year from now, when we enrol into the Imperial Academy, it has been decided that I will be living together with you, right here in the Scorpion Palace, Prince Rudolf.”


The shock was so big, I couldn’t help but exclaim loudly.

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