I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

I Hate Carrots!

“From today, until a year from now, when we enrol into the Imperial Academy, it has been decided that I will be living together with you, right here in the Scorpion Palace, Prince Rudolf.”


The shock was so big, I couldn’t help but exclaim loudly.

“Wha, but, when did that happen!? And why!? N-no, I mean, have we made the proper preparations to get ready for Lady Lizbeth’s arrival!?!”

“Your highness, please calm down.”

As I slipped into complete panic, Lizbeth gently grabbed my hand.

Thanks to that, I was able to regain part of my calmness.

“S-so, how did this arrangement happen again?”


And thus, Lizbeth began to explain, the events that led to this current situation.

Apparently, this was in part consideration from the Marquis to help me and Lizbeth get to know each other better, and in fact, he even asked the Emperor to take me to his home first as well.

However, that request was refused as letting a prince stay in a retainer’s home was a bit much, so instead, it was decided that they’d let Lizbeth stay with me here in the Scorpion palace instead.

No, but seriously, these people should consider telling me all that earlier as well!

“………Well, Maya said that [I will explain everything to his highness, so don’t bother], which in hindsight, I did think was suspicious.”

“I see…….”

Both me and Lizbeth, turned and glared at Maya.

But the person herself seemed to take it on without any care, and continued to rapid fire orders at the servants instead.

“um, well,………..Am I a, bother to you…….?”

Lizbeth peered at my face, as she asked with anxiety hidden in her voice

“As if. To live with you, Lady Lizbeth, might as well be the happiest thing that has happened in my life. But, if I had known, I would have liked to welcome you in a grander fashion. To not even get the chance to prepare, is certainly a regret………..”

“My prince, fear not. Your humble servant Maya has already made sure that preparations are absolutely perfect.”

Maya, who had at some point appeared right beside us, put her hand on her chest and bowed as she spoke.

No seriously, why are you acting so proud? If anything, I should be punishing you for lacking behind on your reporting duties………….wait no, intentionally not reporting something is even beyond that no?

“A-anyway, to have you come here to stay, is like a dream come true.”

“Ah……….likewise. To know that I will get to stay by your side all day Prince Rudolf, my heart hasn’t stopped beating faster since.”

Yeah, I’ll leave punishing Maya for later.

“Lady Lizbeth……….Welcome, to the Scorpion Palace.”

I knelt down in front of Lady Lizbeth, and took her slender white hand and lay a kiss on the back of her palm.



“fufu, to get to have a meal together with Prince Rudolf is such a treat.”

Me and Lizbeth sat down side by side, and took our late breakfast.

Thanks to Maya, it had been one shock after another but, this was definitely the right call on her part. Thanks to her, I get to see a happy Lizbeth, and I get to satisfy not just my stomach but my heart as well.


“………your highness, you must eat the carrots as well, okay?”

“Lady Lizbeth, please say that louder. His highness always finds the exact moment when I’m not paying attention and quickly hides the carrots away just to avoid eating them.”

Shit. I didn’t think I’d have to deal with two sets of eyes watching me now.

For whatever reason, whether it be as Rudolf in this life, or my previous life, I just utterly hated eating carrots………

In any case, I’ll need to immediately come up with a better plan over how to deal with the carrot problem it seems.

“By the way, lady Lizbeth, you have been coming to the palace every day but, have you had the chance to visit any other places inside the Imperial Palace as a whole……..?”

“No, unfortunately not. If we leave Scorpion palace aside, the only other place I know is that place from that day, and that’s all.”

“then, once breakfast is done, I’ll show you around. You are going to be living here for a whole year, it’s better to know your way around the place after all.”

To make sure she stays away from the three princes………especially Robin in the Taurus palace, I need her to know the layout of the entire palace very well.

I’m sure he’d definitely try to pick a fight with Lizbeth as well. And it was him that was at fault for all the bad memories from that day as well.

“Yes, thank you very much. I’ll be in your care, your highness.”

“Same here.”

And thus, our breakfast was finished, and we began to take a stroll around the palace.

With the Emperor’s abode, the [Zodiac palace] in the centre, including my Scorpion palace, there are a total of 12 palaces that make up the entire Imperial palace.

Currently, 7 of those palaces are in control of the 4 princes including myself, and the 2 queens respectively. And the other five under the Emperor’s direct control that are managed by mother, Beatrice.

That said, the ones under the Emperor are basically only getting the bare minimum maintenance, and at most some knights will occasionally make rounds around them, but otherwise, there’s no one living there.


“This is……?”

“One the palaces directly under the Emperor’s control. The [Virgo]. Come, follow me.”

“Wha, yes…….”

I took Lizbeth’s hand, and continued into the Virgo.


“Yes……….this is the place. The garden where I first met you, on that day.”

Indeed……the garden from that day was located in the Virgo palace.

Although it was still maintained, there were no flowers growing here anymore, and it felt quite dreary.

But, the scene from that day, when the jasmines were in full bloom was something that I had never forgotten.

Then I should also make a note to myself to remember Lizbeth the same way forever as well.

“Fufu………From today, and forever more, I will be able to come here together with you……..”

“Of course. I too am very happy that I was able to come here again with you by my side.”

Lizbeth gently lay her head on my shoulder.

Her warmth made me so happy, that I simply stood there, unmoving, continuing to gaze at the garden with her, when suddenly.

“Hmph……..to think I’d run into the “dirty little pig” here of all places.”

The person who appeared was the one I wanted to see the least today——the third prince Robin.

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