I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary In The Real World Girl’s Side: The Adventures Of The Splendid Maidens Changed The World (LN)

Vol 2 Epilogue

Vol 2 Epilogue

Here’s the chapter. Enjoy~


After defeating the ice spirit, Lexia and the others were invited to the imperial palace, where they slept peacefully in their warm beds.

The next day.

Lexia and the others stood in the audience hall.

Brilliant sunlight poured in through the windows, and the faces of the people in the audience room were radiant.

In the bright atmosphere, Schleimann opened his mouth.

“Lexia-dono, Luna-dono, Tito-dono. Thank you for breaking the curse of the Romel Empire and saving Flora. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

“I really appreciate your help.”

Flora and Noel bowed their heads after Schiemann.

Schleimann was still shaking his head in disbelief.

“I never thought you really defeated the ice spirit… When I heard that Lexia-dono and her party had saved the Sahar Kingdom from a crisis, I was honestly skeptical, but now I am ashamed that I had any doubts about it. Your heroic deeds will long be remembered in our country.”

“That’s to be expected!”

“Hey, Lexia! Be a little modest.”

Chuckles leaked out from the magicians, and soldiers lined up in front of them.

“I don’t know if this is commensurate with the hero who saved our country from a crisis, but… this is just a small token of my appreciation. Please accept it.”

At Schleimann’s urging, the retainer reverently presents the item to Lexia and the others.

It was a beautiful shield like a snowflake.

“It is called the Shield of Snow. It is said to nullify not only physical attacks but also any kind of fire. It is said to have been given to the first emperor by the goddess of snow and is the greatest treasure passed down through the imperial family of the Romel Empire.”

“T-this is an extraordinary treasure!”

“Following the treasured sword of the Sahar Kingdom, another legendary item is…!”

“It’s a very beautiful shield! Thank you, Schleimann-sama!”

Lexia received the “Shield of Snow” and tilted her head as if remembering.

“By the way, I don’t know where to go next. Schleimann-sama, is there anything else you are in need of? Or do you know someone in need? I’ll go anywhere and help! Oh, but I don’t have any means of transportation, so if it’s somewhere easy to get to, that would be great!”

“A-after saving two countries, you still want to continue your journey…?”

“Yes, of course! We’re not done until we save the world!”

“It’s about time you showed your face to the Kingdom of Arcelia.”

Luna muttered while thinking of Lexia’s father, Arnold, and her escort, Owen, but Lexia was having none of it.

Schleimann was surprised but pondered for a moment.

“If that is the case… do you know about the Lianxi Empire?”

“It is a historic empire located in the eastern part of the continent, isn’t it?”

Schleimann nodded at Luna’s reply and continued.

“My sister married into the Lianxi Empire and became its empress, and her only daughter, Princess Xiaolin, grew up to be very selfish. It seems that all of her teachers and tutors either ran away or were turned away by her. My sister is also troubled by the situation and laments that she is not fit to be a princess in her current state… I hear that there is a fierce struggle for succession to the throne in some of the empires, and I am worried about the future of my niece. Since our diplomatic relations with the Lianxi Empire are strong, the roads are well maintained. If you and your friends really want to continue your journey, then perhaps this is the opportunity for you to do so…”

“I understand! So you want me to tutor Xiaolin-sama to make her a lady who is not ashamed to be a princess! That’s the perfect request for me! And it would be very helpful to have the access to go there!”

Lexia’s eyes lit up, and she puffed out her chest.

“Leave it to me, Schleimann-sama! I will be a role model and make sure Xiaolin-sama learns how to behave properly as a lady. I’ll make her a perfect lady, worthy of a princess!”

“Which mouth of yours is saying that…?”

Luna’s mutterings were, of course, brilliantly ignored.

“I am indebted to you for everything. I will let Arnold-dono know that.”

“Yes, thank you very much! Oh, but if you make him worry too much, he’ll be very noisy, so I’d appreciate it if you could round him up in a nice way.”

“Round him up? You’re the one who…”

“I-I’ve always wondered, are the royalty of the Kingdom of Arcelia very relaxed…?”

 “No, Lexia is just particularly unpredictable. …Maybe.”

Arnold, Lexia’s father, is also unable to say for sure since he is pushed away by his daughter’s selfishness every time despite what he says.

“I am encouraged to hear that you and your friends are willing to go. I will send a letter to my sister as soon as possible.”

“Schleiman-sama, I wonder if it is safe to make such a difficult request…?”

Noel laughed at Flora’s concern.

“Don’t worry, Nee-san. I’m sure Lexia-san and the others will be able to solve any problem in a spectacular way. Just like they helped this country and us.”

“…Yes, you’re right.”

Noel and Flora looked at the lively Lexia and the others and smiled.


When Lexia and the others left the imperial palace with Noel and her sister, they were greeted with joy by the people of the imperial capital.

“Ah, here’s our savior!”

“Thank you for saving the Romel Empire, Lovely Savior-san!”

“I watched you fight the ice spirit; you were so cool!”

The blue sky was filled with applause and confetti.

The gatekeepers also saw them off with smiles.

“I hope you’ll come back to the Romel Empire, Sister-san!”

[T/n: They were dressed as Sisters/Nuns when they entered the imperial capital.]

“I’ll treat you to a very nice drink then!”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to it!”

The people of the imperial capital also called out to Noel and Flora.

“Flora-sama, thank goodness you are safe and sound…!”

“I heard that you will be involved in the development of magic tools together with Noel-sama from now on! I’ll be rooting for you!”

People understood the fact that Flora had studied hard as an excellent magician and saved villages and towns all over the country. Therefore, now that the original ice spirit had been defeated, not a single person blamed Flora; rather, they were truly happy that Flora had been saved.

“Yes, everyone, thank you…!”

Their gentle voices brought tears to Flora’s eyes, and Noel gazed at her with narrowed eyes.

At the entrance to the capital, a sled was waiting for them.

“Oh, it’s a sled! …But there’s no [Snow Fang] here, is there?”

“Yes, this is the newly developed ‘Land Steady Advancement-kun No. 1.’ By installing a high-powered magic tool, it can operate without Snow Fang. It is still in the experimental stage, but it can operate on snow as well as on land where there is no snow.”

“That’s great! Thank you!”

“However, please dispose of it in an out-of-the-way place once you reach the Lianxi Empire.”

“Will it explode when we reach the Lianxi Empire…?”

After receiving instructions on how to use the sled and finishing loading the luggage, Flora bowed her head.

“Thank you so much; I really appreciate your help. I wish you a safe trip. Please be careful.”

“Yes. Flora-san, take care of yourself too! Let’s all go to the hot springs together next time!”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to it.”

Noel stepped forward from next to Flora, who smiled happily and offered Lexia a magic tool about the size of a dagger.

“Here you go.”

“What is this?”

“It’s a magic gun. We made it smaller last night and improved it even more. It can be loaded with magic power and then shot.”

“You miniaturized it overnight?”

“Noel-san, are you sleeping?”

Luna and Tito were surprised, and Lexia’s eyes lit up.

“Can I get such an amazing thing?”

“You’re getting too many things! Where the hell are you aiming?”

“A treasured sword, a legendary shield, and a magic gun… fully armed…!”

Noel and Flora exchanged glances and laughed.

Noel put a bullet in Lexia’s hand.

“This magic bullet here is filled with my sister’s magic.”

“Flora-san’s magic?”

“Yes. It is the first piece we made together as sisters. It is only a small token of our gratitude, but we hope it will be of use to you in your journey.”

“It’s so nice of you to give me something so precious! Thank you!”

“But be careful not to inject the wrong amount of magic into it, or it will explode.”

“…Lexia, don’t ever use it.”

“Why not?”

Noel watched the lively Lexia and the others with narrowed eyes but suddenly hugged Lexia.

“Kyaa!? What’s wrong, Noel?”

Noel smiled bashfully, saying, “…It’s a skinship.”

“If it weren’t for all of you, this country and my sister and I would not be here right now. You all have been lifelong benefactors. Truly… truly, thank you.”

“Noel… we’re glad we got to meet you, too!”

Lexia hugged Noel back tightly, and Luna and Tito smiled as well.

The group exchanged hugs with Noel and Flora.

“Please take care.”

“If you need anything at all, please contact us. We are always here to help.”

“Yes! It was a lot of fun, thank you! I look forward to seeing you again!”

Lexia and the others departed from the imperial capital, having been seen off by many people.


“Wow, it’s so fast!”

Under a clear blue sky, the sled blasted across a fresh snowfield.

Tito peeked in at Luna, who was operating the steering wheel, in amazement.

“Wow, you can even drive, Luna-san…! That’s amazing!”

“I wasn’t sure what would happen at first, but it’s easy once you get used to it.”

“I wish I could drive too! Luna, let me try it!”

“Please, just sit back and be quiet.”

Luna exhaled shallowly as the cold wind blew against her.

“Good grief, and yet again, you’ve gotten yourself into a hell of a mess.”

“But I’m glad Noel-san and Flora-san were able to reconcile.”

While Luna and Tito were completely relaxed, Lexia put her hands on her hips with a serious face.

“The two of you should not let your guard down! As long as there are people in need, our journey to save the world will continue!”

Lexia’s dazzling blonde hair fluttered as she pointed far to the east.

“So, our destination is in the east──the country of history and tradition, the Lianxi Empire! Our next mission is to tutor the selfish Princess!”

“Sigh, I wonder what’s going to happen…”

“Fufu, it looks like it’s going to be another exciting trip!”

Thus, Lexia and the others left the Romel Empire behind.

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