MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 571 The Last Challenge

Chapter 571 The Last Challenge

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A wistful sigh escaped her lips as she concluded, her gaze returning to Ren. "But beyond all that, it was his gentle spirit and ability to see the beauty in the world that truly touched my soul. His appreciation for art, nature, and the simple joys of life was enchanting.

Elena's words hung in the air, filled with a sense of admiration and longing. At that moment, it was clear that her heart had been touched by the qualities she found in Prince Zeroth, evoking the same emotions one might encounter within the pages of a beloved romantic novel.

Ren, the ever-pessimistic and party popper, said, "He didn't see the difference between you and your sister, though."

Elena's dream-like face faded into the distance, and he gave Ren a side-eye. "You really have the ability to ruin the moment, don't you?"

"It's one of my many assets," Ren japed.

But then he realized something as he looked at Elena while the latter went on and on about useless things like Prince Zeroth's hair, skin, voice, and soon. Looking at her, face flushed, breathing ragged, that illogical way of thinking, and the courage to face anything for the one she loves . . .

Something clicked in Ren's mind. Watching the princess reminded him of something important. At first, those lines didn't complement each other, but it was because he was looking at it the wrong way.

When he looked at it from a different angle, everything seemed to be aligning in the right path.

"Hoi, Ren. Are you listening to me?"

Instead of answering, Ren was ecstatic. He couldn't be mistaken . . . "I think . . . I think I have the answer."

". . . Egh? Really?"

Ren went to the Queen, and the latter welcomed him with a question.

"Do you know the answer to the last riddle?"


The White Queen noticed Ren's cocksure smile, and her lips rose ever so slightly. "Prey tell . . ."

"Let's break it down then. The first line, 'Gold be good.' Gold is often associated with value, wealth, and goodness.

"The second line, 'Great be bold.' Greatness is often linked to bravery, courage, and boldness.

"The third line, 'Stone be hard.' Stones are known for their hardness and durability.

"The fourth line, 'Cold be cruel.' Coldness can be associated with cruelty, indifference, or harshness.

"The fifth line, 'Glass be fragile.' Glass is delicate and easily broken.

"And the last, 'Broken be sorrow.' When something is broken, it often brings feelings of sadness or sorrow.

"When considering all these pairs, the common thread that emerges is that each noun represents an aspect of human emotion or experience."

The White Queen's face was still a mask, never revealing anything.

"So the answer could only be . . . Heart."

". . ."

". . ."

There was silence for a moment before the White Queen's laughter echoed through the chamber, its melodic tones filling the air with a sense of delight and amusement. She clapped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with mirth.

"Superb! Oh, how marvelous!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration. "You, dear Ren, have managed to unravel the secret of my riddle without even using your tries. Truly, you are a rare and remarkable sprite! For that, I shall gift you these."

[ACQUIRED! Ruby Apple of the White Queen x3]


Wondrous item, legendary

This strange fruit takes the form of a crystalline apple glowing with vibrant magic. As an action, you can consume this apple and fully heal all your HP and MP as well as recover from any status and mental effects.]

Whoa! Ren's eyes widened. "Thank you very much, your majesty."

This was a reward that he liked very much! Now he was glad that he did the riddles without any tries.

Ren would consume one apple when the time was right, so he would acquire its recipe while he would sell the remaining two.

It would cost at least a million for its starting price.

Ren was sure that the [Royal Apple] couldn't be found and produced anywhere but here. Acquiring the production and monopoly of it would surely rake him tons of money.

"Ren, you did it!" Elena's face brightened. "Now we could finally free Prince Zeroth and go to the Autumn Palace!"

"Oh, no," the White Queen interjected, "you have two requests, and you only cleared one challenge . . ."

Before Elena and Ren knew what was happening, the landscape changed. The surroundings underwent a dramatic transformation. The white ethereal landscapes gave way to an expanse of pristine whiteness, stretching out as far as the eye could see.

Before they knew it, Ren and Elena found themselves standing upon a colossal chessboard, its black and white squares extending endlessly in all directions.

The towering chess pieces, carved from exquisite alabaster, were now positioned in their respective places. Knights with intricate details, rooks with fortified designs, bishops with elegant craftsmanship, and pawns forming an imposing front line. Each piece stood stoically, radiating an aura of power and indifference.

A serene and regal figure, the White Queen stood as a statue of the purest alabaster come to life. Her imposing figure stood out in her royal regalia among that of her soldiers. A demure crown offsets the power she exudes. She stood tall, wielding her [Orb of Rulership], in a queenly dress, confident and steadfast against all trials.

"For your next quest," the White Queen declared with regal authority, "you shall face me in a battle of wits and strategy. Should you emerge victorious, not only shall you gain the prince's freedom and a safe passage to the Autumn Palace as promised, but you shall also prove yourselves worthy of the challenges that lie ahead."

Her voice resonated with a mixture of confidence and anticipation, her eyes gleaming with otherworldly wisdom. The giant chessboard beneath their feet seemed to pulsate with energy, awaiting the clash between them and the Queen herself.

Ren had a headache. He really thought that it was the end, only to find that they still had to battle the Queen herself in the end.


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