MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 572 The White Queen’s Chessboard

Chapter 572 The White Queen’s Chessboard

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[The Chessboard, a hidden domain nestled deep within the vast expanse of the fey realm, served as the ethereal realm of the White Queen. Within this enigmatic space, the laws of reality twisted and contorted, bending to the whims of the Queen herself.

The Chessboard, both grand and yet contained, seemed to defy the conventional notions of scale. It encompassed an endless expanse where the boundaries of space and time blurred into a seamless tapestry. Here, the White Queen held sway, her presence felt in every corner of the realm.

The army of the White Queen, comprised of intricately crafted chess pieces, stood as a testament to her power and artistry. They stood in resolute formation, serving as both guardians and masterpieces, frozen in time yet ready to spring to life at her command. Each piece possessed a unique aura, radiating with otherworldly energy that imbued the Chessboard with an air of majesty and power.]

As Ren read the description of the prompt that notified him, the more uneasy he became. This would be the first time that he would ever defeat a boss by playing chess.

[Regional Effects

Within a 10-mile radius of the Chessboard, the realm governed by the White Queen's mastery of games manifests a series of unique effects. These enchantments shape the landscape and interactions of those who venture within its boundaries and any entrances leading to it:

❶ All beings not affiliated with the Alabaster Army and not actively engaged in one of the White Queen's games emit a radiant glow, casting bright light within a 60-foot radius. This mystical luminosity renders them unable to hide or become invisible, their presence laid bare for all to see.

❷ When any creature within the Chessboard meets its demise, instead of perishing, it miraculously clings to a single hit point and becomes magically incapacitated for a span of 24 hours. This extraordinary intervention grants a reprieve from death's grasp, offering a chance for recovery and redemption.

❸ Should a creature within the affected area dare to employ deceit in a game of strategy, chance, or intellect, their treacherous actions are supernaturally exposed. The White Queen's enchantments unravel their duplicity, ensuring their immediate defeat as the forces of the realm conspire to unveil their deceitful maneuvers.

These potent effects, woven by the White Queen's intricate understanding of games and the realm she governs, shape the very fabric of the region surrounding the Chessboard. They serve as both a testament to her dominance and a warning to all who dare to challenge her in the realm of strategy and wit.]

"The rules are simple," the White Queen started. "Each piece moves according to its role. If you can collect the highest number of points by defeating members of my Alabaster Army, then you win.

"One point is awarded for the defeat of a pawn, three points for a knight or bishop, five for a rook, and nine for the Queen.

"The contest will continue until all contestants have been reduced to 1 hit point, or the game will end when the King is defeated. I hope you're a worthy group of challengers who can beat the current record of 91 points."

The Queen smiled, eyes glinting in excitement. "The challenge will take place within the Chessboard. A special 80-foot-by-80-foot board has been crafted as the battleground, enchanted to ensure no participant can cheat the game by way of magic or similar skullduggery."

Ren looked over at their position on the mirror above that reflected the board. He was the King based on his understanding of how the game worked, and Elena was the Queen.

"I . . . I don't like this one bit," Elena muttered, eyes on the black pieces, their army, on the Chessboard.

"Whether we like it or not, we're already in this situation," Ren replied.

The White Queen's expression softened, a hint of a smile shining through her composed demeanor. "Know this, dear adventurers, that in challenging me, you challenge not only a queen but the very essence of strategy and intellect that resides within the realm of the Fey. It will require astute calculations, foresight, and the ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances."

Her words carried both a warning and an invitation, a testament to the weight of the impending trial. The chess pieces, standing at attention on the board, seemed to exude an aura of anticipation, ready to spring into action at the Queen's command.

"Prepare yourselves," the White Queen declared, her voice resolute, "for this shall be a test of not only your tactical prowess but also your ability to decipher the intricate dance of power and strategy. Only by outmaneuvering me, the embodiment of these qualities, can you claim victory."

With a graceful gesture, the White Queen motioned for the game to commence. The chess pieces came alive, gliding across the board with calculated precision, mirroring the intensity of the battle that was about to unfold.

Ren and Elena jolted awake from their thoughts; the air crackled with anticipation. The fate of the prince, their journey to the Autumn Palace, and the very essence of their quest hung in the balance.

"Do you know how to play this?" Elena asked Ren when the White Queen initiated a move. A Pawn forward, the very first move in all chess games.

"Kind of," Ren answered her, his attention on the battle that lay ahead.

"Kind of isn't really reassuring here. The White Queen is a terrible foe against her own game."

"Stop with your negative thoughts. It isn't helping," Ren reprimanded her.

"I can't help it. Our fate . . . our quest will end if we fail here."

No. Ren wanted to say. Worst case scenario, they would leave Prince Zeroth here and go on their way to Autumn Palace, and most likely he wouldn't get the true ending.

With uncertainty etched upon his face, Ren prepared to face the ultimate test of intellect and cunning. The battle against the White Queen had begun, and the outcome would determine not only their immediate destiny but the path that lay ahead in the mystical realm of the Fey.


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