MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 577 How did this happen?!

Chapter 577 How did this happen?!

The White Queen's serene countenance remained unchanged, her gaze steady and inscrutable. A flicker of empathy danced within her eyes, but she knew her role, bound by the laws and responsibilities that governed her realm. With a subtle shake of her head, she gracefully interrupted Elena's entreaty.

"Princess Elena," the White Queen's voice resonated, carrying an air of wisdom and a hint of sorrow, "I understand your desire for my aid, but I must abide by the delicate balance that upholds the fabric of our realms. As the White Queen, my purpose lies in preserving the equilibrium and maintaining the harmony of fair games."

She took a step closer, her presence radiating an aura of timeless wisdom. "To interfere directly in mortal affairs would upset the delicate equilibrium that governs our realms, potentially causing unforeseen consequences and untold chaos. It is not within my power to alter the course of events, for my duty is to guide, not to intervene."

Elena's shoulders slumped slightly, a mixture of disappointment and understanding washing over her.

The White Queen's power was immense, and so the realm had restricted her to her duties so as not to upset the balance of the realm. She was no savior; she was merely a mediator.

The White Queen extended a slender hand, gently resting it upon Elena's, offering solace in her own way. "Fear not, Princess," she whispered, her voice carrying reassurance. "Though I cannot walk beside you in this quest, my influence lingers in the threads of fate. Trust in the strength that lies within you and your companions. Believe in the resilience of your spirits, and you shall find the courage to overcome the trials that await."

Elena's gaze met the Queen's, a mixture of gratitude and determination shining in her eyes. "Thank you, your majesty. May our paths cross again when the harmony of our realms permits."

The White Queen offered a soft smile, a fleeting moment of warmth that belied the mystery that surrounded her. "Go now, my dear adventurers, and may the winds of destiny guide your every step. Know that you carry a part of me with you as the realms intertwine in ways unseen."

With those final words, the White Queen faded back into the ethereal realm from whence she came, her presence felt but no longer visible.

[It was time to embark on a journey that would shape your destinies and determine the fate of the realms.]

Augh . . . stop with the prompt already. Ren lamented and fixed his settings.

"Let's go." Princes Zeroth stepped into the portal first.

As Prince Zeroth disappeared into the swirling portal, Ren turned his attention to Elena.

A radiant smile graced her lips, illuminating her face as she said, "Though it's a pity that the White Queen won't come with us, I believe that the three of us could still make this work."

Ren nodded. "Though, are you really okay having the Prince around?"

Elena bobbed her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

Ren's lips clamped tight. He actually didn't know how to word his thoughts. "I mean . . . the prince is going to rescue your sister."

Elena nodded, still didn't get what he meant.

Ren scratched his head. "He's going to marry her after that."

Elena blinked once, twice, slowly, and deliberately. "What of it?"

". . ." Egh? Ren was shocked with her nonchalant reaction. "I mean, you love him, right?"

Elena blinked once more before she smiled and answered, "Yes, I do love Prince Zeroth . . . but it is not the same love that once bound me to him in the past. Our connection has transformed, transcending the confines of just silly attachment."

Silly attachments?

Ren's brows furrowed slightly, his mind struggling to grasp the subtleties of Elena's words. He searched her eyes for further clarity, but she seemed to be holding back something, a hidden depth that eluded his understanding.

Elena held his gaze for a moment before continuing. "Our journey together has unveiled truths and complexities that go beyond simple . . . like. Prince Zeroth's quest to rescue my sister is driven by duty, by love, by the desire to restore balance and unity between our realms. And I stand by his side not as someone who wanted his love but as an ally, a friend, and a fellow seeker of truth."

Ren blinked, his mind racing to process Elena's words, but his mind seemed not to process the information. His lips parted slightly, forming a wordless sound of confusion.

Elena's smile softened as if she understood his unspoken thoughts. "Ren, our bond is deeper than mere friends at this point. It is forged through shared experiences, unwavering trust, and the strength of our companionship. While my heart holds a special place for Prince Zeroth, it does not overshadow the connection we have cultivated."

D-don't . . . Don't tell me . . . Ren had a bad feeling about the next thing that would happen.

[CONGRATULATION! Your Relationship Level with Princess Elena has reached INTIMATE!]

[You can now marry Princess Elena. Proceed to the necessary tasks to ask her hand in marriage and live your days in love and happiness!]



Ren almost went out of his skin from shock.

He wasn't even courting her nor trying to raise his relationship with her, but now he was surprised by this prompt.

With a gentle touch, Elena reached out and placed her hand upon Ren's. "Please understand," she murmured, her voice filled with sincerity. "Our journey together is not defined by romantic entanglements, but by a shared purpose, a quest for justice and the preservation of those we hold dear."

She then let go and hopped to the portal, but not before turning back and beaming. "Once we've saved my sister, thwarted the plans of the evil Queen, and saved the realm, then prepare yourself for an avalanche of my love. Mmm-kay?"

Ren was too shock to even form a word of reply.

Even when Elena disappeared from his sight, he was still rooted in his spot, unable to process anything.

Ren grabbed his head and screamed inside.



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