MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 578 A Burdensome Relationship

Chapter 578 A Burdensome Relationship

If Evie found out about this . . .

Ren's head was pounding so hard it felt like it was going to split open.

No, calm down. Ren uttered to himself and took a deep breath.

Maybe he could still decrease his [Relationship Level] with the Princess?

Yes. Maybe he still could.

. . . Who was he kidding?!

Once his relationship level with an NPC increased to [Intimate], there was no decreasing it. It was lock in [Intimate] for all eternity!

The developer must have thought that no players wanted to decrease their [Relationship Level] once it reached [Intimate]. That was true for most players.

Who would want to decrease their [Relationship Level] to an NPC who they painstakingly work hard to increase?

However, right at this moment, there's nothing more Ren wanted than to decrease his [Relationship Level] with Elena.

Maybe it was not too late. Ren thought. Maybe he could still reverse this.

Ren took another deep breath. Yes, he would try to reverse this.

With a final nod of determination to decrease his [Relationship Level] with the Princess, Ren stepped through the shimmering portal, leaving behind the familiar and venturing into the unknown.

The echoes of the White Queen's words lingered in the air, a reminder of the significance of their quest and the weight of their responsibility.

As Ren traversed the ethereal portal, he emerged on the other side to find himself enveloped by the captivating beauty of the Red Woods, the place where the Autumn Palace resided.

The air was imbued with a sense of enchantment. Shafts of sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting a dappled glow upon the forest floor.

But as his eyes adjusted to the surroundings, a palpable change in the atmosphere became evident. The once vibrant and harmonious realm had fallen under the clutches of Russet, the usurper of Autumn Palace.

The vibrant hues that had once painted the landscape now seemed muted as if a veil of darkness had settled upon the land. The melodies of woodland creatures were overshadowed by an eerie silence, leaving an unsettling stillness in its wake.I think you should take a look at

Ren's gaze swept across the once majestic domain, now marred by signs of conflict and neglect. The once regal structures of Autumn Palace stood in disarray, their grandeur tarnished. The once vibrant gardens lay disheveled, the petals of once-blooming flowers now wilted and trampled underfoot. The once joyous voices of the inhabitants had been silenced, replaced by an air of desolation.

"The Red Woods once stood as a realm of enchantment and wonder, a haven for mystical beings. Amongst the towering red maple and redbud trees, the forest emanated a breathtaking tapestry of colors that left fortunate visitors in a state of awe. Protected on all sides by a vast ravine, the only passage into this mystical realm was granted by the majestic Carmine Bridge," explained Elena.

"The allure of the Red Woods extended far beyond its natural beauty," added the Prince, "it held a sacred significance to those who dwelled nearby. The forest's tranquil ambiance beckoned the admiration of all who encountered it. Each year, the local villagers partook in the cherished tradition of the Crimson Festival, where they would present offerings to the fae creatures known as the persona. These offerings were seen as a token of gratitude for the persona's guardianship over the Red Woods and the surrounding lands.

"Although peace predominantly reigned within the Red Woods, danger had occasionally pierced its idyllic atmosphere. Greedy businessmen and unscrupulous hunters sought to exploit the region, coveting the essence of the personas to sell on the black market. However, time and time again, these threats were met with fierce resistance from the Feredians, the elite protectors of the persona.

"The common folk held a profound appreciation for the personas, acknowledging their tireless efforts in safeguarding the Red Woods, an elusive jewel concealed by illusions from the prying eyes of the outside world. The land remained a hidden gem, only discovered by chance or under the guidance of those who possessed knowledge of its secrets."

The prince's gaze lingered upon the desolate surroundings, his sigh carrying the weight of loss and pity. The remnants of Autumn Palace stood as a melancholic testament to its former glory, now overshadowed by the absence of Queen Aurora's guiding presence. The air itself seemed heavy with a veil of sorrow as if mourning the fallen queen.

The prince's gaze lingered upon the desolate surroundings, his expression etched with a hint of sorrow. "I cannot help but feel that the grandeur and pride that once enveloped this place has faded with the passing of Queen Aurora."

Elena's voice cut through the heavy silence, brimming with hope. "I dare to believe that Queen Aurora may yet live."

The prince turned to her, curiosity sparking in his eyes. "How can that be? The reports of her demise were widespread. Her body was even buried in your lands as per her last will."

Elena's voice quivered with hope as she recounted the events that had unfolded in the depths of the catacombs.

A flicker of realization passed over the prince's features, his brows furrowing in contemplation. "Could it be true? Could Queen Aurora still be alive?"

Elena's face lit up, her eyes gleaming with newfound optimism. "I hope so. If she still lives, then it would be easy to restore Autumn Palace to once it was."

As the prince and Elena exchanged a meaningful glance, their eyes locked in a powerful connection; vibrant energy seemed to dance around them, casting shimmering sparks that illuminated their shared bond. In that fleeting moment, it was as if time itself paused, allowing their hearts to reconnect as if they were long-lost lovers, reuniting after years of painful separation.

Ren was knocked back by their radiating optimism. While the prince and Elena were united in their shared beliefs and opinions, Ren's mind veered in a different direction. His thoughts swirled with intricate plans and calculations as he sought to navigate the delicate intricacies of the [Relationship Level] he shared with her.

Though others might have coveted his position and yearned to be in his shoes, Ren viewed it as nothing more than a burden, a weight that pressed upon his conscience.

He felt the heaviness of his responsibility towards her, knowing that his actions could potentially hurt her, even if she was an NPC.

And Ren might just know what to do to lower his [Relationship Level] with her.


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