MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 647  The Temple Standoff

Chapter 647  The Temple Standoff         

Ren and Evie strolled right in without bothering to knock as the door stood ajar.

Inside, the chapel of the Grand Benefactor was a breathtaking sight. Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns of light across the marble floor. Rows of polished wooden pews filled the space, and a sense of tranquility enveloped the room.

People bustled about, some in deep conversation, while others were on their way to receive quests from the esteemed figure, Salister Kane.

At the center of the altar was the man himself.

Salister Kane had a warm and inviting appearance that immediately put people at ease. His face bore a friendly smile that crinkled at the corners of his hazel eyes, revealing nothing but kindness.

Silver-flecked salt-and-pepper hair framed his face, lending him an air of wisdom and experience. He wore robes of rich azure adorned with intricate golden embroidery, a testament to his status as a revered figure within the chapel.

His presence exuded a quiet dignity, making it easy to understand why so many sought his guidance and quests in their journeys.

As Ren and Evie waited in line to receive a quest from Salister, Evie couldn't help but comment, "He doesn't look like a devil."

Ren replied knowingly, "All Devils look good on the outside."

Evie stifled a laugh, suspecting Ren might be a devil in disguise.

With open arms, Salister greeted them, "Ah, new faces. What can I help you with?"

"We're here to do one of your quests," Ren replied.

"Good, good. I'm delighted to see more adventurers willing to help those in need," Salister said. "I have a quest tailored just for you. I need brave souls willing to undertake very dangerous tasks. Are you willing to accept?"

Ren nodded in agreement.

Salister's aim was to enlist a series of contracted adventurers into the service of his faith, the Grand Benefaction.

He presented Ren and Evie with a contract specifying that they should always strive to save innocent lives, donate 15 percent of their treasure earnings to the chapel, and report to Salister as their head priest, treating them as members of the faith.

However, Ren refused to sign.

"That's perfectly fine," Salister said, though he felt a pang of disappointment. He had no shortage of recruits and decided not to pressure Ren and Evie. He planned to approach them again later.

"Now, onto the quest," Salister began, undeterred. "There's a ruined temple not far from here that holds ancient secrets and has become a stronghold for malevolent creatures. I want you to cleanse it and retrieve some important texts."

"Understood," Ren acknowledged.

Once they had the quest in hand, Ren and Evie set off on their journey.

"What happens if you do sign the contract?" Evie inquired.

Ren explained, "If players sign those contracts, Salister takes the first step toward claiming their souls."

"Oh, and then what?"

"If that were to happen, they'd perish unexpectedly without understanding why and would suffer a significant EXP penalty. Nothing would point to Salister Kane as the culprit by then."

Ren recalled the uproar it had caused on gaming forums in the past, with players bombarding the developers' email with complaints.

However, the developers stood firm, insisting there was no bug or foul play and simply categorizing it as one of the players' quests that they took.

With the multitude of quests players had undertaken in the past days, it was impossible to attribute these occurrences to Salister Kane.

And thus, more players still fell into Salister Kane's tricks, until one genius guess the patterns and solved it. But by that time, it was already too late. Salister Kane had already accumulated all the souls he needed.

Salister Kane had been plotting his revenge for a long time. He aimed to accumulate contracts, lay claim to souls, and eventually mount an assault on hell itself.

This plan would keep him out of the adventurers' way for a while, but when he returned to the material plane as the new ruler of hell, they would regret not stopping him when it was easier.

"Is this quest easy?" Evie questioned.

Ren replied, "It's a straightforward dungeon crawl. There are minions guarding a repository of religious texts. While these texts have no relevance to Salister's religion, they hold value for other temples in the area, and Salister wishes to aid them in their noble endeavors."

As Ren and Evie ventured toward the looming silhouette of the ruined temple, their path guided them through a dense forest. The vibrant green foliage rustled overhead as sunlight streamed through the leaves, creating dappled patterns on the forest floor.

The chirping of birds and the occasional scampering of woodland creatures provided a soothing soundtrack to their journey.

The winding dirt trail they followed was narrow, flanked by towering trees with gnarled roots protruding from the earth. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves, carrying with it the earthy scent of moss and fallen leaves, which filled the air with a sense of tranquility.

The temple's presence grew more pronounced with each step they took, its jagged, weather-worn stone walls coming into clearer view.

Vines and ivy clung to its sides as if trying to reclaim it from the encroaching embrace of time and nature. Broken archways and shattered statues hinted at the grandeur the temple once held.

As Ren and Evie neared the entrance, the ambiance shifted. They began to hear the faint hum of distant voices and the clanking of armor.

However, as they approached the temple's threshold, their path was suddenly blocked by a group of players. These adventurers were dressed in a variety of ornate and battle-worn attire, showcasing their diverse class and race. Swords, shields, staffs, and bows were at the ready, gleaming with the promise of battle.

The group was an eclectic mix featuring humans, elves, dwarves, and other races, each with their own unique attributes and weapons. Some wore extravagant capes and armor adorned with intricate engravings, while others favored practicality over aesthetics.

Ren and Evie could see the determination in their eyes, reflecting the shared desire to kill them and reap the bounty rewards. The tension in the air was palpable as both parties silently assessed each other.

Amidst this standoff, a momentary hush fell over the forest. The sunlight filtered through the trees, casting elongated shadows on the ground.

The only sound was the gentle rustling of leaves, as if the forest itself held its breath, awaiting the outcome of this encounter.

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