MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 648  Another Unfortunate Players

Chapter 648  Another Unfortunate Players         

Amid the tense standoff between Ren and the group of players at the entrance of the ruined temple, the atmosphere was charged with tension.

Swords gleamed, spells crackled with magic energy, and bows were drawn taut as the opposing players confronted Ren and Evie.

One of the rival players, a burly warrior with a scarred face and a rugged demeanor, stepped forward and pointed his blade at Ren. "You there, Ren, isn't it?" he snarled. "Word on the street is there's a hefty bounty on your head, and we aim to collect it."

Ren met the warrior's gaze, his expression a mix of boredom and wry amusement. "Ah, yes. The infamous bounty. I suppose you're here to cash in, then?"

Another player, a nimble rogue with a mischievous grin, chimed in, "Elena isn't here to protect you now, is she? No more EXP penalty to worry about."

And they laughed.

Ren wasn't perturbed the least. He knew this would happen the moment that Elena strayed from his side.

Evie stepped beside Ren, her staff at the ready while her pet ooze, Bubbles, flew to her side.

Ren's tone was laced with a hint of sarcasm as he remarked, "Some players really don't know when to give up."

The rival group exchanged confident glances, their numbers now giving them a significant advantage. The air crackled with tension as both sides prepared for a clash of steel and spells.

Ren confidently brandished his [Stellarum Scepter], a legendary artifact whose very appearance sparked envy in the eyes of the rival players.

It was undeniable that, at first glance, the scepter exuded the aura of legend-grade equipment.

Legend-grade equipment possessed a certain allure that set it apart from the ordinary, instantly signaling its immense value with a mere glint and shimmer.

The rival players couldn't help but whistle in admiration. "Whoa, that's one fine staff you've got there. All the more reason to take you down and claim it for ourselves."

Ren, however, maintained a calm and knowing smile. "I think you might be misunderstanding something here."

Their curiosity was piqued, and one of the rival players asked, "Oh? Do enlighten us."

Suddenly, multiple radiant lights materialized overhead, creating ethereal portals in the air.

"I don't need Elena to kill all of you," Ren declared.

Cosmic stars descended from the heavens, converging with pinpoint accuracy on the players, their brilliance hinting at the impending celestial onslaught.

The battleground, once a tranquil forest, transformed into a chaotic arena as Ren's magic prowess surged to life. Cosmic stars, radiant and brilliant, descended from the heavens like a rain of destruction. They homed in on the rival players, their impact zones glowing with incandescent fury.

The first wave of celestial projectiles struck the players with devastating force, sending them sprawling in all directions. Some were caught off guard, their shocked expressions evident as they were blasted back by the sheer power of Ren's magic.

A few unlucky souls found themselves one-shotted, vanishing from the virtual world with bewildered expressions frozen on their avatars.

As the surviving players scrambled to their feet, they exchanged alarmed glances and muttered exclamations of disbelief. The potency of Ren's magic had taken them by surprise, and they quickly realized that they had underestimated him.

One player, a heavily armored knight with a greatsword, shouted to his comrades, "Close the distance! Mages are weak in close combat!"

Their resolve was unshaken. It was too late to back out now. They would have that bounty and equipment one way or another.

The rival players regrouped and surged forward, their footsteps crunching leaves and twigs beneath their boots. Weapons at the ready, they closed in on Ren, determined to exploit his supposed vulnerability.

Ren remained composed as they approached, his [Stellarum Scepter] at the ready.

As the first player lunged at him with a swing of a massive axe, Ren countered with a brilliant burst of celestial energy. The resulting explosion sent the attacker hurtling backward, his health bar plummeting.

Another player, a nimble rogue, attempted to flank Ren from the side. With a deft twirl of his scepter, Ren summoned a barrier of shimmering stars that deflected the rogue's poisoned daggers harmlessly to the ground.

"Close combat won't be your salivation," Ren remarked with a smirk.

Undeterred, the rival players continued their assault, closing the gap with relentless effort. They knew that their only chance lay in overpowering Ren before he could unleash another devastating magical onslaught.

Puzzled, they couldn't fathom how Ren managed to unleash a barrage of spells without any noticeable cooldowns. It was their first encounter with a mage who appeared to cast spells continuously, defying the usual limitations.

The forest echoed with the clash of steel against magic.

The skirmish between Ren and the rival players had escalated into a frenzied spectacle. As the opposing players attempted to close in on Ren, determined to exploit his perceived weakness in close combat, they found themselves facing an unexpected challenge.

Ren, with his [Stellarum Scepter] in hand, continued to fend off their advances. But suddenly, there was a ripple in the fabric of reality, and multiple illusionary images of Ren appeared around the battlefield. They mirrored his every movement, casting doubt upon which was the real Ren.

One player, wielding a gleaming sword, called out in frustration, "Where is he? Pin him down!"

The rival players struggled to pinpoint Ren's true location, their attacks becoming increasingly erratic as they swung and struck at the illusionary duplicates.

Amidst the confusion, Ren's voice rang out with a hint of amusement, "Lost in the stars, are you?"

Just as the rival players focused their efforts on the illusionary Ren, a burst of magical energy emanated from the opposite side of the battlefield.

Evie with her staff raised high, had casted a spell of illusion magic. Multiple illusory images of her appeared, as well, each running and taunting the players.

The rival players, now thoroughly disoriented, exchanged bewildered glances. "Over there! Get her!" one of them shouted, pointing at one of the illusionary Evies.

They charged toward the illusionary Evie, swinging their weapons with a vengeance.

However, as their blades passed through the illusions, they realized their mistake.

Evie's voice chimed in from behind them, "You're looking in the wrong place."

Turning around, they found the real Evie standing a short distance away, her staff crackling with arcane power. Without hesitation, she unleashed a powerful area-of-effect spell that sent shockwaves rippling through the rival players, knocking them off their feet.

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