MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 650  Denric Pullusilva

Chapter 650  Denric Pullusilva  

         Ren carefully collected the texts, their importance evident in their fragile state. With the precious cargo secured, he turned to Evie, a sense of accomplishment radiating from both of them.

"Our mission is complete," Ren said. "Let's go back to Salister Kane and accept more quests from him.

Evie nodded and commented, "I miss this. I miss those times when we can just do quest and explore this world together."

Ren smiled and gently tucked Evie's hair behind her ear. "Don't worry, we'll be able to do that soon. You'll be free, and you can do whatever you want. I promise."

Evie smiled, eyes melting into a pool of emotions. "Mmm . . ."

Exiting the temple, Ren and Evie retraced their steps through the temple, emerging once more into the daylight that streamed through the entrance.

They embarked on their journey back to the chapel of the Grand Benefactor, the texts safely in their possession.

As they arrived back at the chapel, Salister Kane greeted them with a warm smile. "You have returned," he said, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Ren and Evie presented the religious texts to Salister, who received them with reverence. "These texts hold the wisdom our researchers seek," Salister told them. "It would benefit this realm well."

Any player without [Appraisal] wouldn't notice anything strange with the unreadable text on the parchment.

However, nothing could escape Ren's [Appraisal]. The parchment contained a forbidden spell that opened a portal into the Netherworld.

Salister Kane's gratitude was evident as he accepted the texts, a profound sense of fulfillment radiating from him. "You have done a great service," he said. "I am grateful beyond words."

"It's an honor," Ren lied with an even tone.

Evie added with a lethargic face, "We're always ready to help those in need."

Salister Kane's appreciation was evident as he continued, "Your dedication to our cause is truly remarkable. Now, as a token of my gratitude, I have another task that requires your expertise.

"I want to craft newer, more powerful magical items, and for that, I require a few rare components. I need you to embark on a hunt to eliminate a certain creature that has been terrorizing trade caravans, preying on farmers, and must be stopped."

Salister Kane's words bore no hint of ulterior motives; they resonated with a genuine concern for the people of the world.

However, Ren knew better than to trust the devil.

Ren and Evie exchanged glances, silently acknowledging their unspoken suspicions. Then, Ren replied, his voice steady, "We accept your quest. Tell us the location of this monster."

Salister Kane's eyes shimmered with gratitude and hope as he pressed his hands together. "Thank you both once again. Your courage and selflessness shine as a beacon of light in these troubled times. You'll find the creature in Grado Path, a few kilometers from here. May you find success in your noble quest, and may the winds of destiny favor your path."

With their next mission in hand and Salister Kane's heartfelt thanks, Ren and Evie bid farewell to him and set off on their journey toward Grado Path, prepared to face the unknown challenges that awaited them.

Ren and Evie embarked on their journey towards Grado Path, and they followed a winding forested trail. The verdant canopy above filtered the dappled sunlight, casting a soothing pattern of shadows on the path beneath. Birdsong and the rustling of leaves provided a serene backdrop to their steps.

After several kilometers, the forest began to thin, and the path widened, revealing a picturesque scene. In the distance, they spotted a colorful caravan adorned with vibrant banners and led by a regal-looking high elf.

The caravan was stationed by the side of the road, surrounded by a dazzling array of wares displayed on ornate tables and woven rugs.

Ren used [Probe] on the High Elf, and his information became evident to him.

ǁ Denric Pullusilva ǁ

Denric Pullusilva is a high elf of remarkable character.

Denric is no ordinary elf; he's a seasoned relic hunter with an insatiable passion for magical artifacts. His intriguing journey intertwines with Salister Kane's when Denric becomes captivated by the extensive collection of mystical items owned by the scholarly mage.

Denric possesses a unique opportunity for the party, offering them insights into the enigmatic curses that shroud some of these magical items.

Alternatively, he may present them with the chance to acquire potent, safe magical relics, albeit for a price he deems "fair."

Unconventional in his dealings, Denric prefers the currency of favors over a mere coin. He's more than willing to barter a magic item he's familiar with, seeking in return the opportunity to lay his eyes on a relic he's never encountered or to claim a fair share of a treasure hoard.

Denric's appearance is distinct –– shorter than most elves, with dark, almost black hair lightly touched by silver strands.

His violet eyes, speckled with glimmering gold, are his defining feature, often revealed dramatically when he raises his hooded cloak.

He's never seen without his trusty tobacco pipe, an essential accessory in his repertoire.

Armed to the hilt, Denric wields an assortment of weapons, particularly favoring an ornate elven longsword and a multitude of finely crafted daggers. His flair for drama and presentation is evident in his every action.

Denric aspires to be unforgettable, and he goes to great lengths to leave a lasting impression. If he believes the party is destined for great feats, he won't hesitate to latch onto their coattails, eager to play a part in their remarkable journey.

Thus, we conclude the tale of Denric Pullusilva, a character as captivating and colorful as the magical relics he seeks.

ǁ E N D ǁ

But Ren knew, beyond his peculiarities, Denric was fundamentally a force for good. When the party learns of Salister Kane's true nature, Denric readily aligns himself with their cause, offering his aid in their battle against the malevolent mage.

As Ren and Evie approached the bustling marketplace, the radiant banners of the colorful caravan came into view once more.

The high elf merchant, Denric Pullusilva, stood at the forefront, exuding an air of elegance and curiosity. His hand held an ornate tobacco pipe, which he puffed thoughtfully as he observed the approaching adventurers.

Denric smiled charmingly. "Ah, travelers, what brings you to my emporium of wonders today? Might I interest you in a glimpse of the extraordinary?"

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