MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 649  Triumph in the Temple

Chapter 649  Triumph in the Temple         

As the battle raged on in the forest, Evie's trusty companion, Bubbles, a pliable and translucent pet ooze, who also shared her master's sleepy face, joined in the battle.

Slithering forward with lethargic grace, Bubbles oozed its way toward Evie, who was orchestrating the illusionary display to disorient the rival players.

Evie smiled as she sensed Bubbles' presence beside her. "Bubbles, we could use your help."

With a playful gurgle, Bubbles responded to Evie's unspoken command. Its amorphous form contorted, and a section of its gelatinous body ballooned outward.

Then, with remarkable precision, it spewed forth a thick, viscous torrent of water toward the unsuspecting rival players.

Caught off guard and still reeling from the disorienting illusions, the players found themselves engulfed in the surging waters.

The ooze's aqueous attack was anything but ordinary. As the water made contact, it carried with it a cacophony of negative status effects.

One player choked and gasped as they were enveloped in the gelatinous liquid. "What is this . . . ?" they wheezed, struggling to breathe as the water clung to their avatar.

Another player's movements grew sluggish as they tried to fight against the watery onslaught. "I can't . . . move!" they cried out, their agility diminishing by the moment.

"Good girl," Evie said and rubbed Bubbles's chin.

The players' armor became heavier as their equipment absorbed the water, causing their movement speed to decrease. They frantically attempted to clear the water's grip on them, but it clung relentlessly, its properties working against their efforts.

One player managed to sputter out, "This isn't just water . . . It's cursed! Healers! Heal us!"

But there were no healers left because Ren had made sure to dispose of them first.

Their struggles intensified, but Bubbles continued its relentless assault, ensuring that the rival players were thoroughly debilitated by negative effects. The thick waters sapped their strength, agility, and endurance, weakening them further.

With the added status effects weighing them down, the rival players' chances of victory dwindled with each passing moment.

Amidst the chaos and the watery deluge, they found themselves in a perilous situation, their options limited as they battled not only Ren and Evie but the unpredictable force of Bubbles, the ooze companion who had turned the tide of the fight even further with its intervention.

Ren took advantage of the chaos, and seized the moment. He summoned a brilliant burst of cosmic energy that engulfed the player.

The players' avatars convulsed in agony as their health rapidly disoriented players. Their health bars dwindled rapidly, and some were knocked unconscious while others desperately attempted to retreat.

Amidst the battlefield, the rival players struggled to regain their footing, their health bars diminishing steadily due to the lingering status effects and the relentless assault from Ren and Evie.

Ren focused on the nearest player. He chanted an incantation and unleashed a brilliant burst of cosmic power that engulfed the rival player.

The players' avatars convulsed in agony as their health rapidly dwindled, and they were sent back to their respawn point, defeated.

Evie conjured a radiant sphere of light and hurled it at another player who attempted to flee. The sphere struck them with pinpoint accuracy, inflicting additional damage and rendering them unable to escape the impending onslaught.

With calculated precision, Ren and Evie continued to incapacitate and eliminate the rival players one by one. Some players tried to cast spells or swing their weapons in retaliation, but their weakened state made their efforts futile.

As the last of the rival players fell to the ground, their avatars fading into oblivion, Ren and Evie stood victorious amidst the battleground.

The forest, once a scene of chaotic confrontation, returned to its tranquil state, with only the echoes of their triumph lingering in the air.

Their combination of illusion magic and celestial might proving to be a formidable force. Their combined magic was enough to defeat fifty players who claimed to be the best of the best.

Though Ren wasn't entirely unscathed. He suffered minimal HP reduction thanks to his equipment and high stat while Evie was well protected by her equipment and illusion magic.

As the forest slowly returned to its calm state, Ren remarked, "I hope this is enough to deter them away."

Evie chuckled. "I doubt it. You're a magnet for trouble."

Ren only wryly sighed at her comment.

Without further delay, they resumed their journey toward the ruined temple, ready to complete Salister Kane's quest and face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Ren and Evie entered the foreboding interior of the ruined temple, their footsteps echoing in the dimly lit corridor.

The air was heavy with the scent of ancient stone and dust, and a palpable sense of mystery surrounded them. Their quest was clear: cleanse the temple of malevolent minions and retrieve the important texts sought by Salister Kane.

Torchlight flickered on the weathered walls as they ventured deeper into the temple. The sound of distant whispers and eerie, echoing footsteps created an ominous ambiance that sent shivers down their spines.

Ren's [Stellarum Scepter] cast an ethereal glow, revealing intricate carvings and faded murals that hinted at the temple's former grandeur.

The first encounter came when a group of shadowy figures emerged from the darkness. These minions, clad in tattered robes and carrying wicked-looking weapons, hissed menacingly as they closed in on Ren and Evie.

Ren raised his scepter, magical energy crackling to life. He unleashed a radiant burst of cosmic power, and the minions were momentarily blinded by the dazzling display.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Evie cast a spell, summoning ethereal chains that bound the minions in place.

With coordinated precision, Ren and Evie struck down the minions one by one, their illusion magic and celestial spells overpowering the malevolent creatures.

The minions' defeated forms dissolved into shadowy mist, leaving behind only the echoes of their tormented cries.

As they delved deeper into the temple's depths, they encountered more challenges — traps that required magical disarming, puzzles that tested Ren's intellect, and chambers filled with minions that sought to impede their progress.

Finally, after overcoming the temple's myriad challenges, they reached the inner sanctum, where the coveted religious texts lay protected within a hallowed chamber. The texts, their pages aged and delicate, held the accumulated wisdom of generations.

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