Monster Integration

Chapter 4084: Moving

Chapter 4084: Moving

I stayed on my spot for over ten minutes after the hogs left before finally moving.

There were other monsters; it took them a while to disperse.

I took a step forward from my place and looked around with my eyes.

The soul waves are showing me everything there is to see, but nothing could be compared to seeing with one's eyes.

The first thing I have to do is find out where I am. It is only then; that I will be able to move toward my destination.

Yes, I have destinations, but they are vaguer than most people had come here for.

I am going after the rumors. The places one, people believe, could help them break through the limit.

There is no proof that these places exist, but I don't have a choice. Being struck at the limit, I couldn't take advantage of all the amazing things this realm has to offer.

I will not be the only one chasing those rumors.

Over 75% of the people who are at the absolute limit would be there. Those people are the best of the best and as strong as me.

It will be very tough to deal with them, but there is no other choice.

I do not fear, instead excited to go against them. It's really hard to find an opponent of such power. This realm will not have dearth of them.

It might be a fool's errand to chase the rumors, but I wouldn't get bored.

Though it would be a massive waste of time. I could do a lot more, the three to six months. I would be here in this realm.

Many times, I wished that I wouldn't have been ordered to come here.

I would have been able to do a lot more, at that time.

I shook away those thoughts and focused on this dangerous place. The danger is everywhere here, but there is also a fortune.

My strings had come out, and they had started to harvest the resources.

They are everywhere. Even the simple grass I am stepping on is a resource that will sell for good money.

The dense energy and suppressive atmosphere had made everything that grows in this realm valuable. It is also the second part of my mission.

I have been asked to bring as much as resources as possible.

In exchange, they will give us access to the vaults. To choose the things of equal value.

It is a rare opportunity.

I would have done that. Even if there wasn't such an offer. Resources are always useful. Especially the resources in this realm.

I am harvesting with hundreds of strings around me.

These strings not only harvest the resources but also erase the traces. It would be harder for the monsters to track me. People, it wouldn't, but I am not worried about them.

I would be able to see them far away and would too measures.

Even if they found me. They wouldn't do anything here with the dangerous monsters everywhere unless they have a death wish or a really good isolation artifact.

Minutes passed as I moved through the forest, with my soul waves going in every direction.

Usually, it didn't take me long to find where I was thanks to my soul waves.

They had a long-range, which makes it easy to find where I am, but this realm is vast, and many parts of it unexplored, despite being open for nearly four thousand years.

I stopped as I sensed the group of wolves coming toward me.

It was only for a few seconds as they chased a prey that moved quite fast.

I resumed my journey. Avoiding monsters at every step while collecting the resources.

Soon, an hour passed since I had entered this realm, and I had crossed quite a distance.

My speed is three times, the average of people coming here. I could move faster, but I wanted to gauge the abilities of the monsters around me.

One of the biggest reasons for death here are the monsters and the highest number of those deaths occur on the first day.

Many people, despite their vast experience, fall prey to them. I don't want to add my name to them.


I was thinking that when I suddenly stopped with a big smile on my face.

I moved and stopped fifty meters away and looked at potatoes with the black veins running through them.

"I had wanted you for a long time," I said to the potatoes.

These resources had been on my list, for years, since I was primary, but I was not able to get them because of their rarely.

Now, I have finally got it, and I am going to plant it. Three are far from enough.

It is called a black-veined blood potato. It is a resource, that energizes the essence. I could use it to recover the essence fast, but there is another use.

Physical strengthening.

I could use it in my formula for the dance of ukasanavor. The addition of it will increase its efficiency by 10%, which is not small.

It's huge. It's the reason why it's so rare. Anyone who found it, keep it for themselves.

I harvested it and looked around, but didn't find any more. It disappointed me, but only for a moment.

I have found the three potatoes, which are healthy and in peak conditions.

My clone had already started looking at it. Once it checked everything. It will be cut into pieces and replanted.

They are hard to grow and have really high energy demand, but it's not a problem for me.

Another hour passed as I kept moving.

Unable to find where I am. It was a little frustrating, but I controlled my emotions and kept


With it, my strings and some seeds, that would enter the bodies of monsters.

These are special seeds; I had created in the past month. They would explode after entering, sending a large sensory wake into the body.

The data, that wave got would be sent to me.

Many monsters sensed it inside them as the wave was pretty powerful, but it didn't alarm them. They paused for a few seconds before returning to their business.


I was collecting a data packet sent from another monster when I froze with my eyes wide.

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