Second World

Chapter 817. New Coalition

Chapter 817. New Coalition

After Therribus' army saw the crown prince's body, most dropped down arms and surrendered. Several didn't know what to do.

Alonzo announced to them that this civil war had been a tragedy. Both sides had lost in this war. He won't hold anyone responsible. He would also not hold a grudge against the soldiers who had fought against him in this war. Everyone should return to their posts and resume their duties. Those that had fallen would receive proper burials, whether they fought for Therribus or Alonzo.

Alonzo told them that he hoped this was the end of their squabble. Themisphere Kingdom had lost many capable soldiers today. They couldn't afford to be weakened further. They should now strive for the good of the kingdom. He urged those that were loyal to prince Therribus to bring up their complaints and demands in the formal court. He would try to work them out as best as he could. He warned that any further act of violence would be considered an act of rebellion and would not be tolerated. There would be no more forgiveness for any transgression going forward.

A few high-profile officers that were most loyal to Therribus and his ideals, couldn't find themselves working for Alonzo. So, they resigned then and there. One of them was the mythical-grade Lord Marshall, Arther Pendrake. Alonzo thought it was a huge waste, but he didn't give them any trouble. From now on, the Themisphere kingdom would only have two Lord Marshalls.

The reinforcement army marched back to the capital then, with prince Alonzo among them. It took them two weeks to return to the capital. But since the civil war was officially over, the outworlders were free to return using the nearest zone portal inside Theneward.

All participating outworlders on Alonzo's side received notification that they had successfully completed the war summon quest. Everyone received exp points, mana cores, coins, and war contribution points based on their contribution.

Those that decided to participate in the war, were greatly pleased by the rewards. Those that had followed the war from start to end, easily increased two levels after the notification. Some who contributed more even increased three levels. Those that survived till the end were mostly at level 50. Those that lost one or two levels recovered their lost levels and then some.

What they lost were the coins they had paid for the Amulet of Rebirth, but the rewarded coins compensated for the loss. They even gained mana cores and war contribution points. Prince Alonzo announced that they could go to the kingdom representative office in any city to exchange those points for goods. Those that had lost levels even gained a buff of 50% increase in gained exp for one week.

The other players who had learned about these rewards were now regretting not having participated in the war.

There were also rumors about participants who didn't wear Amulet of Rebirth. These players fell back to level 1 and lost everything. These players gained extra exp, cores, coins, and points from the reward and also receive a 200% exp buff for one month as well as a full set of level 10 rare-grade set equipment to help them restart. No one thought falling back to level 1 was worth any reward but still, the rewards were generous enough to help these players get back on their feet. Those who had no Amulet of Rebirth but were smart had already put their important belongings inside the Bank's vault for safekeeping, so not all their belongings were lost when they fell back to level 1.

In Jack's case, he received 19,000,000 exp points, 950 mana cores, 210 gold coins, and 3,326,257 war contribution points. The notification appeared as a projection in front of him and list out his achievements that provided the war contribution points.

Fight enemy's troops = 426,257 war contribution points

Participate throughout the war = 100,000 war contribution points

Lead a regiment = 300,000 war contribution points

Successfully carrying out a surprise attack on the encirclement army = 500,000 war contribution points

Play a major role in destroying siege weapons = 300,000 war contribution points

Kill a high-ranked officer = 800,000 war contribution points

Ignite the war fires = 300,000 war contribution points

Save Prince Alonzo from capture = 600,000 war contribution points

The list only described the war contribution points granted for each achievement, but Jack was sure these achievements also affected the amount of exp, cores, and coins that he received.

The points from Fight enemy's troops were unique considering it was the only one with uneven numbers. He figured that these were the standard points that were calculated based on the damage dealt to the enemy's soldiers. The more enemies that were killed or damaged, the higher this point.

Jack grinned after seeing the rewards. Combined with the exp he gained from the final battle, he only left around three million exp points out of the thirty million points needed to fill up his Lightning God Blessings. This amount won't take him long to gather, which meant his level won't get hindered as before.

He was also happy for the mana cores. He had burned half his stock to summon Ice Demon Fiend several times during the war. With this reward, his stock of mana cores had gone up to 1,310 mana cores. He was sure Jeanny was happy with this mana core reward. Almost all their members joined this war, meaning that many would be able to donate these mana cores soon. She would then be able to copy many items.

For coins, the reward was generous but he didn't think it a big deal. He had other avenues for coin income. Jack donated 500 mana cores and 200 gold coins to Jeanny to be used for guild purposes.

He also informed her of the new material requirements for the final upgrade of his Lightning God Blessing. He asked her to amass the divine gem and magic crystals whenever she had spare mana cores. Times two because Leavemealone would need the same quantity as well.

As for the war contribution points, he was not sure if the amount he gained was many or not. He would have to see the item list which he could exchange using these points first.

John saw Jack's grin. He said, "You seem awfully satisfied. You must think that you get the most points out of this war, don't you?"

"Why, of course. I am one of the leaders and I do many things that help in the war," Jack said, and then added loudly, "But since I'm not a boastful person, I wouldn't announce to everyone that I got more than three million war contribution points."

Several people gasped hearing Jack's not-so-subtle words. More was annoyed. This was what you call not boastful?

John, on the other hand, was snickering. Jack looked at him suspiciously.

John then said loudly, "Since I am also not a boastful person, I also won't announce that I got more than five million war contribution points!"

"What? You are lying! What did you do that gives you that many points?!" Bowler, who was with them, uttered.

"Why do I want to lie? Each of my strategies netted me more than one million points," John said. "I have made four strategies throughout the war. The battle during the first day, the battle to destroy the siege weapons, the distraction during the last battle, and the burning forest tactic. I'm even wondering why anyone can get more than half my points, even if that person is Jack. I mean, I alone have influenced this war more than all of you combined. I should get points more than all of you combined. I am seriously getting underpaid here."

"Underpaid my ass, you self-important prick!" Bowler scolded.

"Remind me to make a strategy to send you for a suicide task the next time," John returned.

Jack ignored the two's bickering. He guessed John was right. John contributed more compared to the others, even him. John's strategies played a key role in this victory. Without John's plan, they would have lost the war for sure.

Most of the players who supported Alonzo traveled together to Theneward to use its zone portal. Their numbers caused a commotion on the street. They paraded themselves on the street like victors back from the field of battle, because they were.

Several groups of players watched them with unfriendly scowls. When they used their Inspect, they found out these groups of players were from the guilds that had supported Therribus. They threw a taunting face, which caused those players to fume even further.

The players on the losing side didn't receive any reward when the war ended, that's why these players had been extremely unhappy with the war result. Not only that, a vast majority of them even lost levels in the war. They were trying their best to hold themselves from lunging at these parading f*ckers on the street. But considering most of these parading f*ckers were level 49 and 50, it was indeed best for them to stay put.

Most of the guild leaders walked together at the front of this parade instead of grouping with their own members.

"Ah... It's nice to finally be a winner again. It feels good, I like it!" Fat Gregory said. "Mister Storm Wind, it was indeed a wise decision to join your side. Don't you say so, Mister Josh?"

"Hm... I guess it is acceptable," Prideful Josh replied.

"Hah, didn't you two keep on complaining that our chances don't look good yesterday?" Beauty Beholder said.

"Ahaha, don't listen to her, mister Storm Wind. From now on, your guild is our big brother. We will listen to you. If you need anything, just holler," Fat Gregory said.

"Oh? Hey! In that case, how about we make a new coalition? With us here as the members?" Jack proposed.

"That sounds like a splendid idea!" Fat Gregory uttered. "What does everyone say about this?"

"Hold your horses!" Jeanny uttered, then said to Jack. "If you propose this, then you have to be the one settling all the management processes with these guilds!"

"Uh, um... Perhaps we should rethink," Jack said.


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