Second World

Chapter 818. War Contribution Points

Chapter 818. War Contribution Points

Although Jeanny said that to Jack, she was not entirely against the idea of forming a coalition with these guilds with whom they had worked together during the war. John also thought it was a good idea. They didn't need any solid purposes like doing a joint epic quest to band together like the previous coalition. Simply some mutual exchange of information was good, as well as a pact to help each other when one of them needed it.

Hearing that, Jack said that he fully supported the idea and would let them have full authority over how to manage this cooperation with the other guilds. Jeanny and John gave him a hard stare as a result.

Since everyone wanted to exchange their war contribution points. The kingdom representative office was full to the brim with players. The office was a large building, only slightly smaller than the Adventurer Associations But since everyone wanted to exchange their points at the same time, it was still not big enough to cater to the needs. One city only had one such office. Due to the excessive queueing, those who had less patience ended up teleporting to other cities to use the office there. Many ended up following these players, allowing the space to get freed up.

Jack didn't go to the other city since he didn't need to queue, because no one was brave enough to ask him to queue. The players even moved to the side when they saw him approach, they didn't know Jack approached with the intention to queue as well. Jack just saw these players as being extremely kind and friendly, he thanked them as he passed them by. He didn't notice Bowler and the others get blocked by these same players once he went ahead.

When Jack reached the counter, the officer asked him to place a hand into some sort of a scanning device. The device took his information. A list then appeared in front of him, showing the goods he could exchange using his war contribution points.

There were tons of items on the list. From mundane goods such as healing potions, common equipment, common ingredient and materials, to unusual goods such as gems, technique books, recipes, even divine gems and magic crystals. As he scrolled up, the rarity of the goods increased. He saw many super rare grade equipment. One of these equipment cost around two million war contribution points.

There were also summoning crystals that could be used during guild wars. The guild higher-ups would want to get this since they had used theirs during the war. He left them alone and let Jeanny and the others get them.

There were also elemental seeds to evolve one skill. Peniel informed him the seed of the five basic elements was the most common seed. Each of these seeds cost two million contribution points.

He continued to scroll up and finally found unique equipment. One Unique Armor cost around five million contribution points, while a unique weapon cost around six million contribution points.

Jack was dejected. He thought his points were high enough already. Turned out it was still not enough to be worth a unique equipment.

"Ah... If the war prolongs a little bit longer, perhaps I will have enough to get unique equipment," He commented.

The officer behind the counter lifted his brows after hearing Jack's comment. 'You wish this country to suffer a longer war?' His face said.

Jack realized he shouldn't have said that out loud. He awkwardly gave an apologetic expression to the officer.

"I guess I just have to choose other things to use my war contribution points on," Jack said and scrolled back down.

"If you want to get the unique equipment, you can just save your points for next time," Peniel informed.

"Oh? I can save them?" Jack asked. He was just about to use his points to get one of the elemental seeds. He thought at first this was like the points from the Ancient Battleground where the points would be forfeited if he didn't spend them now.

Jack asked the officer behind the counter for confirmation, to which the officer confirmed Peniel's words.

Peniel hit Jack in the head. "You don't believe me?"

Jack thought about this option. He preferred to just save his points for later, but when could he expect another country war to happen? Would it be wrong if he hoped for one to happen? If this was a real game, he would expect war events to happen regularly, just for the thrill of it. But this was the real world. Even though players didn't die for real, the natives did. It would be heartless for him to hope for a war to occur.

'Well, if it happens, it happens,' Jack thought. He decided to just save the points rather than using his points now to get things that he didn't truly need. If he wasted his points now and the next war scored him below five million points again, he would truly regret not having saved his current points.

He used 900,000 war contribution points to get three unique amethysts. He didn't exchange any other items after that. His war contribution points went down to 2,426,257 war contribution points after the exchange.

He left the counter and immediately used the three unique amethysts for his Runestone of Luck. The three unique amethysts provided 7,500 energies of the lightning element. This leveled up his Runestone of Luck from the super rare grade to a unique grade.

Runestone of Luck (unique runestone)

Increases luck by approx. 15 points for 10 seconds.

Elemental energy required for upgrade: 2,350/100,000

One hundred thousand elemental energy? Jack thought after reading the requirement to upgrade the runestone to the next level. That would mean he needed forty unique amethysts or diamonds for that. Was it even possible to get that many?

But then again, the next level up would be the maximum already. He thought it made sense to have this difficulty spike to get a legendary runestone. Otherwise, everyone would have it.

He didn't think too much about it. He chose to upgrade this Runestone of Luck because he would need it to do something for the guild soon. After the war was over, it was not just the players that received rewards, guilds also received separate rewards. Especially guilds that had Guild Headquarters, since they sent their guild armies, their contribution was more, hence higher rewards.

Guilds received rewards in the form of reputation points and coins, while guilds who had Guild Headquarters received additional rewards in the form of resources such as food, minerals, woods, and mana.

Of course, the resources a guild could keep depend on their warehouse. The higher the warehouse's level, the more resources the guild could store. If one's warehouse was filled up already, it didn't mean the excess from the reward was gone. These excess resources were kept by the kingdom. The guild could request the resources to be transferred at any time once their warehouses had enough space.

The guilds that received the most rewards were Everlasting Heavenly Legends and Crowd of Sins. The former because they had the most members fighting in the war and also the most members with the highest contribution during the war. The latter was because they provided the war fires that had been integral to the victory.

Other guilds that had provided materials and alchemists to produce the war fires also receive increased rewards for that. This caused those guilds who had held back in providing materials to regret it now. They didn't expect the world system to be all-knowing and could reward every guild fairly based on their contribution.

The reputation reward that Everlasting Heavenly Legends received was enough to boost them to level 4. They were the first guild to reach this level amongst the other guilds inside Themisphere. This cemented their position as the number one guild again inside Themisphere's guild chart list.

Now their guild could construct more structures. The limit of members they could recruit had also increased tremendously. Now they could have five thousand members, more than double their previous limit. Jeanny immediately put recruiting process in gear. They still had many candidates that they couldn't accept due to their membership limits in the past. Now she had everyone send those candidates with the best prospect an offer to join. Those candidates immediately jumped at the opportunity. Who didn't want to be a part of the number one guild in the country?

Jack informed John that he would return to Heavenly Citadel to use that item. John replied that he would return in a moment. John said that he was still admiring the unique summoner robe he had just acquired. John was the only one with enough war contribution points to exchange for a unique armor. The dude even bragged about it in the guild channel. Jack wondered if he should show the guy his new unique-grade magic staff, which was one of the loots he had gained after defeating Garland.

Jack ignored the guy. Since he was waiting for John to return, he decided to go to Commander Quintus' tower to hand in his completed kingdom faction chain quest, Help Prince Alonzo to survive the civil war.

While he was on his way, he checked his titles.

Aside from the rewards after the notification, every player that participated in the war from start to end, even one on the losing side, also received a title. The title was called War Veteran. If equipped, this title gave a 10% damage reduction when the player was participating in a country war or a guild war.

Jack received an additional title aside from that standard one, War General. He had gotten this title for commanding more than five thousand native soldiers during a war scenario. When equipped, all native soldiers under his command received 10% additional damage, damage reduction, HP, stamina, and mana.

John also received a second title, War Tactician. When John equipped this title during a war situation, all native soldiers that moved following his strategies would receive a 30% increase in attributes and movement speed.


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