Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 12

Vol 18 Chapter 12

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toTbird90677 for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 12 – Hope

After a lot of hard work and perseverance, I was finally able to meet the ancient earth dragon. As Creator God-sama had said, the ancient earth dragon had a gentle and peaceful personality, and that was why it caused so much stress. The mission to reintegrate the ancient earth dragon into society became an organizational reform. Why?

“Ah, I’m sorry to tell the ancient earth dragon this, but I don’t think Creator God-sama will allow you to retire.”

After much thought, I told the ancient earth dragon the truth.

I don’t know if this is the right way to counsel. I can’t help but feel that I’m rushing things a bit.

But I’ve never done counseling before, so the only thing I can do is tell him my honest opinion and find a compromise.

So please don’t look at me with teary eyes.

When I see the gigantic dragon’s huge eyes that are obviously filled with tears, my heart feels like it’s being squeezed.


Even so, the ancient earth dragon, overcome with grief, is still able to gently ask back.

I’m pretty sure I would be angry.

My heart is pounding. I’d like to ask someone to help me if I could, but the other members are lost in thought, so it’s impossible. I also want to escape from reality.

“That’s because you are in a special position as an ancient dragon. Do you think that Creator God-sama, who limited his interference in the lower world, would let you go, someone he could use so conveniently?”

I continued the conversation, encouraged by Rimu’s soft, plump body, which was my only comfort.

“There are other ancient dragons aside from me. Until now, I was the only one who had to work hard, but now it’s their turn to work hard. I… I don’t want to do it anymore.”

Although he was calm and never raised his voice, the sadness and anger he felt came through to me.

He’s been forced to do a lot of work, and it’s not wrong for him to want a day off or to ask for compensation for the work he’s done.

That’s why it hurts me to tell him the truth.

“I know it’s not nice of me to say this, but do you really think the Creator God-sama will understand if you complain that you don’t want to do it?”

He’s known him longer than me, so he’ll understand, right?

“I don’t think he will understand. In fact, he’ll probably be happy to come to me.”

That was a quick answer.

That’s right, even without me telling him, the ancient earth dragon must have understood. He knew that he couldn’t expect a fair judgment from Creator God-sama, but he was still fed up. It must have been painful.

I can’t say that I understand everything, but I can at least understand some of the pain caused by this injustice.

“Fufu. You are a kind person. This is the first time a messenger of the Creator God has cried for me…”


…Oh, I’m crying.

Oh, well, I guess there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m the kind of person who cries even at tragic love stories and depressing plot twists in movies and dramas, so of course, I’m going to cry when I see suffering that I can relate to on a completely different level. Because it’s sad.

If it weren’t for the fact that Creator God-sama was probably watching, I would drink until I was drunk and curse at Creator God-sama.

Well, I wouldn’t do that because I’d probably say something terrible if I drank now. Creator God-sama is too terrifying an enemy.

“…Ahem. Sorry. That’s why it’s impossible to retire, but it would be too painful to continue as before. So let’s negotiate so that you can work happily!”

Labor negotiations. This is an area where Japanese people are not good, but I vow to negotiate like an American for the sake of the ancient earth dragon. Well, it’s just a feeling.

Unfortunately, I may have the right intentions, but I don’t have the negotiating skills.

That’s why it’s so important to have a preliminary meeting.

There is a high possibility that even the content of the negotiations is known to the Creator God-sama, so I want to hammer out the conditions to the point where there are only two options: either accept the conditions or continue the boycott.


The ancient earth dragon looks confused. He looks strong and fierce, but he’s also kind of cute.

“Yes. I think it’s a problem because the Creator God-sama and the ancient earth dragon will be communicating directly. So I think it would be best to have a trustworthy god come between you two.”

“I see. It will be much easier if I don’t have to talk to the Creator God directly. I don’t particularly dislike managing the land, and if I don’t have to deal with the unreasonable demands of the Creator God, I don’t mind doing the job.”

You don’t even want to talk to him? Well, I can understand that. When I talk to Creator God-sama, I’m always nervous, wondering if I’m going to get into some kind of trouble.

But the fact that he doesn’t mind the work itself is good news. If I can just get Creator God-sama to do something about it, then everything will be solved. But that’s the hardest part.

“I didn’t even realize something so simple, and all I could think about was running away. Fufu, I’m so stupid.”

The ancient earth dragon looks away with a wry smile. Please stop looking into the distance; it makes me sad.

“No, I think it was more than just stupidity. I think the stress made you narrow-minded. You couldn’t think of anything else but to quit, right?”

“Maybe that’s true. But thanks to you, I’ve found a new way. I’m grateful.”

“Don’t worry about it. So, is there a god that the ancient earth dragon wants to be your boss?”

“If I had to choose a god I could trust, I think it would be the God of Light-sama.”

Even the ancient earth dragon adds a respectful suffix to the name of the God of Light-sama. Even here, I can feel the depth of Creator God-sama’s deeds. Creator God-sama, you’re going too far.

“The God of Light-sama is certainly someone worthy of trust. But I think it would be best if you didn’t ask her to be your boss.”


The ancient earth dragon looks at me with a puzzled expression. If I could rely on someone, I would definitely choose the God of Light-sama, but that’s not convenient for the ancient earth dragon.

“The God of Light-sama is often with the Creator God-sama. If Creator God-sama has a job for the ancient earth dragon to do, he will immediately give orders to the God of Light-sama. Every time that happens, it causes problems for the God of Light-sama. If possible, I think it would be better to choose a god who has little contact with the Creator God-sama. How about the Dragon God-sama?”

I don’t want to cause the God of Light-sama any more trouble. If it was the Creator God-sama, it wouldn’t be strange for him to make the ancient earth dragon do menial tasks just to mess with the God of Light-sama, or rather, he would definitely try to do that.

In this respect, Dragon God-sama is the god of dragons, and although I’ve only ever greeted him, he seems very strong and protective.

“Dragon God-sama is… not a bad person, but he is a simple-minded person, so I don’t think he would be able to stand up to the Creator God.”

Oh, so he’s a muscle-minded god. That’s not a good match for Creator God-sama. Creator God-sama is the type who’s good at finding fault.

“Hmm, then who do you want?”

I don’t want to cause trouble for the goddesses, so I’m thinking of a male god as a candidate, but to be honest, I don’t have a strong impression of any gods other than the goddesses, so I can’t think of any candidates.

The only gods I know anything about are the God of Magic-sama, the God of War-sama, and the God of Commerce-sama, and I know the God of Entertainment-sama too, but I’m not sure about his gender.

The God of Magic-sama seems to be a bit sensitive, and if he gets any more involved with the Creator God-sama, he’ll go crazy.

The God of War-sama is all about war. He’s probably going to lose his cool and start fighting at any moment.

The God of Commerce-sama seems very busy, and like he’s going through a lot. He seems like he would protect his subordinates, but I don’t think he would be willing to become someone’s boss just like that.

The God of Entertainment-sama is out of the question, even if he is a man. I can only see a future of increasing hardship.

“Well, how about asking the gods who particularly dislike the Creator God?”

The ancient earth dragon also expressed his opinion when I was worried. That’s a good sign.

“Creator God-sama is the type who likes to lash out at people who don’t like him, isn’t he?”

The style of adding fuel to the fire is dangerous.

“That is true. In that case, it would be best to ask the gods that Creator God dislikes, wouldn’t it?”

If such a being existed, it would be perfect, but the question is whether such a convenient God exists.

“Is there such a god?”

“The Dark God-sama… That’s not good. I believe he has severed his ties with the Creator God. Eh…”

The ancient earth dragon is having a hard time, but it seems that there are no convenient gods around. For now, let’s pretend that I didn’t hear about the Dark God-sama.

“Creator God-sama would be happy if it was a hostile god, so it might be better to have a neutral or friendly god.”

“Haha, there’s no such thing as a god who’s on good terms with the Creator God. Oh, that’s right, that person might be able to help us!”

I’m not going to make any comments. I’m not going to make any comments.

I wonder if Creator God-sama is getting angry in the divine realm?

“Who is it?”

“It’s the God of Fields-sama.”

God of Fields? Oh, is it a field?

“The God of Fields-sama?”

I remember greeting the God of Bountiful Harvest-sama, but I don’t remember meeting the God of Fields-sama. Or rather, does that mean that he’s the only God of Fields?

I know there are many different gods in this world, not just one. Maybe there is even a God of Toilet-sama in this world, although I’ve never met one.

“Yes, I have had many opportunities to meet him as the guardian dragon of the earth, and he is a wonderful, simple, and sincere god.”

The ancient earth dragon spoke of the God of Fields-sama with real joy. Maybe those who are related to the earth have good chemistry. That’s wonderful, but I also have some concerns.

“Um, can a simple and earnest god stand up to the Creator God-sama?

If he can’t, then our goal will not be fulfilled.

“Do not worry. I’ve never seen or heard the God of Fields-sama get angry, but he is someone who judges what is wrong as wrong, and I’ve only seen him admonish the Creator God once.”


“Is it really effective to admonish the Creator God-sama?”

He might just sneer and brush it off, right?

“I think that Creator God is not good at talking to God of Fields-sama because God of Fields-sama is the kind of person who talks to you patiently until you understand. When I saw them, they talked for a long time, and at the end, I think Creator God was in tears. How could I have forgotten such a wonderful memory?”

So you’re treating Creator God-sama’s tearful eyes as a wonderful memory? Perhaps his gentle and kind personality was preserved to some extent, but the stress probably distorted his personality a little. That’s sinful.

But still, does he lecture him at length?

It seems a bit lukewarm, but Creator God-sama seems to be the kind of character who gets happy when you get angry, fights back when you snap, and chases you when you run away, so that seems to be the best way to deal with it.

A teacher who gently and patiently explains things until they are understood versus a problem child who is the leader of a group of kids? It looks like a winnable battle, or at least one that could be fought to a draw.

OK, I see a glimmer of hope.

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