Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 20

Vol 18 Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 – I Have to Make Him Regret It

The plan to capture Creator God-sama at the Chateau by inviting the gods. After providing the location, I was free to enjoy a date with the God of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama. A happy time spent eating together and watching nature programs with the Goddess of the Forest-sama. Then, just as I was about to enjoy a little ear cleaning with a pillow in my lap, I was plunged into despair.

“Then please do as planned.”


The gods who had gathered on the bridge at my request promptly dispersed.

I don’t know why, but the gods were very cooperative, and it helped the meeting go smoothly. I can’t help but feel that they were a little afraid, but that’s probably just my imagination since it’s impossible for a god to be afraid of me.

After vowing to overthrow Creator God-sama, I asked the God of Light-sama, the God of War-sama, and the God of Magic-sama for their cooperation and made various checks.

And so I made my plan.

If this plan succeeds, it will not cause any trouble in the divine world or the lower world, and it will also allow me to at least make the Creator God-sama understand and lift the curse of the terrible blessing that was placed on me.

However, it was impossible to come up with a plan that was completely in my favor.

There was a greater gap in power between us and Creator God-sama than I thought, and even if I relied on luck and used cheats, the success rate was only 50%.

Besides, I had to be willing to risk my own life, and I couldn’t do much damage to Creator God-sama.

Nevertheless, I made up my mind. I was willing to take the risk for my own happiness.

I’m going to teach Creator God-sama the meaning of the phrase, “A cornered rat will bite a cat.”

I wait patiently for good news, listening to the explosions, screams, and curses that can be heard even inside the bridge.

This is the first phase of the operation.

If it doesn’t work, there’s nothing we can do, but the fact that it depends on the mood of Creator God-sama is painful.

However, when I think about Creator God-sama’s short attention span, there’s a good chance of success. The fact that Creator God-sama can’t sit still in the same place is his weakness.

“Creator God has entered the ship! He’s now on the 15th floor!”

With a loud bang, the door opens, and a male god whose name I don’t know announces the good news.

“Understood. Please step up the attack and knock Creator God-sama down. However, Creator God-sama likes to do things that people and gods don’t like. Make absolutely sure that he doesn’t find out that you’re trying to knock him down.”


I watch the god running away, and then I lose myself in thought.

The superior Creator God-sama cannot be caught outside the ship, where he can use the large space freely. That’s why we had to make him come inside.

There’s no way that Creator God-sama doesn’t understand that, but I think he came inside because it looked more interesting.

The weak can’t choose, but the strong can, even on a battlefield that’s not in their favor.

I’m a little annoyed by his composure, but there’s no doubt that it works in our favor. If our plan succeeds, I’ll go all out with the gods to agitate the Creator God-sama.

For now, the first stage has been successful. Because of Creator God-sama’s personality, it’s unlikely that he will just go outside.

He hates to lose, so even though he went in voluntarily if he’s chased out and forced to go out, he’ll feel like he’s lost.

It’s a shame that we can’t control the situation ourselves, but unfortunately, this is the best we can do.

When I was planning the strategy, I asked the gods for their opinion, and it seemed that Creator God-sama would be able to break through the combined attacks of the combat gods with sheer force. That’s a bit of a cheat.

Phew, there’s a lot I want to say, but the strategy has entered the second stage.

The best place for a trap is the last part of the ship’s hull, from the 9th to the 14th floor. This is the level where the passenger cabins are lined up.

Since he is currently on the 15th floor, we must lead him to the last part of the ship’s hull between the 14th and 9th floors.

“God of Light-sama… do you think we’ll succeed?”

I couldn’t hold it in any longer, and I let out my fear to the God of Light-sama, who was standing next to me.

The God of Light-sama, who knows Creator God-sama’s personality very well, also helped me a lot with this mission.

It was also the God of Light-sama who advised me to repeat a certain number of monotonous attacks to keep Creator God-sama busy and to get him to come on board during the first stage of the mission.

I also received advice from God of Light-sama on how to lead Creator God-sama during the second stage of the mission.

There are members that Creator God-sama does not like. We are trying to control the direction of Creator God-sama by selecting the members who like to tease and play with him.

It’s not certain, but we should be able to control Creator God-sama’s movements a little bit. If we can do that between the 9th and 14th floors, it won’t be impossible to trap him. Even though I understand this, I still can’t stop worrying.

If we let Creator God-sama escape, the next three years will be hell.

“Do not worry. It’s a plan you’ve worked hard on, and from my point of view, it’s a plan that makes good use of Creator God-sama’s personality. Don’t worry… oh, that’s right, I can’t touch you now.”

To reassure me, God of Light-sama’s hand was about to stroke my head, but it was blocked by the barrier.

Along with the sadness of missing the chance to be touched by the God of Light-sama, my hatred for the Creator God-sama bubbled up.

That’s right. I didn’t have time to worry. I won’t worry about failure, but I will force it to succeed and make Creator God-sama take responsibility. That’s all I have to do.

Otherwise, I won’t be able to touch the God of Light-sama, not to mention the God of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama, who are waiting in the back.

I won’t be able to do this or that with Ines and Felicia, and I won’t be able to make use of my good fortune when things progress with Alessia-san and the others or when the lucky events descend.

Yes, I’m beginning to feel motivated.

“Report! Creator God-sama has descended to the 14th floor! The deployment is in place, and guidance is possible. The 13th floor will probably be the site of the decisive battle!”

At the same time that I was getting excited, the male god from earlier came running onto the bridge with good news. Maybe he is a messenger-type god.

“Roger that! Be careful not to be noticed by Creator God-sama! I’m going out too, so please follow the plan!”

“Roger that!”

I watch the male god leave and get up to leave as well.

“Wataru-san, good luck!”

“I’ll give you a good ear cleaning when it’s all over, so do your best!”

“Fufu. I’m rooting for you too. Good luck!”

“Yes! I’ll definitely get Creator God-sama to accept my request!”

With the support of the God of Light-sama, the God of Gastronomy-sama, and the Goddess of the Forest-sama, I set out with a lot of spirit.

My goal is the last section of the 13th floor. That’s the last place of Creator God-sama.

I arrive at the last section of the 13th floor and take my position. Everything depends on timing. If Creator God-sama notices me, he might force me to escape from the trap.

I hold back my heart, which is beating furiously, and wait for Creator God-sama to arrive.

After waiting for a while, I heard a loud explosion from the floor above and the irritating laughter of Creator God-sama. He seems to be having a good time.

But that’s all for now.

“Creator God-sama has gone to the left!

Creator God-sama’s path is announced at the top of his voice. This is an act that makes even Creator God-sama doubt the possibility of a trap, but for us, it is also a signal of victory.

At this point, I used my authority as captain to seal all the doors.

There are three passageways at the back of the 9th to 14th floors, and if I seal these three after sealing the doors, it will be a dead end.

The problem is how to seal those three passageways. It is possible to seal the passageways themselves, but there are not enough of them.

In addition to the two luxury liners, the Chateau and the Castle, the Hideaway has also been summoned to the ancient earth dragon island as a base for the women, so I only have two rooms left to use. I can’t block all three passages.

Especially if he uses the stairs on the right, there will be passageways on the left and right of that side, which will put us at a disadvantage.

That’s why I used the battle goddesses to block the right stairs.

It was a trap I set based on the advice of God of Light-sama, who knew that Creator God-sama also had a weakness for angry goddesses.

I felt a little sympathy for that, but I also knew that if push came to shove, Creator God-sama would beat up any goddess equally, so I used the male gods that Creator God-sama liked to tease to block the left staircase.

Worried that the trap might be too obvious, I asked the God of Light-sama, who assured me that it would work because it was Creator God-sama.

He understood his own power and was confident that he could break through any trap, so he would be drawn to the trap on the left side without worrying about the goddesses, who he found uninteresting.

In a way, I was worried that this simple way of thinking would be a problem for Creator God-sama, but then I thought that it was pointless to worry about something that was already a problem for Creator God-sama.

For the time being, I was able to lead them in the right direction.

The passage on the far left is shaped like an inverted T. Of the three directions, I blocked the passage leading to the passage on the right with a swan boat.

I bought a swan boat that was just the right height to fit in the corridor. To be honest, I never thought I’d need to buy a swan boat, so this was an unexpected purchase and use.

On the left side of the T-junction is a door, so the blockade is complete. All that’s left is for Creator God-sama to come in the back, and then we can seal the base of the T-junction to complete the seal.

Finally, if we push the swan boat to the end of the dead end while slowly attacking, we can seal Creator God-sama in just one frame.

Even so, it seems that Creator God-sama might still be able to do something, but since he is bound by the rules of the world in the lower world and is constantly exposed to attacks from the gods in a confined space, it would be unreasonable to interfere with the deception of the Ship Summoning.

In other words, as long as we don’t run out of attacks, we’ll win.

Now, let’s move the last swan boat that will seal Creator God-sama to a position where it will be easy to summon. It will be a bit of a roundabout way, but it’s nothing to worry about considering the success of the plan.

Hmph, I was able to take advantage of Creator God-sama’s mistake of not thinking that I would turn against him.

According to God of Light-sama, Creator God-sama never considered turning his back on his enemies.

He knows my cowardly nature and my tendency to be intimidated by long objects, and he also thinks that it’s impossible for a human to challenge Creator God-sama to a fight.

In a way, he’s not wrong.

If a human were to challenge an ordinary god, it would be a legendary feat on the level of a hero, and if I were to challenge him, even I would rule out the possibility of success.

Normally, I would have just given up and cried myself to sleep.

However, the fact that this was my home and that it was my wish that had been taken away from me brought out my hatred.

The fact that he touched something that I would never give up on, Creator God-sama must be made to regret it.

“This is serious! Creator God-sama refuses to go further down the corridor when he gets a bad feeling. He stays where he is and prepares for a fierce battle against the gods.”

A male god, who seems to be in charge of delivering messages, delivers the bad news.

Damn it, is the Creator God-sama a cheat even when it comes to intuition?

What should we do? If we don’t do anything, he’ll beat up the gods and escape the trap. Think about it, if I let him escape now, I’ll definitely end up in hell!

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