Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 21

Vol 18 Chapter 21

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 21 – The Final Step

Since I was being robbed of something precious, I decided to fight. I asked the gods for help, planned a strategy, and thought long and hard about what I could do to drive the Creator God-sama into a corner. One more step and our victory would have been decided. But Creator God-sama stopped at that one step.

I received a report and rushed to where Creator God-sama had stopped.

When I arrived at the scene, the gods were cursing Creator God-sama and unleashing a fierce attack on him, trying to force him to take that one last step.

Wow, that last step isn’t just a metaphor; it really is the last step. If we can get Creator God-sama to take that last step, then there will be no more forks in the road, and we can complete the seal for now.

Creator God-sama stopped at this critical point and laughed as he dodged the attacks of the gods. I heard him say something like, “I have a bad feeling about this,” but I hope he doesn’t avoid our carefully planned strategy on a hunch.

As I lament the unfairness of the situation, I survey the scene.

The gods seem to be attacking in earnest, but Creator God-sama’s face shows that he still has some leeway.

Or rather

“Haha, is that the best you can do after attacking so hard? Are you really gods? Well, if you’re that weak, I’m starting to worry about you as a Creator God. You’re going to get me into trouble, so you better try harder.”

He’s laughing and taunting them, so he must feel pretty confident.

According to the gods, even that’s pretty limited, so I think he’s gone beyond being a cheat and is now a bug character.

Hmm, it’s like he’s standing there on purpose. If things continue like this, Creator God-sama will get bored with the situation, and the mission will be a failure.

I have to do something.

Even if I say I’ll do something, the other party is Creator God, so what can I do? Huh? Can I do it?

Looking around again, it looks like I might be able to do it.

However, if I try, I’ll be facing the Creator God-sama directly. Even though he provoked the gods and made fun of them, he’s still unharmed.

This is bad, right?

If I can only hold out for a little less than three years, I should be able to do it somehow… I can’t; I don’t think I can endure.

If it had been before I met the Goddesses, Ines, Felicia, and Girasole, I might have been able to endure.

But now I’ve experienced the supreme happiness of being surrounded by and able to interact with women of such incomparable beauty. It’s impossible for me to endure such happiness for three years.

I may be stupid and a wimp, but I don’t remember ever backing down from a challenge. I’m going to make Creator God-sama regret this no matter what.

“I am sorry, but please send a message to the God of War-sama and the God of Magic-sama to come to our location. After that, please find and gather the other gods of the battle units or the gods who can only participate in attacks. Tell them that we are one step away from defeating Creator God-sama. It’s a total war effort.”

I ask the messenger gods to do this. I feel bad about using the gods as errand boys, but this is not the time to worry about that. As the saying goes, “Even a god can be used if he’s standing there.

“What the hell? I’m in the middle of something!”

The messenger gods, the God of War-sama and the God of Magic-sama have returned. However, they seem rather unhappy, perhaps because they were called back in the middle of their battle with Creator God-sama.

The God of War-sama is usually a jolly guy who likes to drink, but he’s still scary when he fights.

And the God of Magic-sama. He’s usually a quiet guy who likes to read books in the library, but now he seems a little nervous, and his mood is a little prickly. I wish he’d say something.

“I have a plan.”

“Huh? All we have to do is beat the hell out of him. We don’t need a strategy!”

“That’s why we need a strategy because it’s hard to beat the hell out of him.”

He’s scary, but he’s straightforward. Even if he’s in a bad mood, if you explain things properly, he’ll understand because he’s the God of War. Or rather, there’s no way he wouldn’t understand, being the God of War.

“Tsk. So what’s the strategy?”

As I expected, he was ready to listen to what I had to say. I was a little nervous, but I’m glad I gathered my courage.

I explained my plan to the God of War-sama and the God of Magic-sama.

“Hmm, interesting. But there are still a few points that need to be ironed out. If the God of War and I are out, it’ll be difficult to make a coordinated attack.”

If this was rejected, I wouldn’t know what to do, but it seemed like the God of Magic-sama was satisfied with my plan.

“I’m asking you to find gods who might be able to help with the attack, not just the gods of the battle unit.”

Even if they’re not part of the battle unit, there are probably quite a few gods who will cooperate if you explain that things are just a step away.

After all, given the nature of Creator God-sama, it’s only natural for the gods to hold a lot of grudges against him.

“Fine, then. We’ll buy some time until they gather. Let’s go, God of War!”


“I’m counting on you.”

It’s not strange that the God of War-sama is full of spirit, but it is strange that the God of Magic-sama is so passionate. But it’s reassuring.

Thanks to the hard work of the messenger god, quite a few gods have gathered, even outside of the battle unit.

The God of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama are not here, but the fact that the God of Light-sama joined the attack team without a care in the world shows how deep their resentment is.

As I thought, there are a lot of gods who are angry with Creator God-sama, even though they’re not good at fighting. It’s encouraging, but I also feel kind of pathetic and want to cry, being used by the Creator God-sama who is so hated.

I pull myself together and explain the plan to the gathered gods.

It’s a last-minute plan, but there’s no time to lose, and it’s a simple enough thing to do, so it should work.

As soon as I’ve explained the plan, the gods approach the front line and begin to attack Creator God-sama. At the same time, the God of War-sama and the God of Magic-sama return to our side.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes. We’ll make Creator God-sama pay for his arrogance.”

“Well said! I thought you were a weakling, but I’ve changed my mind!”

When I answered the question of the God of Magic-sama with determination, I was praised by the God of War-sama and ridiculed at the same time. As I thought, I don’t get along with athletic types.

“Haha, the attacks have suddenly increased. I can’t hide my shock that there are still foolish gods who would dare to oppose the Creator God. Besides, I have a really bad feeling about this.”

Oh no, Creator God-sama is suspicious of the situation. I’d better hurry, or things will turn upside down.

I quickly summon the Add.

Phew. Even though it’s my own ship, I never thought I’d be driving a buggy on a luxury liner.

“Please get in.”

I get on the Add and let the God of War-sama and the God of Magic-sama get on behind me.

“Please, God of War-sama!”

“Yes! Full attack! Fire, fire, fire!”

With the God of War-sama’s signal, the gods begin to attack with all their might.

“Wataru, go!”

At the God of War-sama’s signal, I step on the throttle, and we move forward along the corridor of the luxury liner.

A group of gods attacks the Creator God-sama in front of us. We plunge into them without slowing down.

Normally, this would be a dangerous move, but we’ve discussed it beforehand, and since they’re gods, it’s no problem.

As planned, the gods jump out of the way of the Add. I’ve given permission for all the gods to board except for Creator God-sama, but it’s still a little scary that I might run them over.

The coordinated attack of the gods is just a distraction.


Beyond the gods, my victory awaits.

I get past the long-range attack team and charge into the solid fighting unit. Oh, there’s Sea God-sama. Sea God-sama’s weapon is a spear. That looks about right.

I push forward, quietly demonstrating my advanced dynamic vision. I get past the spears, the swords, and the zone of empty hands and finally catch sight of the Creator God-sama.


The Add’s attack is easily stopped by the relaxed voice of Creator God-sama. And with one hand.

“What are you thinking, Wataru-kun?”

The flat voice of Creator God-sama is very frightening… but being stopped is within expectations. In fact, I would be surprised if Creator God-sama could be run over by the attack of a simple buggy.

“I’m sorry.”

I bow my whole body and apologize with all my strength. Bowing my whole body was part of the plan, but I ended up apologizing because I was just scared of Creator God-sama.

I thought I was prepared, but I guess I’m still afraid of scary things.

“I got your arm!”

From the position where I was bowing, the God of War-sama slashed at the arm of the Creator God-sama, who was stopping the Add.

“I’m not giving it to you!”

The Creator God-sama pulls back his hand for a moment and dodges the sword.

Then, just as he is about to try to stop the Add again, the God of Magic-sama, who had been hiding in the shadow of the God of War-sama, unleashes the maximum firepower he had prepared at close range.

“This is dangerous!”

Creator God-sama was clearly surprised and took a step back to create some kind of barrier to block the God of Magic-sama’s attack.

That one step was exactly what I needed.

The Add, which had always gone full throttle, packed in that one priceless step.

“We won. We won…”

I wanted to win, but actually winning was a surprise.

I thought about what I could do and came to a very simple conclusion. I could only be useful as a shield, but if I were a shield, I’d be the best. Because I have Ship Summoning.

That simple thought led to victory.

No, not yet. Victory is in sight, but the Add is not big enough. That’s why I’ve prepared a swan boat.

The opponent is Creator God-sama, and if we get carried away, there is a possibility that he will take advantage of the gap and turn us around.

“God of War-sama, give the signal for the full attack. We’re going to break through.”

“Yes! Everyone, all-out attack! Fire, fire, fire!”

At the signal of God of War-sama, the all-out attack of the gods passed over me, who had bent down.

Even Creator God-sama, who had been able to handle the concentrated attacks of the gods with ease, was pinned down by the Ship Summoning barrier, unable to handle the close-range attacks of the battle units mixed in with the long-range concentrated attacks, and was forced to take a step back, and then another.

Although it is a happy thing to get closer to complete victory with each step, the attacks of the gods flying in from behind are extremely frightening. If a stray bomb goes off, I’ll be blown away.

I don’t know how much time has passed. I just endure the fear and keep going, and we finally manage to corner Creator God-sama at the T-junction leading to the dead end at the back of the ship.

“God of War-sama, go to the other side of the swan boat and push the boat that way.”

“Oh, some of you follow.”

Oh, God of War-sama is going himself. He probably wanted to seal Creator God-sama with his own hands. I can understand his feelings.

The swan boat that was blocking one side of the T-junction is moved to replace the Add, completely blocking Creator God-sama’s escape route.

Now we’ve won. All that’s left is to keep attacking Creator God-sama until he can’t do anything anymore, and theoretically, we can seal him up for life.

Well, I don’t want to bother to seal Creator God-sama for life.

All that’s left is to get Creator God-sama, who is now at a disadvantage, to accept our demands.

Normally, getting Creator God-sama to accept our demands would be the hardest part, but not in this case.

Creator God-sama hates boredom, so if we can trap him in a small place, he’ll get bored and give in easily, as God of Light-sama guaranteed.

Now, let’s make Creator God-sama think a little or rather a lot.

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