Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 19 Chapter 10

Vol 19 Chapter 10

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 10 – General Store

As I got drunk on the winning atmosphere with the beautiful women at the Castle, it was discovered by those around me that I was a merchant with connections to the mage, as I was too conspicuous. However, it was surprising that it didn’t cause more of a stir than I thought, and although I was recruited, I was mostly thanked.

“That’s why I think we should set sail early tomorrow morning.”

After being exposed, I gathered my companions and decided to set sail tomorrow, and I came to tell Camille-san about it.

“I received a report about the commotion. I understand how you feel, but this is a good environment to learn business, so why don’t you stay a little longer and consider it practice?”

I was expecting a quick answer, but Camille-san’s unexpected reaction left me a little confused.

She’s helped me in many ways, but this is the first time she’s given me advice about learning the business. And her eyes look quite serious.

“Uh, what do you mean by a good environment?”

I don’t really understand the situation, so I stall with a question.

“Only carefully selected clients are allowed to enter the Castle. That means they can’t conduct business negotiations with you in a deceptive manner, Wataru-san. Well, because of that, you’ll only get a warm experience, but it will be good practice.”

“I see.”

I understand. Since I was too scared to do business on the Western Continent, she wanted to train me a little so that it wouldn’t happen again.

“How about it?”

Camille-san pushes me hard. She really wants to train me?

“I’m grateful for the experience, but I can’t take the time because I have a busy schedule. I’d like to consider it positively at the next opportunity.

At this point, I’ll try to improve my skills as a merchant. My heart wavered a little. There’s no denying that I’ve always admired men who can do things.

But I have to take Princess Annemarie to the Mermaid Kingdom, and I have to get the holy treasure for Pent.

So, you see, there’s no choice. It’s not like I’m running away because I’m being trained hard. It’s for Pent.

“If there’s no time, there’s nothing I can do. But I’m glad you’re so positive. I’ll work with Mauro and Donatella and come up with a training plan for you until next time.”

Huh? No, that’s not it. When she says positive, I just mean I’ll think about it… Oh, right, this is a different world.

Even if I didn’t say it, the nuance didn’t come across. Does she interpret it as me being motivated?

What should I do? Should I explain the nuance that didn’t come across in detail to Camille-san, who, for some reason, is praying to God that Wataru-san is finally motivated?

It’s impossible…

…For now, let’s just decide not to go near the Castle for a while and hope that Camille-san’s motivation dies down.

“Well then, I’ll be leaving early tomorrow, so I’ll leave now.”

“Oh, yes. Then I’ll look forward to the next time.”

Ah, this one won’t calm down.


We have arrived at the island of the Dark Elves.

When we first set sail from the Castle, I was depressed about the merchant training that I knew would come eventually, but as we continued our leisurely journey, I began to feel foolish for being so depressed.

So, without thinking about the future, I decided to just enjoy the moment, but now that we have arrived at the island, I have to get my act together.

First of all…

“Ice cream,” “Food,” “Give me sweets,” “Sweet things,” “Fake story,” “Sweets!” “Ramen,” “Cakes,” “The existence of the general store is questionable,” “Chocolate,” “Give me, give me!”

I have to do something about the little children and fairies who have come to me, pushing the village chief who has come to greet me and demanding sweets like spoiled brats.

Oh, Princess Annemarie and the mermaids have also come to greet me. I have things to do, and I want to greet them too, but… oh, Princess Annemarie makes a gesture to say that the children should be given priority.

Even though she’s a child, Princess Annemarie has a great ability to read the mood of the situation. As expected of royalty… or perhaps it’s a necessary skill for royalty?

Well, it’s not good to keep people waiting, so I’ll have Ines go and give her a message that I’ll come and say hello later.

As for Princess Annemarie, that’s all well and good, but what should I do with these little kids?

“Well, I think I added a lot of products before I left, but was it not enough?”

“Not at all!”

Almiro, the cheeky leader of the Dark Elf children on the island, answers with a puffed chest.

I don’t know why he’s being so bossy, but his attitude makes it clear that it’s my fault. I’ll have to tell his mother, Anita-san, about this later and have him scolded.

“Oh, I see. I’m going to restock the goods now, so please disperse for now. I feel sorry for the village chief.”

He’s Felicia’s father, you know? He’s important, you know?

“Absolutely. First you have to give us some sweets, that’s a promise!”

For some reason, I find it strange that Almiro is trying so hard to get a promise out of me.

“Why are you so desperate?”


Hey, all you little kids, including Almiro, why are you all suddenly quiet?

“I can’t promise you anything unless you tell me why.”

Ah, Felicia saved the village chief. It’s kind of sad since it’s the first time they’ve seen each other in a while.

“The adults want alcohol and cosmetics. We have to get the sweets first.”

Well… I see; they’re running out of alcohol and cosmetics as well. So they want me to get the sweets first because if I get the alcohol and cosmetics first, they’ll have to wait.

The little ones all say things like “cosmetics are dangerous” and “what about alcohol?” so it must be a serious problem.

But the fact that it’s cosmetics means that the dark elves want them. I’d like to prioritize that, but… it looks like they won’t back down until they get their promise.

I can’t help but think they’re going a little too far for candy, but I also understand how they feel because when I was a kid, sweets were everything in the world. There’s nothing I can do about it.

“Okay, I promise.”

As I promised, the children and fairies nodded and dispersed…or not. They moved away from us so as not to get in the way, but they were still watching me from a distance.

I wonder if they’re just being cautious or if they don’t trust me?

“Wataru-dono. It’s been a while.”

Oh, the village chief has returned.

“It’s been a while. Are you okay?”

“Haha, yes, I’m fine. It’s wonderful that they’re so energetic, but it’s a problem when they get carried away.”

The village chief replies with a wry smile, but he still seems somehow happy. It’s not that he’s happy to be trampled on, but he’s probably really happy that the kids are so energetic.

“Well, there are a lot of things I want to talk to you about, but since we made a promise, would it be okay if we started with the restocking first?”

“Yes. There’s no movement in the dungeon, and all the islanders are waiting for the goods to be restocked, so it’s great that you’re prioritizing this.”

Come to think of it, there is a dungeon. It’s also creepy that there’s no movement, so I’ll check it out later.

By the way, I wonder if the general store in the hot spring village is running low on supplies as well.

“Huh? Isn’t it big?”

The general store that the village chief showed us while the children watched was bigger than I had imagined.

The general store was opened in the village chief’s house, but the building in front of us is bigger than the village chief’s house at best.

“Well, to be honest, the villagers have become aware of the fun of shopping and doing business, and while we were working with the mermaids, it became cramped, so we made it bigger.”

You made it bigger, you say?

“Is it that popular?”

The number of people has increased, with dark elves, mermaids, and fairies, but basically, they should live a self-sufficient lifestyle. Even if they expand the shop, it won’t do any good if they don’t have any products.

“Yes, but it’s more like a game.”

With that, the village chief invited us into the general store.

It’s become something amazing.

“This is the vegetable section, next to that is the fish section where the mermaids sell their fish, and next to that is the meat section. The other side is a private space, and right now there are two people selling their wares there──one who specializes in gold work and the other in clothing, but who opens their shop changes from day to day.”

The layout of the store is a bit like a small supermarket and flea market combined.

And yet, even mermaids have opened shops? A mermaid fishmonger… it sounds like the best idea, but I can’t help but wonder if it’s really a good idea.

“By the way, ice refrigerators are really handy. However, there aren’t enough people who can use ice magic, so we’re currently working hard to learn ice magic in a big hurry with the help of the mermaids.”

Speaking of which, I can see several objects in the back of the shop that look like ice-cooled refrigerators. Refrigerators would certainly be useful for handling meat and fish.

At this rate, if more people learn how to use ice magic, there may come a time when every household has its own ice-cooled refrigerator.

And beyond the watchful eyes of the children, there are even more watchful eyes.

Apparently, the rumor that I’ve arrived has spread, and people have gathered. Almiro threatens the adults, saying that I promised to restock the sweets first!

I’m also interested in the shop, but it seems better to restock the products first.

“Excuse me, where is the general store… er, where was the general store before?”

“Ah, it’s in the back.”

The back of the store? I follow the village chief to the back of the store and am speechless.

“Ah, Wataru-san, we’ve been waiting for you.”

As I stand there speechless, Anita-san, the mother of Almiro and one of the managers of the general store, and Berta-san, the mother of Ciro, a gluttonous dark elf boy and also one of the managers, come running over to me.

That’s fine. I’ll leave the smile of the beautiful married dark elf aside for now, but the problem is the scene in front of me.

This clearly waits for me, isn’t it?

The room in the back is divided into four sections, and one of them is filled with everyday items that would be used in the village.

The problem is that even though the room is empty, there are signs and shelves set up in the three rooms for ‘sweets and food’, ‘alcohol’ and ‘beauty products’.

I want to apologize for making them wait so long.

Well, I told them in advance that I can only sell products when I’m present, so I don’t have to worry about it… but I really don’t think it’s right that the ‘beauty’ room is the biggest.

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