Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 19 Chapter 9

Vol 19 Chapter 9

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 9 – Gratitude and Growth

We arrived at the Castle, and even though my confidence as a merchant was completely shattered, I told Camille-san and the others what had happened on the Western Continent. I was able to deliver the souvenirs safely, so I was able to enjoy the Castle for the first time in a long time. However, Camille-san and the others were all excited about the unknown monsters on the unknown continent, so I’ll try not to get too close.

It’s been three days since we arrived at the Castle.

I handed the reluctant Ines over to Bella-san in the early morning, and since then, I’ve been enjoying a peaceful, relaxing time exploring the luxury liner.

It’s not bad.

I also enjoyed going out to dinner with Carla-san, spending time gambling in the lively casino with Alessia-san, and watching Rimu and the others play with the other kids in the children’s area with Dorothea-san and Marina-san.

But at the same time as confirming that the lively luxury liner is glamorous and fun, I also think it can be a bit of a hassle.

The biggest problems are time, place, and occasion.

Since I’ve gotten used to using the luxury liner as if it were my home, I can’t just walk around in T-shirts and shorts, and I can’t freely use the shops, so I’m a little stressed out.

It’s been a long time since I’ve rented out the Castle, but I guess I still feel a deep attachment to it as the first luxury liner I ever got my hands on, and I can’t shake the slight sense of tension that comes with having guests in my home all the time.

Well, I guess I’ll get used to it after a while, but I can’t help but be surprised at how much I’ve come to feel at home on the luxury liner.

Maybe I’ve just gotten used to a lifestyle that I’ve only seen on TV, but I’m living like a millionaire?

In fact, I’m having tea with Ilma-san, Carla-san, and Claretta-san, who I met while walking around with Felicia while everyone else looked on.

Tea on a luxury liner with four super-beautiful women.

I did it. I thought about things like time, place, and occasion, but it feels good to have the envious looks of others.

At first, I was embarrassed by all the stares, but after I realized that the stares were a mixture of envy and jealousy, I felt good about it.

In the past, I would have been so scared that I would have run back to my room, but the fact that I can now drink tea in a situation like this means that my mentality has grown.

Whether it’s a good kind of growth or not is another matter, but I’m very happy right now, so it doesn’t matter.

Dominance. Overwhelming dominance.

Normally, when I walked with the women in the human settlement, I felt jealous and envious looks, but this was different.

The city was full of rough-looking adventurers and mercenaries, and I was always afraid that the slightest provocation would lead to a fight.

But on this ship, I’m invincible, so I can happily accept the envious looks.

…Wait, I thought I was growing up, but is it just that I feel more relaxed because I’m safe?

Well, never mind. I guess being on the Castle means I’m a person of some status and wealth.

It seems that even people like that are jealous of the four girls who have good looks to make even those people jealous, and of me, who enjoys a cup of tea with them in such a graceful way. Fuhaha, be jealous if you want. I’ll gladly accept it all.

“Excuse me for interrupting, but my name is Rick Prochazka, head of the Prochazka Trading Company, which does business in the Kingdom of Brescia.” [T/n: His name is プロハースカ, but I thought it was the same name as Jiri Prochazka, a UFC fighter.]

In this situation, surrounded by four beautiful women, with Rimu on my head and Pent at my feet, he’s talking to me!

Before I panic and think it’s against the rules to make contact, I’m amazed at his nerve.

“(Wataru. Prochazka Trading Company is a large trading company that supplies the royal family. Be careful.)”

Even if you say “be careful,” a big merchant who supplies the royal family is a merchant who is clearly too high class.

It’s possible that he’s a rich kid, but even if he is, it’s not normal to be talked to on this ship in this situation. Would it be possible to do something about it if I just warned him?

“Thank you for your courtesy. My name is Wataru… and I run a peddling business.”

I stand up and introduce myself as politely as I can. For a moment, I wonder about my status, but it’s probably not wrong to say that I’m an F-rank merchant and peddler. Even if it feels strange to say it myself…

Rick-san looks at me with a surprised expression.

Well, it’s no wonder that he was surprised to see a peddler accompanied by such beautiful women and monsters.

“Oh, since you were with the famous members of Girasole, I didn’t think it could be you, but it really was you, Wataru-sama? It’s an honor to meet you.”

Not only Prochazka-san but also the people around him who were casting jealous glances had their eyes change color.

Some people’s eyes changed to look like those of a carnivore, but… Wait, are these eyes of kindness and gratitude?

And I can also hear them saying that’s why he’s allowed to bring the magic beast on board. But what does that mean?

“A-an honor, you say?”

“Yes. I was able to meet Wataru-sama, who was the driving force behind connecting the Kingdom of Brescia with Mage-sama and bringing wonderful prosperity to this land. What can I say other than I am honored?”

…Ah, I see. It’s been a while since I rented the Castle to this country.

It’s not surprising that someone who is sensitive to information would know about me.

It seems that they didn’t know my face, so maybe I was a little too conspicuous?

Well, let’s be glad that the mage’s setting is alive outside of my companions.

“Is that so?”

“Yes. This country was saved by Wataru-sama, Mage-sama, and everyone from Girasole. I am grateful.”

Prochazka-san and half of the people around him bow deeply. Quite a few people are bowing, but I think they’re probably people from this country.

“I was just doing my job. Please thank Mage-sama and everyone from Girasole who worked so hard to save their homeland.”

I was afraid of the war and tried to avoid it, but in the end, I was swept away and screamed. I only have memories like that, so it’s just embarrassing when people thank me.

“Of course, I am very grateful to everyone at Girasole and to Mage-sama. …Normally, I would offer you the goods of the Prochazka Trading Company, but… I don’t think that would be of much use to you who are so closely associated with this wonderful ship. If there is anything we can do to help, please feel free to contact the Prochazka Trading Company at any time.”

He seems to be very grateful for the war, and the people around him bow their heads and say things like, “This is such-and-such a store. Please feel free to come by any time.”

I think he is trying to make connections, but I am quite happy because I can feel his gratitude as well.

“Haha, yes, please don’t hesitate to ask for help if you are in trouble.”

I’m also sorry for secretly taking the upper hand and being pleased with myself.

“By all means! Oh, is there anything I can help you with right now?”

I’m disturbed by this man’s sparkling eyes. I look over at Ilma-san and the others, but they shake their heads. They don’t seem to have any problems.

I try to tell them that everything is fine now, but I can tell that they have very high expectations of me.

It seems like they are really grateful and really want to help.

Hmm… is there anything they can do? Ah, that’s it!

“Actually, Mage-sama has set up an orphanage. We don’t have any problems, but if you could help with the orphanage, Mage-sama and I would be very happy.”

The orphanage should have enough funds, but if we can get the people around us to help, it will expand the orphanage’s network and have a positive impact on the orphans’ future.

I’ll feel like I’ve done something good, I can give back to the people around me, and the orphanage will be happy. It’s a wonderful win-win-win proposition.

“An orphanage? Speaking of which, there’s a new fortress-like orphanage near the army base. I understand, and I’ll do my best to support it.”

Even from other people’s perspective, that orphanage looks like a fortress. I was definitely too enthusiastic.

“Thank you very much, but it’s not necessary to give everything. It would be enough if you could just support the orphanage a little and look after it kindly and for a long time. It would be better for the children.”

I wondered if he understood what I was trying to say, but Prochazka-san nodded and agreed to help.

Maybe one day, there will be an orphan who will work at the Prochazka Trading Company.

“Excuse me, are you done talking?”

As if he had timed it to coincide with the end of the conversation, a very pompous-looking man joined the conversation. He gave off the air of a nobleman and one of the higher ones at that.

“This is Marquis Caldera, who has always been very helpful to our company. “

It seems that Prochazka-san knows this person. And a marquis… Well, it’s better than dealing with a prince.

“Umu. So, Wataru-dono. I would like to invite this wonderful ship to my country, what do you think?”

“Marquis, no matter how great you are, I will not allow you to make trouble for Wataru-dono, who is a benefactor of the Kingdom of Brescia.”

Huh? I’m glad you’re protecting me, but even though you’re a big trading company, is it really okay to go against a marquis?

Oh, the people who bowed to me earlier also said that.

I see, he said my country, so he’s a marquis from another country. Then, from the point of view of the Kingdom of Brescia, it would be a matter of reward to interfere with the invitation of the Castle, which brings benefits to this country.

Or rather, some people who look like they’re important have stood up. These people also look like nobles.

Could it be that the Castle Invitation Committee is going to be held here?

There must be a lot of important people on this ship, so if something like that were to be held, it would cause a huge commotion.

“Um, I don’t have the authority to move the ship, so please don’t waste your time discussing it.”

This is a lie.

“Wataru-dono, even if you don’t have the authority, isn’t it possible to contact the rumored Mage-dono?”

The Marquis doesn’t seem to give up. Even though he’s being threatened by everyone around him, he has a strong heart.

“It’s not impossible, but if you try to negotiate with Mage-sama who hates people, you’ll just end up being hated, right? Besides, I don’t want to cause Mage-sama unnecessary trouble, so I can’t connect you unless you have a good reason.”

“Hmm. I can promise him a reward that’s more than enough, like money, land, status or honor.”

“As you can see from this ship, he is not short of money. And Mage-sama has retired because he finds land, status and honor troublesome, so I think it would have the opposite effect…”

“I see, it seems to be more difficult than I heard. I have no intention of giving up, but I will keep in mind how to negotiate.”

Oh, the Marquis has given in quite nicely.

Even though I’m at home and have the overwhelming advantage, I think I can do quite well as a merchant, don’t you think?

That’s right. I’m also growing up, and the Western Continent, where shouting at each other is called business negotiation, must be wrong.

…I won’t say it because I feel I’ll get a lot of verbal abuse if I do, but I’ll let it be a source of secret confidence.

Even though I haven’t decided on an exact number of days to stay since I’ve been completely exposed, I think I’ll leave for Dark Elf Island tomorrow.

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