Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 19 Chapter 7

Vol 19 Chapter 7

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 7 – Return

Everyone but me received blessings (in very small amounts), and oracles, and the story ended happily. There were a few worrying factors, such as Ilma-san’s overheated research appetite and Claretta-san’s out-of-control faith, but there was no point in worrying about the future. First, I have to figure out how to hide the fact that I’m the only one who hasn’t received a blessing.

“Now that the beer has arrived, let’s eat first. As Carla-san’s oracle said, the God of Gastronomy-sama has entrusted me with a dish. Let’s appreciate and enjoy it.”

I got the upper hand by talking about the food first. By praising the divine meal, I was able to buy some time.

In the meantime, I came up with an excuse. Ah, this steamed fish is delicious.

I can taste the flavors of sesame oil, garlic, sake, soy sauce, and sansho (Japanese pepper), and there is also a deep richness, but I don’t know what it is. And the fish is delicious.

I’ve had steamed fish at the Chinese restaurant at the Chateau, but it’s overwhelmingly delicious compared to this.

This fish from another world, which is probably used in place of a white fish, is so delicious that the seasoning is strengthened to match its flavor, and the synergistic effect makes it exceptionally delicious.

The combination of Earth and another world would collapse if prepared by an unskilled cook. As expected from the God of Gastronomy-sama, just one plate, or even one bite, is enough to impress you.

This fish is a monster, right? What kind of monster is it? I live in the sea, so I have secured countless monsters that live in the sea.

I’ve offered many of them to the God of Gastronomy-sama, but I haven’t eaten them all, so I can’t say. Next time, I’ll ask him what kind of monster it is. I like this fish.

Still, the God of Gastronomy-sama has really improved her skills. Before, she used to cook with Earth ingredients and spices to learn Earth cuisine.

Even then, there was no doubt that the food was delicious, and even when she secretly served it to other members, it was well received.

I knew that the God of Gastronomy-sama had been experimenting and trying things out ever since she started serving monsters, but maybe the results were starting to show.

Hmm… Maybe some old wine for this dish? I’m not a big fan of old wine, but I feel like trying it with this dish.

Let’s order some old wine and get some steamed fish… The plates are empty.

Oh no. While I was enjoying the taste, the other members’ appetites were whetted.

It was a fun dinner party until just now, but now it’s an unusual place where everyone eats in silence.

Still, Carla-san and the slime group are devouring the food as if they’re sucking it up… Oh, no. If I don’t order more, all the plates on the table will be empty.

I don’t even think about the genre; I just put food all over the table. I have received a lot of food from the God of Gastronomy-sama, but if I don’t serve it on special occasions, it will all be gone in no time.

“Phew, that was delicious, but I think I ate a little too much. Let’s take it easy for a while.”

“Fufu, you’re right. We were so absorbed in our food that we hardly talked. It was a rare atmosphere for a celebratory occasion, but it was a fun celebration in its own way.”

The conversation between Alessia-san and Dorothea-san brings me back to my senses.

While I was struggling to get a taste of the various dishes that were quickly disappearing, the party was almost over.

“By the way, what kind of blessing did Wataru receive in the end? Was it the Creator God-sama?”

This time, Marina-san fired a killer pass.

I couldn’t think of an excuse, and I was running out of time. I didn’t want to lie either, so I’d better answer by wrapping the truth in an indirect way.

It would be easy to lie and say that I had received a blessing, but that would definitely raise some strange flags.

“I didn’t get a blessing. Instead, I’ve been given the right to meet the God of Light-sama, the God of Gastronomy-sama, and the Goddess of the Forest-sama in person.”

That’s right, that’s all I have to say. If I can get rid of things like baths and micro-bikinis that are bad for my reputation, then I’ll receive a wonderful reward in a simple way.

The gods won’t even know that I expressed my erotic desires to them.

Phew, why did I panic so much when there was such a simple answer?

“Wait, but isn’t Wataru a messenger of Creator God-sama? Also, I haven’t heard the details, but aren’t you in contact with the gods when you use the luxury liner away from us?”

Alessia-san’s sharp retort hurts. It’s true that you can tell from my actions so far. That’s why I’ve been stalling for time.

It seems like it would definitely be discovered if I cheated. Even though I’m so interested in harems.

“Well… it’s important for me to be able to meet with the other gods because I’m connected to Creator God-sama.”

Or rather, Creator God-sama’s unreasonable demands mean that the protection of the God of Light-sama is absolutely necessary.

“I see, so it’s necessary to smooth out the relationships between the gods, right?”

Hmm? Dorothea-san seems to nod as if she understands, but what does that mean?

Oh, I see.

Dorothea-san seems to think that I’m some kind of secretary to Creator God-sama. In that case, it would be helpful to have the right to meet with the other gods.

In a company, for example, it would be useful to be able to easily meet with important people from other companies, and even more so among the gods.

It’s a terrible misunderstanding, but since Claretta-san, who took care of Carla-san, is looking at me with a ‘Wataru-san is amazing’ kind of look, I’ll just leave it as it is.

I think the direction in which I wanted to deceive her was different, but if it makes me more popular and well-liked in the world, I have no complaints.

On the rare occasions when I have to do something that feels like a secretary’s job or when I have to have a meeting with the God of Light-sama, it’s great that it’s not a complete lie.

I’ve got to ride this big wave.

“That’s why I haven’t received any blessings.”

When I said this, the members who were listening to me nodded as if they were satisfied.

I just let myself be carried along and went through it in a good way. I’m not the kind of person who wins the lottery or anything like that, but maybe I’m very unlucky.


After setting sail from the Island of the ancient earth dragon, I returned to a place I could call home after a long journey at sea.

Unlike the journey there, I knew the route and the time it would take to get back, so it was a relaxed trip, but still, when I saw the Castle in front of me after transferring to the Lutto, I felt a sense of relief.

Even though it’s a place that’s not as closely connected as the Southern City or the Dark Elf Island, I think because it’s my own ship and I can rely on Camille-san and the others, it’s become a place where I can relax.

I had planned to pick up Princess Annemarie on the Dark Elf Island and go to the Mermaid Kingdom, where I would be of service to the Mermaid Kingdom and obtain the sacred treasure for Pent, but I decided to visit Camille-san first.

It looks like it’s going to take a while in the Mermaid Kingdom, and since it’s close to the Aquamarine Kingdom, I’ll have to go and see the town that’s under construction whether I like it or not.

So I’m going to visit Camille-san first and ask her to sell the things I got on the Western Continent. I’ll also ask her about the orphanage, which is almost out of my hands.

Also, since Ines’ freedom is increasing, there is a secret plan to have her disciplined by Bella-san.

“Speaking of which, even if we don’t sell magic-related items, what are we going to do with the items we bought there?”

The core that was the origin of the water giant that we obtained in the desert palace is too scary to release, but we also bought a small number of exotic books, folk crafts, and products unique to the Western Continent, so it’s not impossible to sell them wholesale.

Of course, I won’t sell the dancer’s clothes wholesale, but I wouldn’t mind offering them as souvenirs to Camille-san and the other women.

“Hmm. Wouldn’t it be better to choose either the monsters or the merchandise this time? They’re busy enough as it is, so if it turns out to be a profit, they’ll complain if it takes up too much of their time.”

I wonder if Camille-san will get angry?

…Yes. As Alessia-san says, she’ll get angry if we make unreasonable demands.

If possible, I would have liked to do something about the corpses of the monsters that were crushing the rubber boat, but this time it might be safer to let some of them go and develop a way to deal with them.

If I tell you that there are a lot of them, I think the excellent Camille-san and the others will be able to come up with a way to deal with them. The goods will come after that.

When I entered the Castle, I saw well-dressed men, women, and children walking around happily with Saporabi.

They were probably from the upper classes of this world, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

When I spoke to Camille-san earlier, she said that the attraction of the place was not only the novelty of the products and facilities, but also the fact that it was a safe place to relax.

In a world like this, it’s easy to imagine that there are various dangers just because you’re rich. The fact that you can buy safety with money and also enjoy rare food, drinks, and facilities is why it’s so popular.

Well, even if you have money and status, it seems that it’s hard to get a room because it’s so popular.

“Ah, Flora. How are you?”

Ines notices Flora-san and runs over to her happily.

“Oh, Ines. You’re back.”

The sight of the two beautiful women holding hands and rejoicing together is precious.

There is probably the added bonus of being childhood friends, but Ines runs away when she sees her mother, Bella-san, so it seems that the closeness between them is what creates this scene.

“Hello, Flora-san. How’s work going?”

“Ah, Wataru-san. I’m having a full day and it’s really fun.”

Flora-san’s smile doesn’t seem to be fake, so it looks like she really means it. I think she was in charge of the gym instructor, but I wonder if there’s no problem at all?

“That’s good.”

“Ah, Wataru-san. Camille-san and the others have been looking forward to your return. They can’t stop wondering how the products they selected are doing.”

…That reminds me that before I went to the Western Continent, I asked Camille-san and the others to help me choose products that would sell well there.

It was all in vain.

I, too, had dreams and hopes of doing business on an unknown continent, and I was very excited about it.

But I couldn’t do business that way, with people yelling at each other.

I’m sorry that the result wasn’t what they hoped for, but I’m going to be honest with Camille-san and the others and ask for their forgiveness.

If I try to cover things up and they prepare more products for me when I go to the Western Continent, it’ll be even more difficult.

It’s easier to relax because there’s no chance of being caught in the bath or in a micro bikini like at the time of the blessing.

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