Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 19 Chapter 8

Vol 19 Chapter 8

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 8 – Huh? Kindness?

After a long journey, we returned safely from the Western Continent to the Central Continent. Before taking Princess Annemarie to the Mermaid Kingdom, we stopped by the castle to take care of some business. I had forgotten that I’d asked for advice before we left for the Western Continent…

“Oh, Wataru-san, you’re back.”

After my conversation with Flora-san, I had prepared myself to apologize, but before I was ready, Camille-san appeared.

She came running over and checked on everyone. I was touched by her kindness and relief that we were all safe.

I think she was really worried about our trip to the unknown continent.

“Oh, this is going to cause a commotion. I’ll call Mauro and Donatella, so let’s go to the captain’s office.”

The one Camille-san was looking at was Pent.

I brought him along because I heard how Pent felt, but even though he’s a child, a sea serpent that’s grown to a certain size would be out of place on a luxury liner.

I’ll have to get the sacred treasure early in the Mermaid Kingdom.

Camille-san led us to the captain’s office.

“Wataru, I’m so glad you’re safe.”

“Welcome back, Wataru-san.”

Mauro-san and Donatella-san were already waiting in the captain’s office. I knew they would be there because Camille-san had given instructions to the dedicated Saporabi, but I was surprised to see them waiting there with smiles on their faces.

“――As I said, I didn’t get involved in the business side of things. I’m sorry I couldn’t meet your expectations, even though you made all these preparations.”

I explained the sea routes and the climate of the Western Continent, and I also honestly told them that I was afraid of Toyen’s rough business practices, and I apologized.

“No, there’s no need to apologize.”

Mauro-san spoke kind words to me as I lowered my head in fear.

“After all, Wataru is just a person with amazing skills who happens to be a merchant.”

Wait, kindness? Mauro-san?

“You have no ambition to rise in the world, and 90% of your thoughts are about women. I don’t expect much from you to begin with, so don’t worry.”

No, it’s not just a relief, but my heart is cut to pieces by those sharp words, isn’t it? Wait, besides Camille-san and Donatella-san, even Ines, Felicia, and the people from Girasole are nodding, so you’re all on the same side, huh?

“No, I also do things that are merchantlike in their own way.”

I’ve worked hard selling pepper, and I’ve also traded by importing goods from the south, haven’t I?

“That is just a by-product of your amazing skills. If I had those skills, I could control the world’s economy. You don’t have enough ambition for a merchant.”

I was speechless.

“That’s not necessarily a bad thing. You don’t get carried away with your powerful abilities… well, you get carried away, but you use them in a way that’s appropriate to your size without showing off. That’s an intelligent way to live.

Ah, I’ve been praised. I feel like I’m being made fun of, but I’ve been praised.

At the same time that I want to be properly praised, I’m also afraid that I might be thrilled by the occasional glimpse of kindness.

“Therefore, it is a pity that we were unable to see the results of the products we chose, but the fact that the existence of the Western Continent has been confirmed and that we have learned about its routes, culture, and customs is a sufficient result in itself.”

“Yes. Wataru-san has shown us a sufficient result.”

“That’s right. Wataru-san is amazing. At this point, you can be considered a first-class adventurer.”

Of course, they didn’t expect me to be a merchant, but it’s nice to be encouraged by two beautiful women.

Well, they didn’t lecture me or leave me in the cold, so I guess it all worked out in the end.

“So, Alessia, do you think we can reach the Western Continent with a normal magic ship?”

Camille asks Alessia-san.

“Hmm… It’s more dangerous than going to the Southern Continent.”

“…If that’s the case, we’ll have to find a more attractive product than pepper if we want to include it in our business.”

“That’s right. Ilma, you did a lot of research, didn’t you? Have you found anything good?”

As I felt relieved, the group of merchants led by Camille-san and Alessia-san and the others started talking.

It seems that they were discussing whether or not the Western Continent would be a good place to do business, but the conversation was becoming dangerous because they knew from the beginning that the risk of sailing there was at its maximum.

I think it would be better to stop trying to secretly pass on information and get other people to take risks. The damage from just trading with the Southern Continent is no joke, you know?

“Let’s just wait and see for now. Wataru-san, if we end up going to the Western Continent, please do your best to gather information.”

“Oh, yes.”

Camille-san’s conclusion finally calmed the situation. For a while, there had been a flurry of suggestions that seemed like selling one’s soul to the devil, so the ambiguous conclusion of “wait and see” seemed brilliant.

“Well, that’s all the report I have for you. We want to stay for a few days, is that okay?”

I’d like to leave right away, but I have to take Ines to meet Bella-san and the others, and I also have to ask them to secretly help train her.

“Of course. This is Wataru-san’s ship, so of course. But we also have to make sure that everyone knows about Pent-chan, so please don’t let Pent-chan go out until tonight.”

I’m sorry for Pent, but this is the natural reaction. There are a lot of important people here, so it’s not good to surprise them unnecessarily.

Besides, it’s a little late to say this, but with this group of people, the setting of the Mage-sama is completely dead.

“I understand. I’ll rest in my room today.”

“Thank you. Then, if you’ll excuse me.”

Camille-san and the others are about to leave the room… Oh, a souvenir!

“Wait a minute!”

I called out to Camille-san and the others, asking them to sell me the souvenirs and monsters, but they got mad at me for not saying that first and ended up telling me in a way that was wrapped in layers of politeness that I was an idiot if I wanted to act like a merchant, even though monsters that don’t exist on this continent would be a super hot product, but I was told that I should understand that much.

It’s sad.


The next morning, I stayed at the Castle for the first time in a while.

I left Ines in the care of Bella-san, and the members of Girasole also went their own way, so I explored the lively Castle with Felicia, Rimu, and Pent.

The luxury liner I usually spend my time on is chartered, so I’m used to it, but I also feel a sense of loneliness.

However, the Castle, which is open to the public, is full of wealthy people enjoying the culture of Earth, and there is a lively atmosphere.

The passengers are a bit medieval, but I feel that’s how a luxury liner should be, and I’m excited.

Well, since Pent is with me, the other passengers keep their distance…

“Well, it’s been a while since we’ve been on the Castle, but is there anywhere in particular you’d like to go, Felicia? …Felicia?”

“Huh? Oh, I’m sorry, Master. Is something wrong?”

She hadn’t been listening to the conversation? She must have remembered the oracle of the Goddess of the Forest-sama.

After receiving their rewards from the gods, everyone is moved to varying degrees, and sometimes they get lost in their thoughts.

Among them, Felicia and Claretta-san were particularly outstanding, and whenever they had a spare moment, they would remember the oracle and go off into the distance.

I guess I don’t have much faith, so I don’t understand the extent of their excitement, but it’s been over a month now, so I’d like them to stop repeating the oracle.

“Well, Felicia, is there somewhere you’d like to go?”

“A place I’d like to go?”


“Well, it would be nice to go to Central Park and touch the trees, but Rimu and Pent are here too, so why don’t we take a leisurely walk along the boardwalk?”

I asked Felicia where she wanted to go, but in the end, she put other people before herself.

But, well, the lively boardwalk is fun just to look at, so I don’t think it’s a bad suggestion.

“I see. Then let’s go to the boardwalk.”


Wait, isn’t this like a date? Even though Rimu and Pent are with us, this is the first time we’ve walked around a crowded place by ourselves, isn’t it?

We’re doing all kinds of adult things, but that’s not so bad. I’m getting a little nervous.

“Wow, it’s so lively here.”

I think I saw Ines being forced by Bella-san to help with the work and Carla-san eating her way through the restaurants with Beni-chan and Fuu-chan for some reason, and I think I saw Alessia-san storming into the casino with a lot of energy, but I think I’ll just pretend that I imagined it all.

“Yes, I don’t mind a quiet atmosphere either, but this place with lots of laughter is also wonderful.”

I step onto the boardwalk with Felicia, who is smiling, and Rimu, who is bouncing on my head, and Pent, who is looking around excitedly.

There are a lot of kids here, maybe because of the carousel. It seems that families gather on the Castle ship, not only for business or beauty purposes.

And with the children are the ever-reliable Saporabi. They dutifully look after the children, even as they are being hugged and talked to by them.

Camille-san said that the children always cry and scream when they have to go home without Saporabi, but I can understand why.

If I had been spoiled by such a strange creature as a child, I would probably refuse to part with it.

Now that I know the reality of Saporabi, I would probably wish it peace instead of refusing to part with it.

I walked leisurely, bowing to the people who were surprised by Pent.


A strong thought flies down from above. Apparently, Rimu wants to eat donuts.

Yes. I was in the mood for a date, but the family atmosphere has put me in a fatherly mood.

But that’s not so bad.

Daddy will go buy donuts with enthusiasm! It’s free, though…

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