Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 756  Keith’s Summoner [R-18]

Chapter 756  Keith’s Summoner [R-18]

[Warning: Contains gore. Discretion is advised.]


In her new life, Keith was born as a Devil and because she was favoured by a Devil who was hated, her fate still hadn't improved, but became a bit better.

She didn't lose her chastity, no man touched her. She also didn't suffer any hardship like her past life and went on to become the strongest Devil in her world that shook everyone.

However, all good things come to and end, and Keith got imprisoned into a strange dimension by an otherworldly expert.

She was there for who knows how long until she got a summon.

Someone was trying to summon her… no, not her, but her past self that wasn't imprisoned here.

She could tell this because the summoner was proficient in Time Path and she herself was a Time Path Devil.

If she responded to this summon now, she would lose her body progress of now and get into the summoner's world with her past self's body and current self's soul.

Although she was strong back then too, her current body was much more refined and stronger.

But as they say, you win some, you lose some. Keith had no idea how to get out of this prison and that seemed to be the only way.

Thankfully, this was still her Devil body and not her past life's human one.

Yes, she retained the memories of her past life, all the way from her birth. It was traumatizing for sure, but this new life had given her a new perspective and she wasn't lifeless like before.

Answering the summoner's call, she was back in the normal world.

As she met the summoner, her eyes immediately teared up and she went ahead to hug the girl.

The girl smiled and rubbed Keith's back, comforting her.

This girl was none other than her own child. Not from Keith's devil life, but her human life.

Keith was mercilessly abused, but she got pregnant this one time and gave birth to a son, who was taken away from her by his father.

She never experienced motherhood due to this and was back on the streets.

However, she could now tell that the son had descendants, who went ahead to have further successors, and finally, after who knows how many million years, there was this girl who pulled her out of the dimension prison.

Life was really strange.

She never expected someone would remember her, much less think of having a descendant.

After many millions of years, while hugging her child, Keith sobbed again. The tears this time weren't those of sadness, but joy.


'FUCK!' Lith exclaimed internally as the whole thing came to an end. His face had trails of dried up tears and for the first time in his life, he genuinely cried for someone like this.

Beside him, his maids weren't any better. The Yellow Phantom had passed out from looking at so much sorrow. She was already very weak due to being cursed and confined for so many ages, now this thing put a mental toll on her and made her pass out.

What Lith and his maids had just seen was the past trauma of Keith. Now, they were supposed to fix the past of a different timeline and get them out of this damned ritual

Lith assumed they hadn't completed it yet because they didn't know what the right approach was to complete the ritual.

As far as Lith recalled, this ritual's completion wasn't found out until about fifty-thousand years ago. This meant that Timeless, who disappeared around a hundred thousand years ago didn't know the answer.

As for Keith, she had been imprisoned for so long somewhere, that she might've not known what this ritual even is, let alone find an answer to it.

These two poor souls were probably stuck in watching their past for the past hundred thousand years!

Lith screamed internally knowing how much pain they must've been going through! Just watching their past once brought him and his maids to tears, he couldn't imagine what would happen if it played like that for ages.

A shiver went down Lith's spine as he tried to imagine that and shaking his head, he thought, 'fuck, I'll hug these two to death once they've recovered. They deserve all the love and happiness in the world!'

It was slightly irrational on Lith's part to think like this. The life of these two people didn't matter and shouldn't affect him whatsoever. They had no relations with him and even at this point, were complete strangers.

'But so what?' Thought Lith. 'I've decided that they'll be mine, so their past, present, future, everything belongs to me.'

That was right. Lith had come here with the sole purpose of taking Timeless as his maid. But as luck would have it, he was blessed with not one, but two cute maids!

Wiping his face, Lith said, "we'll go to the past, I'll save Keith's parents, you all find out who's bloodline that piece of shit Emperor belonged to."

Luna, Qingyue, and Freya nodded their heads. They took the Yellow Phantom in their arms and with a certain spell that Luna cast, they all disappeared.



Lith heard the familiar shout. He found himself in a bush, away from these guys, and looking at the scene, saw Keith's mother dragged out of her hut, evident from the mud on her body and the trail on the road, and chained down.

This poor woman was accused for no particular reason other than being beautiful. The blood leaking down her thighs made Lith close his eyes and breathe heavily.

No woman… No woman should ever suffer such a thing during her most vulnerable times. The heavens was not just to have someone suffer like this.

No matter what their past life's or current life's karma was, this fate should not arise for anybody.

Lith's blood boiled as he heard Keith's mother wail.

He didn't stay in the bush for long and got out, right after the guards had slapped Keith's father awake and had him start cursing them.

The guards were about to hit Keith's father for his audacity, but then a domineering voice resonated in their ears, saying:

"Scum of the Earth. Treating a poor mother like that."

"WHO DARES!?" A guard, supposedly a Prince, roared.

His roar was but a fart as Lith showed no mercy and cut his voice box with the tip of his blade.

This didn't kill him, but made him unable to speak further and gasp for air. The guy clutched his neck and fell on his necks, trying his best to breathe.

"YOU!" Some other fool decided to test Lith, which resulted in him getting his eyes gouged out and legs broken.

He let out a loud shriek full of pain and withered on the ground like a worm. The villagers watching such a cruel thing gasped in horror and took a step back.

Looking at them, Lith smiled. "You think this woman is a Devil, yes? No wait, a devil colluder, I think. Meh, doesn't matter."

Lith walked close to them and his smile widened. "You'll now see what a real Devil looks like. All of you, even the women, the children, and the old farts. No one will be spared."

circled everybody and cast a transparent barrier to not let these mortals get away.

The villagers trembled in fear and before they could run away, Lith circled everybody and cast a transparent barrier to not let these mortals get away.

"Stay there, I will play with you after I am done with these fools," walked Lith away from the mortals and said.

"Now then…" Lith looked at each guard one by one. "Raise your hand if you're a Prince. I'll spare you to give your father some face."

"ME! ME!" Two guards raised their hands up and shouted. They had seen the horror the other two had suffered and didn't want to share the same fate as them.

Lith smiled. "Fools."

With a swift movement technique, he was right beside the two and cut their hands and legs, making them feel no pain.

They also started screaming when their body fell on the ground and they had no limbs to support themselves.

Lith then looked at the leader and said, "hold the newborn properly. If even a scratch comes to her, I'll kill you."

The leader tensed up and nodded his head.

Lith went to Keith's mom and swiftly cut all the chains binding her.

He then gave her a hand to get up and looking at her face with great melancholy, said, "I am sorry I couldn't save you in my timeline…"

Keith's mother understood nothing and just stared at the handsome silver-haired man with confusion and shock.

Lith then cut the chains of Keith's father and freeing him, said, "go comfort your wife, I'll have her healed after I am done with this mess."

The man nodded and went to comfort his wife.

Then, right in front of the eyes of the villagers, Keith's parents, and the leader, began the torture that would make even a Devil horrified.

Lith took out his ever shiny grater that he had once used in a dream when getting trained by his aunt Lucifer.

Yes, this grater was thrice the size of a human and he had turned into something real when he understood its purpose.

The first thing Lith then did was take a limbless scum from the ground and stripped his clothes.

He pressed him face down on the grater and said to Keith's mother, "look closely! This is the guy that wanted to r*p* you right now."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Just one single scrub made the guy let out a scream so horrifying, it made the sleeping baby get up and cry.

"Haha, it seems little Keith woke up. Damn this guy, having no shame and waking up sleeping babies. Go to sleep, Keith," Lith casted a spell and made the baby sleep again. "Go to hell, scum," Lith rubbed him on the grater again.

Before he fully perished, Lith cast a spell on him and made his soul break fully, having him die completely, never to reincarnate again.

Lith then tossed the body away with the help of his sword, not wanting to touch the filth with his own hands.

"Alright, next!"

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