Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 757  The Devil Lith [R-18]

Chapter 757  The Devil Lith [R-18]

The humans screamed in horror, not understanding how such a Devil could ever incarnate into existence, and how bad their fate was to come across one such.

Maybe… just maybe, had they ignored the snake instead of rattling it, things wouldn't have escalated to such a degree, they all thought.

But it was too late now.

The Devil laughed and grated the soldiers one by one. The grotesque scene made the village children and weak women faint, while the rest puked their guts out.

Human flesh and bones were grated like vegetables, the Devil showed no mercy.

Even Keith's parents were having a hard time watching this, but they were in a far better mood and happy to have this outcome.

The Devil, aka Lith, used his Life spells and didn't let the Princes die. Half their body was grated and they looked like monsters—no, calling them monsters would be an insult to the monsters out there.

Their organs, brain, muscles, everything was completely visible from the front, but a portion of it was shaved off, making them appear really scary.

They screamed and screamed and screamed… their shrieks were a great melody to Lith's ears.

These guys tried to run away, but Lith put them in a barrier. They ran like headless chickens into this barrier, their screams echoing far across the human lands.

Lith then put the rest of the guards in another barrier and went to check on Keith's mother.

The leader of the guards didn't dare to move a muscle and did his best to hold the newborn Keith. He knew if he did something stupid now, he would meet a similar fate.

Getting close to Keith's mother, Lith didn't say a word and placed his hand on her lower abdomen.

The lady flinched, but feeling that this person meant no harm, stopped her struggles.

A cool sensation coursed through her body in the next instant and she could feel her body healing rapidly.

In just a minute, her body was fully healed and it was as if she hadn't just given birth, but was back to being her teenage self.

The woman teared up and wanted to thank Lith, but he just asked her to be quiet for now.

Lith then healed the man and once both were in full health, looked at them with a gentle gaze and said, "give Keith a good life, she deserves it. I'll transfer you to a better kingdom soon, until then, just watch the show."


The lady was interrupted when Lith showed his palm and gestured to her to not speak.

"I know, you've got many questions. But I'll not answer any of it. Just consider this a blessing," Lith answered.

Nobody should know of the things that transpired. It was for the best and these people deserved a decent life.

While walking away from the three, Lith said, "never to trust anybody other than yourself. And if you feel things going south even slightly, trust your intuition and immediately run away."

Lith imparted some wisdom into these stupid peasants, hoping that they would make wiser decisions in the years to come.

He then went to torture the people some more. The torture was so vile that the soul piercing cries of these little shits traversed throughout the kingdom and made everyone tremble in fear.

The torture was reserved for the Imperials and the villagers were simply killed with one fine spell.

Lith didn't have enough time to waste on them.

The crime of these villagers was that they participated. They participated in the accusations against Keith's parents and never once stopped to consider what was right and what was wrong.

As for the innocent children, they just got swept up in their parents' bad karma. Hopefully in the next life they wouldn't have such idiotic parents.

Lith then telepathically contacted Luna, who said that she had the Emperor sealed in the same far away palace.

Lith's blood boiled once again when he heard the location and about the Emperor.

However, he retained some calmness and transferred Keith along with her parents to a safer and better neutral kingdom in the Human Continent.

Freya knew about history pretty well and guided Lith to the kingdom which had the least problems.

The leader of the guards was dropped there too and was made a servant to Keith's parents via a contract. He was to serve them until his death and live off of whatever they gave him.

This wasn't too big of a punishment, rather a blessing for this poor guy.

He would be fed three meals a day, have Keith to play with, and also bond with Keith's parents, leading a happy life.

Lith gave these guys some magic stones. They were enough to buy a small town ten times over and still be left with spares.

Keith's parents didn't know how to thank Lith and kowtowed as much as they could.

Lith didn't pay them any heed and just left after planting a gentle kiss on baby Keith's forehead, wishing her a good life.

Finally, Lith reached the palace where the Emperor was.

Walking inside the same bedroom as the one he had seen him in before, Lith looked at the burly man nailed to a wall.

His wrists and ankles were nailed, no other damage was done to the rest of his body. Except…


The man was bleeding from the place of his manhood and was unconscious.

It seems his maids couldn't control themselves, thought Lith.

Turning to them and having a look at their angry faces, Lith understood that his guess was correct.

He took a chair and sat on it. Crossing his legs, Lith said, "go ahead. Do whatever you want, just don't kill him."

The faces of his three, no, four maids lit up and they immediately The man was slapped awake and immediately started hurling curses.

got to work.

The man was slapped awake and immediately started hurling curses.

But then, his mouth got stuffed by something meaty and he was forced to chew and swallow it.

As he bit on it lightly and tried to chew, great pain, a thousand times that of being kicked in the balls, assaulted him. He couldn't even scream and his eyes rolled back as he fainted.

Qingyue slapped the man awake and he was once again forced to chew on his own manhood.

This time, Freya used Life spells and kept him conscious, making him feel every bit of pain.

Once the man had chewed and gulped down everything, his manhood sprouted back.

Luna cut it with a sword she found in this guy's bedroom and fed it to him again.

This cycle repeated for the next one hour.

Lith clapped his hand and said, "time's up. It's my turn now."

The man gulped one final time and his manhood sprouted back once again.

Lith walked up to him and gazing into his eyes, said calmly, "you'll pay. Pay for every life you've ruined. This was just the start."

A killing intent erupted from Lith, an intent so strong that it made even Luna shiver.

As for the man, he couldn't take things anymore and passed out.

This time, he wasn't woken up, instead, transported to some place else.



He felt absolute pain for the first time in his life.

Ning Jian knew that a day would come where the heaven's would pass judgement on him, but he never knew it would come so soon.

He was expecting to taste a newborn today, but what followed was him getting violently tortured.

It pained him. It really pained a lot. He wanted nothing but death. He really wished for it, yet he didn't get it. He hoped to have gotten unconscious at the very least, but it didn't happen either.

He was doing it… eating his own manhood under the spell casted by five unknown people.

He didn't know who they were and he had never seen such strange people.

He couldn't focus to ponder over it either as the pain was just too much.

After who knows what round of eating, things were starting to become numb and Jian got conscious of himself.

He cried. He cried for the very first time in his life.

He regretted. He regretted for the very first time in his life.

He should have never done that. He should've never tested the heavens. He should've never assaulted any girls and should've never even dared to plan on assaulting a newborn.

For the first time in his life, he realized that actions have consequences.

He started begging. He begged the heavens to show him mercy.

He promised he would never do it again and… as if listening to him, he became unconscious once again.

Finally, finally he was dead, thought Jian.

However, what followed was him feeling a sharp sting. It wasn't much at first, but then it intensified to such a high degree that it made him shriek and shoot his eyes open.

While unconsciously screaming and looking around with his bloodshot eyes, Jian found himself in the middle of a square.

Looking around, he saw people gathered in a circle, watching him as he screamed.

Then, he noticed that he was in the main square of the capital of the Ning kingdom, whose ruler he himself was.

However, before he could understand what was happening further, he felt a sharp pain up his ass hole, making him scream like a dying dog.

It was as if someone was ripping his body apart in two and caused him excruciating pain.

Jian once again started begging the heavens for death, but got nothing but tormenting pain in return.


In the middle of the capital's square, Lith was standing with a neutral look on his face, watching the bastard Jian get fucked by a few freshly caught Ronikols from the Demon Continent.

There was a transparent barrier so the Ronikols don't just go out and attack the public.

They were limited to Jian and once he was impregnated by them, his stomach inflated at a rapid rate and then burst open, giving birth to new Ronikols.

Those new ones fucked him again and the cycle continued.

He wasn't dead because the barrier had Life elements to it and kept him alive.

He was shrieking and suffering from the most horrible torture in the world.

He deserved it fully and Lith showed no mercy whatsoever.

An hour later, his maids came back to his side, finishing up with the work he had tasked them.

Luna walked close to Lith and said handing him a file, said, "these are the people involved, Your Highness."





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