Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 759  Backlash Of A Legendary Rank Contract

Chapter 759  Backlash Of A Legendary Rank Contract

Keith and Timeless both were speechless by the stupid comment from Lith. If he didn't look handsome, he would've just seemed like a third-rate creepy young master to the two.

Their gazes didn't go unnoticed by Lith. He chuckled and instead of clearing their misunderstanding, said, "I've saved you two's life. How are you going to repay me?"

The two red-haired ladies frowned upon hearing that.

"We didn't ask you to save us," said Keith. The last thing she ever needed was someone's favour.

Lith chuckled like a true young master and got up. Walking towards Keith and Timeless, he stopped when he was a foot away from them.

"I did it nevertheless. Now you're indebted to me. For my repayment, let's see…" Lith eyed the two creepily, making them frown harder.

Keith was about to attack Lith, but couldn't. Her body seemed to be glued to her daughter and she wasn't able to break the hug.

Lith saw it and walked closer to the two. He extended his hand out, making Keith's pupils shrink and stare at him with a terrified gaze.

It was happening again…

Despite becoming strong, she fell into the hands of someone stronger.

She was going to be used again… the torture would repeat again…

At those milliseconds in which Lith's hand was coming closer, Keith had a flashback of all the wrong things that had happened to her.

Unconsciously, she hugged her daughter tightly, wanting to protect her and take all the harm on herself.

Keith closed her eyes, bracing to take in the vile things that would happen to her again.

However, a second passed, and instead of feeling a lecherous touch, she felt a warm hand on her head, gently caressing her hair.

Dumbfounded, Keith opened her eyes, only to see the silver-haired man flash a gentle smile and caress her head.

The gentle smile was then wiped away and a smug look appeared on his face. The gentle caress changed to a head pat, making her know that he was establishing his authority on her.

Keith was genuinely confused now. She wondered if the gentleness she saw was an illusion or something. This guy totally seemed like a creep.

"To repay me, you'll be my maid. Both of you girls. Your contract with me is for a thousand years, then you're free to go wherever you want."

Keith and Timeless frowned upon hearing that.

Timeless shot an anger-filled look, but got a head pat in return.

"Be a good girl and you'll get some cookies. Be bad and I'll punish you." Lith said with a chuckle.

There was no denying it now. Keith and Timeless both were sure that this guy was a creep. They also could figure out that he was a young master of some strong place.

Lith didn't let the two ladies respond to his comments. Instead, he took out two contract scrolls and put them in the air in front of them.

This scroll seemed ancient and had an amethyst hue to it, much different than the ones issued by the Witches.

Keith's eyes widened in surprise when she felt the aura of this contract.

It was a Legendary Rank contract!

That was correct. When Lith learnt that his mother was the strongest being in this world, he scammed her into making a few contracts for him.

How did he scam her? Well… it was a bit embarrassing, but the story was that he promised her that he would let her check his growth for a year straight in exchange.

The growth checking… by no means was it just her looking at him from afar.

Damn… it was embarrassing to even think about it and Lith tried to suppress his thoughts.

In the end, he went to sleep later and she didn't get to check him. The scam was successful… kind of.

At least she hadn't brought that thing up after him waking up, so Lith was safe.

In any case, the strongest being was scammed, and now he had a few contracts with him made by her.

With the way Keith appeared shocked, Lith nodded in response. She definitely could tell that this contract was no joke.

Lith snapped his fingers and to Keith's surprise, on the contract, inscriptions appeared in the form of Ancient Vampire Script.

Her daughter Fanny might not be able to tell it, but she was well-versed with this. It was a forbidden language in her era because it was so powerful, just one syllable wrong, and a person would permanently perish.

Keith wasn't afraid of breaking this Legendary Rank contract because sooner or later, she could attain that status herself and suppress these guys.

Her body right now was weak because it was of the past. If it was the body that was imprisoned, Keith would've definitely been at a rank these guys could never even imagine.

Nothing to worry about though. A thousand years would pass in a breeze.

Still, she wasn't going to sign things so easily.

She looked at Lith and asked, "what if we refuse?"

Lith smiled. "If you refuse, then I'll just lower your status and make you a slave of mine. The offer I am giving you right now is me being generous."

Lith never thought he would say these words to someone, but it had to be done. He was putting up an act as an arrogant prick because he knew no matter how kind or sincere he appeared, Keith would always doubt him.

There was no free lunch, such a doctrine was definitely ingrained deep in her soul.

The trauma Keith has couldn't be cleared up in just one go. By being his usual self, that is, benevolent and kind to his close ones, Lith would just be making Keith hate him.

She would think that it was a façade and he had some ulterior motives.

Hence, instead of letting her overthink, Lith just let her properly understand that he was indeed an arrogant young master who lusted over her body.

Keith bit her lips hearing that. A past trauma surfaced as she heard the word slave. She knew very well how the life of a slave was.

When she was one, she was caged, used mercilessly by so called 'masters', not given enough to eat, and then thrown away when she seemed diseased.

She would've broken down remembering that, but she was a Devil now. A pretty strong one at that.

Keith just glared at Lith and instead of arguing, asked, "what will you do if I become your maid?"

"Hehe," Lith licked his lips like a creepy bastard. "I'll order you around and punish you with a sausage in your mouth if you do something wrong. If you do things right, I'll be merciful and give you a cookie."

Fanny, hearing this, knitted her brows. She turned to look at her mother and saw her contemplating things.

"Mom…" Fanny softly called out.

"Mhm?" Keith asked with a hum.

"I hope we get to see each other in our next reincarnations," Fanny suddenly said, making Keith frown.

However, after she had a look at her mother's suffering and knowing how strong she was, all her haughtiness vanished in front "What are you—"

"Mom, it's better to die, than fall into the hands of such an evil guy," Fanny said with her eyes slightly moist.

She was a really strong adventurer, a peak level Emperor Rank, on par with the Guild Master of the Adventurer's Association.

However, after she had a look at her mother's suffering and knowing how strong she was, all her haughtiness vanished in front of her and she felt herself to be no less than a child.

She didn't want her mother to go through this suffering again. It was better to die and see each other in the next life, than suffer this same fate again.

"Sniff… Sniff… so emotional… so touchy."

The mother-daughter duo's talks came to an end as they heard a sarcastic sob from Lith.

Lith looked at them and wiping away his non-existent tear, said with a smile, "you guys can die, but what makes you think I won't defile your dead bodies? Also, what makes you think I won't be able to resurrect you and then defile you again?"

The two ladies shuddered upon hearing that. This…

It never crossed them that this was such a possibility as well…

If this guy can trap a Supreme Rank and a peak Emperor Rank so easily, couldn't he also bring back their souls and violate them?

The two ladies' expressions turned grave and they felt all hope being lost.

At this moment, Lith chuckled evilly and said, "sign the contract, become my maids. Once I become your master, the least I'll do is not defile you against your wishes."

Keith's gaze turned sharp, her dread vanishing and a cold expression appearing on her face.

"Add that clause on the contract and we'll sign it immediately."

Lith shook his head. "If I add it, then I'll remove the clause of this contract being established for a thousand years."

Keith paused and pondered over this. If there wasn't a certain time, this contract would be there forever.

This wasn't good. They'd be abused regardless then.

A question popped up in Keith's head. To be abused for a thousand years and then break free or to keep her and her daughter's chastity, but serve this fool forever.

Remembering her past life, Keith was quick to come to a conclusion.

She looked at Lith and said, "instead of removing it, make it two thousand years. It's double the time."

Lith thought about it and said, "ten thousand years then."

"Fine by us," Keith responded quickly.

Ten thousand years were long, but she had faith in herself that she could break free from this contract before that period.

Even if she failed, the bond period will be over by that time anyway, and they'll break free.

"Good, then sign it," said Lith, as two new clauses appeared.

Keith talked to Lith for a few additional clauses to be added, such as her and Fanny not being harmed for at least one month after the contract was over.

Lith agreed and just added those things.

Keith then asked for a few more clauses, but like an impatient young master, he asked her to shut the fuck up and sign it.

Keith finally gave in and the contract was signed. Fanny followed.

The contract disappeared from the front once the blood of Keith, Fanny, and Lith was on it.

The two felt a stir in their hearts, but then it disappeared a moment later.

To test it the contract was working, Lith tried to think of defiling Keith, but immediately felt a strong pain in chest and puked blood.

It felt as if someone had squeezed his heart tightly.

'Damn… the contract is no joke…' Thought Lith and gave up testing it.

Keith and Fanny were happy to see him suffer. They could tell what caused the pervert to vomit blood.

Wiping his face, Lith looked at the two and said with an evil smirk, "now that you two are my maids…"

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