Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 758  Lith’s Looks Are Dangerous

Chapter 758  Lith’s Looks Are Dangerous

Lith checked the files and nodded his head in understanding. The bloodlines and the people of this time were someone he wasn't aware of, but it would help once he was back home.

The Emperor had been punished, the guards were punished, but Lith's heart still wasn't at ease.

The tragedy suffered by Keith, by no means, was light. She was neither his maid nor an acquaintance at this point of time, just a random stranger whose life would've been ignored had Lith had not gone to the archives.

He was aware since day one that life in this new world wasn't all rainbows and sunshines. His own life was easier all thanks to his mother, but the same couldn't be said for the ones at the bottom hierarchy.

Lith had never seen the lives of people at the bottom rung. He had seen the Vampires, but they were all an exception.

The Vampires were mostly very chill and without any conflicts. Nobody was suffering in any way whatsoever and some of the tragic things that did happen… they were all on purpose.

Getting assaulted, used, and gangbanged were one of the most tragic things, but the Vampires, the low level ones, could easily just complain to authorities and get the mess sorted.

However, assault, gangbang, and other stuff were still prevalent in the society. This was because some Vampires were into these tragic things, it was their kink.

The abnormal Vampire race aside, Lith decided to check up on the bottom tier people of other races. Who knows what things it might lead him to.

One thing was very clear, in this fantasy world, the more Lith ventured out, adventured, the more things he would gain.

It was just like the games where there was a main quest and then various other side/hidden quests.

Clearing his thoughts, Lith gazed at the Emperor giving birth to a few more Ronikols. The number of these beasts had increased by quite a lot by now.

Lith took a deep breath and turning to Luna, asked, "the family is in a safe place?"

Luna nodded her head.

"Good. We should leave then."

This place was dangerous.

Far more dangerous than Lith's current timeline.

There should be many Supreme Rank and Legendary Rank experts present. Add to that, this world also wasn't sealed like his previous one and otherworldly experts might be watching this place too.

What Lith did was on a small scale and didn't create too big of a mess to alert the strong experts.

The Emperor wasn't killed for this reason and just left to torture. If he was killed, someone would definitely come to check on him.

It was for this very reason that Lith couldn't take Keith's parents to his own timeline either. Some Time Path old fart might get the wind of it and come seek trouble, it wasn't worth risking his and his maids' life like this for it.

For Keith to have a better life, Lith had a few things in his mind. Thinking so, he broke the barrier of the Emperor, making the Ronikols rush out and attack the spectators, then finally left.


In the vast expanse of darkness, Keith and Timeless had no idea how much time had passed.

They were aware about them being alive and how they ended up in this situation, but they couldn't think much more than that. Their thoughts were still and they just watched the darkness in peace and quiet.

This hidden dungeon was a great boon for the ones pursuing the Time Path. It contained so many things related to Time and was the reason why this pair had come here.

Much to their shock though, they got stuck in the final ritual.

It was all because Timeless broke down after she watched the memories of Keith, whom she now considered as her mother.

Her breaking down led to the ritual failing and they were stuck here for who knows how long.

Nothing could be done about it. Keith should've known better and not jumped the gun on this one. She should've just spent the rest of her life with her daughter in peace, gotten her married, watched her have children, and become a good grandmother.

The time in which Timeless belonged was truly very peaceful. It wasn't like her own which was falsely tranquil.

In this current time, all the races were somehow on great terms. There were peaceful trades and communication between everyone.

Some races did fight, such as the Angels and Demons, but Keith could see that it wasn't as serious as her time. These people's conflict was definitely something the higher ups continued just because they wanted both sides to get stronger and develop.

Add to that, in this era, nothing was hidden from the masses.

There were libraries around the world, information centers, help desks, and so many more things to which a normal mortal had access to. They just had to pay the necessary price and they could have it.

Keith believed that the higher ups didn't even want to put a price on information, but had to do it for the safety of their people.

If a low level person brought things of a higher level's and cultivated in it, it was bound to damage them. Hence, things were appropriately priced in a manner to one's cultivation.

There were also so many journals, so many things, so much awareness of common things to keep the public safe. Like there were journals which asked people to stay away from certain rituals, even taught them some high level magic spells.

These magic spells were something major powerhouses in Keith's timeline would fight and die for. Yet, it was so easily available.

There was also a free flow of people from one continent to another. One didn't have to struggle for anything.

The higher ups didn't oppress the lower classes, the lower classes didn't have any hatred for the higher classes, everything was in a strange balance.

Truly, this era, this time… it was truly the very best.

Keith had finally started seeing the effects of her bad luck being turned into some good fortune once she answered the summoning call and arrived here.

But her happiness didn't last long as she was now stuck in this place. She couldn't curse anyone but herself for causing her own doom.

Sighing, Keith could just stare at the vast expanse of darkness with an absent-minded gaze.







After who knows how long, while staring the darkness in front, Keith heard some faint sounds of something cracking.

Thinking it might just be her hallucinating, Keith didn't dwell on it much.


Again, she heard that faint sound.


Okay, she wasn't hallucinating it seems. The sound was getting louder and her thoughts were starting to be back to normal.

A few more cracking sounds were heard and a few minutes later…


The vast expanse of darkness cracked right in front of her eyes and a bright light blinded her vision.


"Huwaaaaa!" Keith gasped as clarity returned to her and she found herself in the same hidden dungeon room.

Panicked, she was about to look around for her daughter when…

"Haylouuu~" She heard a majestic voice and then saw a handsome silver-haired man sitting on a chair in front of her, looking at her with a smile and waving his hand.

Keith was startled and put up her guards, but then she heard…

"Mhmm… mom…"


All the emotions on Keith's face washed away as her concerned motherly nature took over.

She turned to the source and saw her daughter soundly sleeping on a comfortable bed. She was showing signs of waking up.

Keith got up and ignoring the others in the room, went to her daughter's side.

It took a few seconds, but Timeless woke up with a smile on her face, as if she had just had the best nap of her life.

The first thing she saw after waking up was her mother's gentle face, staring at her.

Well, Keith wasn't the one who gave birth to her, but she had her blood and she didn't know how many 'great' words she would need to add before 'mother', so she strategically just got herself adopted and became this pretty lady's daughter.

What should've happened right now between this mother-daughter pair was that Timeless would smile happily and hug Keith, but what happened was Timeless starting to cry and tightly hug Keith.

"Mom… I am sorry…" Timeless immediately started sobbing as she remembered the things she had seen in the ritual.

Keith sighed and rubbed her daughter's back. She rested her chin on her head and let this girl cry.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The two ladies heard clapping sounds and were broken out of their trance. They turned to the source and saw the silver-haired guy smiling and clapping.

"What an emotional scene, truly makes me tear up," the two heard from him.

The smile on his face and the tone in which he spoke, this made Keith knit her brows. She could tell this guy was some serious trouble.

Not to mention, she felt a massive threat from four people standing behind the guy in maid outfits.

Their levels weren't high, but the aura they gave off, it made Keith understand that they shouldn't be messed with.

As for the guy…


It was really strange how Keith felt no aura from him. She frowned and stared at him.

Her red eyes had a strange silver symbol in them which started rotating…

Only for her to see that something in the silver-haired guy's purple eyes appeared and rotated too.

"Acchkkk!" Keith felt a sharp pain in her head and had to close her eyes.

She then heard the man's chuckle.

"Pretty lady, you shouldn't stare at my handsome face so much. I've heard that my looks are very dangerous for hot milfs like you."


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