Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

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Chapter 100 – Food Situation

In my room at the inn.

I was sitting in a chair, and Felin was sitting on the bed, discussing the food situation in this world.

“So it’s delicious enough to compete with the food on Earth, which is more advanced, right?”

“Yes, it is. Well, there are times when I think the food is a little coarse, but I think that’s just a matter of the distribution of seasonings, their prices, and the way they’re prepared. I think the food in this world is better than I thought it would be compared to civilization.”

“The kaari I had today was so spicy that I couldn’t really taste it, but… that doesn’t mean the ingredients are inferior?”

“I don’t get that impression at all right now. On Earth, they usually select better seeds and improve the taste, but in this world, magic and skill can compensate for that.”

I guess that is the first reason why the food in this world tastes better than expected.

Paisar-san used the term ” job-related,” but there are production-related skills such as “farming” and “animal husbandry” that are equivalent to work. If that is the case, then we can expect these skills to have a positive effect on food as their level increases.

And so far, I have never been disappointed by the cooking of an innkeeper or even the street food I have eaten in various places.

Even if the cooking methods are inferior to modern ones, the seasonings are less varied, and some of them are so expensive that they can be extremely expensive when used in large quantities, as in the case of kaari, the fact that it still tastes good must mean that the original ingredients are tasty.

“Does that mean that if we can improve the quality of the ingredients, it will be even better?”

“Hmm… I think it’s possible, but it’s a method that takes time… years or decades. It’s worth doing, but I don’t think it’s something that will have an immediate effect.”

“That’s not a problem! We’re looking at the long term! If we think it will get better eventually, then it’s worth doing!”

“Haha….Surely, from the Goddesses’ point of view, it will only be a momentary event.”

“By the way, how much? Loki-kun, during your time here, did you ever feel like there was a shortage of food?”

“No, not at all. I’ve never seen anyone die of hunger, and even though there is a risk of monsters, if you go outside the city, nature is abundant and close by, so there are fruits and fish freely available. Also, some of the monsters can be used as food. There are huge fields north of the city, so food shortages should not be a problem unless there is some sort of natural disaster.”

“So I guess there’s nothing to worry about? We have no choice but to wait and see what happens in the event of a natural disaster!”

Her eyes sparkle, perhaps caught up in her thirst for knowledge.

I guess she wants to avoid a situation where people are in trouble, but I guess the goddesses would normally realize that after a disaster has occurred.

She probably thought it would be more appropriate to ask people who actually live in the lower world.

And there is no problem at all in answering that level of question.

I’ll give her as much advice as I can find out in the time I have until the weapon is ready.


“Just to give you an earthling’s perspective, though, right? Food in this world is about as cheap as it gets. Of course, there are expensive items, and since transportation technology is not yet developed and relies on horse-drawn carriages, there may be the problem of high transportation costs for food from distant places… Even so, there are many items that are surprisingly inexpensive. There may be other factors, such as labor costs, but surely it must include the fact that food itself is plentiful.”

“So we should just sit back and watch?”

“Yes, for now. If Felin has to worry―I think it is when the population grows? Perhaps when the number of monsters decreases significantly. Population growth leads to food shortages, so if I remember correctly, Feeril is doing some kind of population control, right?”

“Yes, yes. Well, that’s a very rough estimate.”

Population is something you can’t get a detailed picture of unless you have a very advanced civilization. So I guess it’s good that you two are working together, even roughly, and that there are fewer wars and crazier monster ecologies… but I think you should be a little concerned if there’s a sudden increase in peace. Oh, and what if the civilization the Goddesses are worried about develops greatly? Because when that happens, the number of people working in primary industries tends to decrease.”

“Wow… Loki-kun, that’s great!”

“No, no, what I’m about to say is nothing technical, and it’s within the realm of common sense on Earth. So, if there are reincarnated people who have experience in agriculture or animal husbandry, there is a possibility that this field will grow by leaps and bounds. In fact, it seems that people with knowledge of glass are probably contributing to the world.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, there are glasses and transparent glasses in this world that are shaped like those on Earth. I think it was spread by people with special knowledge because it makes civilization seem so much higher than the other things around it.”

“Wow, it’s already starting to pay off… but we can’t give the reincarnated any more skills!”

“Then why don’t you just use it as a reference if you ever need to summon them in the future? Whether it’s reincarnation or transmigration, many people think that if they can go to another world, they can make a fresh start and have a dream life, but even so, they can still use their knowledge from Earth to help this world.”

“Hmm? How?”

“I don’t know what criteria the goddesses use to choose reincarnations… but for example, you don’t choose souls at random. The souls are chosen based on their knowledge of what is needed in this world right now. That is, if you could see from the soul what kind of life that person has led.”

“Oh! We can read the information from the souls, so we can choose people who have worked in agriculture or animal husbandry or something like Loki-kun said before!”

“W-well, if there is a food shortage and you want to expand the primary industry, right? If you want to develop civilization, I think it would be more effective to bring in people who work in technical and research jobs in fields that have been slow to grow.”

“I see…”

Finally, perhaps a little satisfied, Felin leans back deeply, looking up at the ceiling and moving her mouth absentmindedly.

I wonder if she’s just sorting out what’s going on in her head.

As I watched the scene, I heard a voice murmuring softly.

“That’s why everyone wants to talk to Loki-kun, isn’t it…?”


I didn’t dare to say anything, but I sighed inwardly.

My knowledge is just the bare minimum I need to survive.

These are things that people who earn their living in their respective professions would simply dismiss.

Still, the fact that I’m doing this with the Goddesses is important, and the fact that I’m able to convey these things directly to them makes it all the more meaningful.

…I suddenly thought of Yagov-san’s words.

I had recommended earlier that they bring in reincarnated people.

I suggested that in order to develop the civilization of this world, specialized knowledge is needed.

――But is that really a good idea?

It is the people of this world who are agitated by the knowledge that is brought in.

Instead of expanding civilization, the people who were doing the work might lose their jobs.

In fact, Yagov-san was afraid that such people would actually appear.

Besides, not all the people who come here are honest on the inside.

If they select the souls carefully, they may be able to eliminate the truly evil ones, but if they are suddenly given more power than they can handle, there will definitely be people who get carried away.

I can’t speak for others.

The result is probably something like the current struggle for supremacy among the reincarnated people.

The Goddesses are not happy with the declining world and are fighting against it by inviting people from Earth.

As a result, some of the reincarnated people are rampaging around as they please, while others are dropping knowledge into this world as expected.

Or are there a lot of people in this world who get into unnecessary trouble because of them?

If the problem is that their power is too great for the people of this world, and their influence spreads to the whole continent, even if it is only a part of it, then the conclusion is that they should not be given that much ability…

I guess that wouldn’t make them want to come to this world so much.

I’ve even tried to pester it a lot, and it still refuses.

“(No good. It’s not easy to say what the right answer is, and I’m not sure yet. I know that if I say something unnecessary, it will cause the goddesses worry and anxiety, so it would be better not to talk about the problems here yet. However, I agree with the Goddesses’ idea of taking a chance and struggling with the possibilities because they are aware of the decline. The worst thing for them would be to watch their world end without doing anything…)”

So, for now, I guess I’ll just have to do what I can to help.

Then, as I went around the world myself, I wondered if what Yagov-san said was true.

Is it really the right thing to bring in reincarnated people?

――Hey, hey, hey…

I’m neither a hero nor a savior, so what am I thinking?

I’m just looking at the world. This is just a way for me to get stronger.

What the hell am I thinking, thinking like a hero… I almost became the protagonist of a role-playing game.

When I looked back at Felin with this thought, her expression had changed from the thoughtful one she had before, and her gaze was fixed on me at one point.

At that moment, I knew this was a bad idea.

I don’t know what skill Felin is bringing with her.

If it was mind-reading――

“Is what you just thought true?”

――Such murmurs in my mind were scratched away by the words Felin threw at me.

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