Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

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Chapter 89 – The Seriousness of the Current Situation

“(Hmm~! Even though I’m getting used to it, it’s still hard…)”

The seventh day of my life as a shut-in.

After eradicating the entrance area within 500 meters west of the river as planned, I walked back to the base.

Normally, I would jog back, but I have more work to do today, so I’m trying to conserve my energy.

Even though it was a day when the effect of the pills was at its maximum, if I overexert myself, I might have problems the next day.

If I were alone, I would be used to a little more than a little recklessness, but when I work with more than 30 people, the pressure is heavy, and I have to think and act a little more carefully.

“(Should I have dinner first, or should I just get on with it? …Come to think of it, I wonder if the fish tank operation was a success?)”

Suddenly, I remembered that before I left for the morning hunt, I had worked hard to set a trap in front of the base for the first time since the Great Forest of Palmera.

The reason was obvious: I was tired of eating orc meat every day.

No matter how young I am, if I eat meat every day, I will want to eat fish as well.

So, since the morning, I had been working hard to build a fish tank trap that would be difficult to escape from once the fish were in… but the problem was the number of monsters.

Even if you catch a fish, it is useless if it is eaten by small wolves or orcs.

So I decided that I had to do something about my problem as soon as possible.

“(I need to do more to secure fish and take a relaxing bath…)”

When I make or take a bath, monsters always come from the west side of the river.

Well, that’s to be expected. After all, I just started working on the west side of the river today.

And since it is only near the entrance, it means that there are a lot of monsters around the base.

So I hunt them.

This is the plan from now on.

It would be great if I could clear at least 50 meters to the west of the base by using the effects of the pills within a reasonable range.

If I can eliminate that many monsters, I believe that the number of monsters flowing into the vicinity of the base will be greatly reduced.


I took a deeper breath than usual.

“If I take a break, it will be too late to take a bath… I’ll just burn the stones and clean up while I’m at it.)”

I decided to act immediately, and as soon as I arrived at the base, I started burning stones next to the baths and then immediately went hunting on the west side.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽

On a cliff with a gentle slope.

There, I dealt with the incessant monster attacks.

The sun had completely set, and while using Night Vision and Presence Detection, I used Exploration for the rig spiders.

Even though I had leveled Night Vision, I didn’t think it was a skill that would lead directly to any practical use.

In the first place, I had decided to move to a new hunting ground based on my own level, so I didn’t check each time whether my skill level had increased or not…

Still, looking around like this, I feel that the contrast is a bit clearer now than it was yesterday and yesterday than it is now.

The world that was black and white at first has begun to take on a bit of color, probably due to the increase in skill level.

However, my vision is still very different from what it was during the day.

The frequency of attacks from monsters is inevitably higher due to the lack of a sense of distance.

“Hah… hah… or rather… there are definitely more monsters on the western side…”

I think this while killing the monsters that come near me.

I felt the same way during the day.

The number of small wolves is not so different, but the number of orcs is obviously much larger.

In the worst case, five or more orcs would attack and blow the small wolves away with logs in their hands.

Even now, with the four orcs swarming around me, there should be no doubt that the main habitat is on the west side of the river.

Of course, there are even more small wolves trying to bite through the gaps.

The ground was littered with monster corpses, and it was already difficult to find a place to move.


I was aware that I had been distracted.

I instinctively swung my short sword, but there was no way that the surrounding monsters would fall apart with such a random attack.


After a long time, the log that the orc swung down hit me right in the head.

Thanks to my excellent defense, the pain is not as strong as it could be.

But I can’t kill the impact.

…I wondered if I’d suffered some kind of concussion.

I couldn’t get my bearings, and my feet felt wobbly.

However, when I tried to move my legs, which were barely strong enough to stand up, another powerful log hit me from above before I could do so.

“U-ugh… Th-this is not good…!”

I can’t even stand up, and as fast as I can, I hide my head and crouch down like a turtle, but…



Still, the monsters show no mercy.

The impact of the blunt attack is felt strongly through my armor.

The small wolves swarm around me, biting at my tattered clothes and the skin peeking out from the bites.

“(What a pathetic sight… Damn… these guys are really trying to kill me… Well, I’m trying to kill them too… That’s right…)”

With that in mind, instead of looking at the monsters with hostility or looking at the ground and regretting it, I opened my status screen and looked at a point.

“My magic power is a little over 140 with the sword equipped, huh… I underestimated it. Yes, it’s my fault for underestimating it…)”

Conserving magic power had become a habit since I started making baths.

I had thought that even if I was surrounded by several monsters, I would be able to use as little magic as possible and use it to make baths for the night, as was the norm here.

However, with not much strength left in my body, I was overconfident that I could still handle more than 10 monsters.

I am not strong.

No, I am still weak.

Weak enough to be beaten to a pulp by an E-rank monster.

In that case…

Let’s give it everything I’ve got.

Don’t make the mistake of timing when it comes to maintaining my strength.

Now is not the time.

I made up my mind and attacked from all directions, shouting so that even the biting monsters could hear me.

“Kill all the monsters around me with countless wind blades…!”

At that moment, a huge tornado was created around me.

It was the first time I used level 4 Wind Magic.

I don’t know what will happen when I use it.

But I felt strangely relieved.

Part of it was because the monsters had stopped attacking.

Even without looking up, I could hear countless sounds of something breaking along with the groans of the monsters around me.

As I stared at the ground, a dark red liquid gushed out and crawled towards me.

A moment of silence――

Is everything okay? I looked up and saw a large number of shredded monster pieces scattered around me.

There are no surviving monsters as far as I can see, and even when I check with Exploration, there is only the response of rig spiders, who do not join in the melee, perhaps because they are territorial from the start.

“Level 4, and it is become like this?”

I sat there muttering to myself.

It was obvious that in this hunting ground, even when surrounded by monsters, it was powerful enough to defeat them with a single shot.

However, I immediately forbade the use of level 4 Wind Magic unless the situation was very bad.

With my current magic power, even if I were at full strength, three shots would be the limit.

The magic consumption is too high for my natural recovery to keep up.

Besides, looking at this mess… it is unlikely that I will be able to recover the materials properly.

There may be a few magic stones left, but it is doubtful that I will be able to recover even the proof of subjugation.

It is easy to imagine that Alba-san and the others are shocked and depressed.

While I was thinking about this in this bloody place, I suddenly felt a noisy sensation in my head.

“(It’s Feeril~. I think it’s time to bring down my split entity, is everything okay~?”)

I knew it was the Oracle.

But this situation is not good.

I can’t let Feeril-sama come out in a situation where there are pieces of flesh scattered in a sea of blood.

If she appeared in such a place, it would be like summoning a devil.

“(Ugh, it’s a good thing I left some magic power left… It would have been bad if I couldn’t use Divine Communication…)”

With this thought in my mind, I lifted my heavy back and hurried back to the base with all my remaining strength.

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