Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

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Chapter 90 – Goddess of Life

Standing on the riverbank near the base, I stared at the dense blue-violet fog swirling in front of me.

The sight of that fog gave me goosebumps, and I naturally rubbed my arms.

“(I thought that when Ria’s split entity disappeared, but I somehow know that it’s a tremendous amount of magic…)”

If I couldn’t use magic, I wouldn’t have thought anything special.

However, due to the magic I have released so far and the level 4 wind magic I have just activated, the density of the fog makes it hard to tell how much magic it has.

I’ve come to understand it as a rule of thumb, if only a little.

And the fog in front of me now is completely unknown.

It’s so thick that I’m afraid I’ll disappear just by touching it.

It was just frightening.

This is the word that best fits the situation.

And then, just as I thought the fog had concentrated into a single point, the next moment, there was the fluffy, brown-haired Feeril-sama standing there, wearing a white one-piece dress, just as before.

“I-it’s been a long time, Feeril-sama!”

“Yes, it’s been a long time – I wanted to meet you so much…”

I quickly stopped Feeril-sama, who wanted to hug me for some reason.

I’m really overjoyed, but this is not a good time.

“Wait! Wait a minute, Feeril-sama! As you can see, I was hunting until just now, so I’m covered in blood!”

“I can tell just by looking at you, but I don’t mind, you know~”

“No, no, no! I heard from Ria…

Ria-sama that the goddesses’ clothes are very expensive!”

“…You don’t have to worry about the split entity’s clothes!”

The moment I tried to call only Ria, I felt a suspicious glint in the eyes of the mild-mannered Feeril-sama, and I broke out in a cold sweat.

But since she stayed for the time being, I asked her a simple question that only occurred to me after all this time.

“By the way, why at night? Is it possible that you don’t know what time it is here in the Divine Realm?”

“I know. But you see, I thought I could talk to Loki-kun a lot more at night.”

“I see…”

It’s true that I’m busy hunting during the day.

Although I talked to Ria sometimes, it was mostly about hunting and monsters.

It was completely different when we moved, but here… it’s almost like there’s no time to travel to the hunting grounds.

“And if I’m going to take a bath, I think it’s better to do it at night~. During the day… you’d be able to see it, wouldn’t you?”

“O-o-oh, you’re right…”

Yes. I was completely convinced.

If she says it’s a measure against my perversion, I can’t say anything else.

So, since it’s no good standing around talking like this, I’m going to take Feeril-sama to my base for the time being.

If I stood behind her, the incident with the panty on the stone pillar would happen again, so I climbed up first and led the way, just as an example, and guided Feeril-sama while leading by my hand.

I see, it’s very thick.

I don’t want to wash my hands for a while.

“Wow~ This is not very typical for humans, is it?”

“Hahaha… well, it’s just a temporary measure to hunt more efficiently. As long as I can sleep with some security, that’s all that matters.”

“I have the impression that the people of Earth are knowledgeable but weak… Loki-kun, you are strong and resilient, aren’t you?”

Feeril-sama rolls her eyes when she sees my base, but probably everyone would think so.

I’ve added some shelves and other human-like touches, but the floor is just covered with leaves.

You could say it’s not much different from the hooley mole in Palmera.

Oh, by the way.

“Feeril-sama, you took over the task, didn’t you? I already gave the money to Ria-sama.”

“Hmm~? I haven’t heard anything~?”

“Huh? That’s not good! Has Ria-sama gone back yet?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think she returned her split entity while I was here, but money, huh?”

“Money as well as a place to stay. You are going to look for the transmigrants tomorrow, aren’t you, Feeril-sama?”

“Yes, but I will check the inner part of the Palmera Great Forest, you know?”

“Huh? Aren’t you going to check inside the city of Bezart?”

“Apparently, there are no transmigrants in the city where Loki-kun was based, so… I think I’ll just look around in the Palmera Great Forest for now… Liste said there’s a good chance I’ll meet someone there~.”

And now Liste-sama again?

It’s okay because what she says makes sense, but it’s like she’s the commander of the goddesses.


Now that I think about it, I feel like there was a person who ended up being a pitiful child despite being in such a position…

I wonder who that person is.

“By the way, you can bring out the split entity without having me as the key point, right?”

“Yes~ It’s easiest to use Divine Communication or the Oracle to bring it out next to Loki-kun, but I can also bring it out at a place where I’ve been before or a place I’ve gone from there~.”

“What about bringing out Ria-sama’s split entity at a place? Or Ria-sama’s shoes?”

“Hmm~? If it’s Ria’s split entity, I can easily find the location by using Telepathy, but….. shoes?”


There seems to be a strange pause.

And for some reason, it’s strange that only “shoes” isn’t spaced out.

I know it’s a little late for this, but when I looked closely at Feeril-sama, she was barefoot, too. I didn’t notice it because of the darkness!

I must have done something wrong…?

“Y-you see, I bought a pair of shoes for Ria-sama. But she said she couldn’t take them to the divine realm, so she should have taken them off at the inn and then brought the split entity back. Haha.”

“I see~. By the way, I’m barefoot, too, you know?”

Oh no.

I bought one for Ria-sama, so Feeril-sama probably wants me to buy one for her, too.

And if I don’t buy it, I can predict that her mood will be bad.

But… I’m not planning on going back to Bezart just yet…

As expected, I can’t go all the way back just to buy shoes.

It’s not just my problem!

The lives of more than 30 people are at stake!

Strangely, my body flowed naturally again.

I didn’t expect to kneel down at such a high speed, but I guess it can’t be helped since both of them are goddesses.

“I’m sorry, but since I’m not planning to go back to the city yet, I can’t buy shoes for Feeril-sama. So I gave Ria-sama some money for such a situation. It seems that she can eat if she wants to, so I hope she can spend it well so that it doesn’t run out. However…! …Ria-sama is not in my special bath. So it is only Feeril-sama! Only you can take my special bath!”

With these words, she turns her gaze to the entrance of the cave and the bath she can see behind it.

The stone fire was still burning, and even the naked eye could clearly see the entire bath.

“I see~! I’m special too, aren’t I?”

“Of course, of course! Would you like to enter as soon as possible?”

With a broad smile on her face, Feeril-sama nodded her head.

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