Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

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Chapter 91 – Hope


I’m staring into the fire, grilling three fish I caught in the trap and a small shrimp I picked up while I was at it.

After all, it’s the goddess bathing.

I was torn between turning off the fire that was the source of the light lest it be reflected in my troubled eyes.

But then I mentioned that it would be great to have a meal while bathing, and that’s when Feeril-sama took a bite out of my words.


Then I couldn’t put out the fire, could I?

I can’t let her eat raw, you know.

And I can’t let a goddess do that kind of work.

I’m a servant.

It is a strange thing that I believe in my heart that it is perfectly natural for me to prepare the food while escorting the goddess.

“This is a wonderful view~. Are there baths like this on Earth?”

“N-no, I don’t think anyone would build one in the middle of a river. Though there are hot springs that use natural water heated by geothermal heat along the riverbank.”


The Exploration, which allowed me to check a larger area, also showed no sign of monsters.

Today was worth the effort.

But I can’t let my guard down.

Of course, I’m also activating Night Vision and Presence Detection.

It would be a catastrophe if something happened to Feeril-sama. Of course.


The bath is right behind me.

To be more precise, I’m stuck to the fire in the corner of the stone block, so if I turn my eyes to the side to the limit of my range of motion, I can catch a glimpse of Feeril-sama’s legs.

Strange, isn’t it?

I have just confirmed with my own eyes that she is barefoot, but just the fact that she is in the bath makes her feet a million times more erotic.


Oh, she poured the warm water over her shoulders.

It’s not like I’m meticulously checking the goddess’ bath.

My Presence Detection, which is used to detect the presence of the monsters, only tells me the movements of the goddess.

It’s an irresistible force because I can’t narrow down the target.

“This is nice hot water~. Is such a way of heating water also knowledge of the Earth?”

“I wonder. In today’s Earth, most of the work is done automatically, so you could say it is Earth knowledge, but I think it is a very old way of heating water.”

Okay, the fish is getting nice and cooked.

Now all I have to do is sprinkle some salt on it and…

I don’t know if the goddess will like this meal, which can’t be called cooking, but the only ingredients I have at the moment are fish or orc meat.

As expected, Feeril-sama’s little mouth would not be able to take a bite of the orc meat.

“Now the fish is cooked. I only sprinkled salt on it, so it might be a bit subtle, but there you go!”

“Well, thank you very much!”

I stretched my arms out behind me, and Feeril-sama caught the fish stuck in the branch.

I’ll have one as well.

I’m hungry, no matter how nervous I am.

“Come to think of it, this bath is pretty big~.”

Munch, munch… it is, isn’t it? When I used Earth Magic to convey the word ‘huge,’ I ended up with such a big stone…”

“I see. But even so, there’s no need to make the bathtub this big, right? It’s probably bigger than Loki-kun.”

Munch, munch… Sure, if you put it that way…”

“Don’t tell me~… you made it on the assumption that you would go in with me~?”


What a rude thing to say, Feeril-sama!

Even though I’m a man who doesn’t reject lewdness, I’m not that bold.

If I just happened to make it the size of the stone――

Yes, it ended up being that size when I made it to fit…

Hmm, why did I make it to fit the size of the stone?

The bigger the bath, the more places to dig and the more magic power to use.

And yet, while I was going through extra hardship in the battle, I had saved my magic power and poured it into making the bath.

Now that it has been mentioned, it is certainly true.

Even the half-sized bath is enough for me.

It’s just something I’ll use while I’m here, not something I’ll take home and use for the rest of my life.

I-I don’t think I… When I heard Feeril-sama say, “I’m looking forward to the bath,” I wondered if I wanted to go in with her in my heart.

But when I think about it, it seems like I’ve been digging with all my heart since I heard those words…

My mind, which had completely stopped moving while clutching the fish I was about to eat, was probably visible through my mind, even though it was a split entity that didn’t have mind-reading abilities.

“I… don’t mind, you know?”

What was that?

I can’t see it, but I feel like the atmosphere has changed…

I felt a slightly enchanting atmosphere from the motherly goddess who combines gentleness and serenity.

――Is it really okay?

I’m not the kind of guy who would have chickened out here, you know?

I’m not going to do something so wasteful as to make up some incomprehensible excuse and run away…?

“A-are you sure? If you say that, I’ll really go in there…”

“Of course~. The bathtub was made and prepared by Loki-kun. You said earlier that you were covered in blood, and you really want to get in as soon as possible, don’t you?”

…If she said that much, there would be no need to stop.

Turning around, I quickly removed my leather armor and took off my clothes.


My throat rumbles.

This is the most selfish body of the goddess… thank God.

Then I will take a grateful look at it!



“Ara, ara~. Your body is toned, maybe because you contribute to the world every day!”

“…You’re still wearing your clothes, aren’t you?”

“No one said I took off my clothes~?”

“You shouldn’t take a bath with your clothes on!”

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽

After the bathing time was over, I relaxed with Feeril-sama in the hole in the base.

When Feeril-sama withdrew her split entity and reappeared, her wet skin and clothes were back to normal.

I am once again very much aware that this is a useful skill because it dries completely.

Of course, I secretly clicked my tongue.

Well, it was a pity that I couldn’t see the goddess’ large breasts, but I still think that the time we spent together eating fish, soaking in the same hot water, and talking about the Earth and this world was an incredibly precious experience.

It must have been an enviable experience for the believers of this world.

And as she came back, she seemed to confirm the handover.

“It is all right now. I’ve memorized the location of the room where Loki-kun was staying, so I’ll go there tomorrow and take action.”

“That’s good to hear. Does that mean the shoes and money were left in the room?”

“I think so. Well, I’m sorry, but I’m only going to buy shoes with that money.”

“I don’t know how much money Ria, Ria-sama, spent, but if you need anything else, you can buy it as usual, except for shoes, right?”

Anyway, this is the end of the handover.

I paid the innkeeper quite a bit of money for the room, partly because I didn’t know his schedule, so there shouldn’t be any problem getting a room, at least until I return from the Lulub Forest.

The only difficulty is that there will be more women’s shoes in the room…

“Fufu, thank you very much~. And~”


“Is it okay if you call Ria as usual~? I heard she made you practice with her.”

“I-is that so? When I forget, I tend to call her by her name. But is it really okay?”

“We talked about it for a while, but Loki-kun isn’t a member of this world, right?”

“I guess that’s true, but… what does that have to do with anything?”

“If you’re a member of the people of this world, there are things to consider, but if you’re not, don’t you think it’s strange to force you to respect us?”

Hmm, I wonder about that…

Well, it is certainly natural for me as a Japanese to think of the Emperor as a great man, and if I were to meet him face to face, I would undoubtedly be in awe and tremble with worry.

In a more practical sense, the president of the company I worked for is probably the most important person I feel close to.

But what if it was someone from a different country?

Of course, they are a great person, but when a king you have no contact with or benefit from tells you, “I am a great person,” you might just think, “Oh, I see.”

At best, you just read the atmosphere and go along with your surroundings.

But there is another world. If it were a great person from another world…

While I tilted my head and groaned, Feeril-sama continued to speak.

“We don’t want that for Loki-kun either, you know? Only Rigal seems to have some resistance because of her personality.”


I have more questions because I’m struggling with this.

What does that mean?

“Let’s see…?”

“The existence that can talk to us is extremely rare, and Loki-kun is the only one who can talk to us in a natural way.”

“If I remember correctly, the only people who can talk to the goddesses are the original shrine maidens, right?”

“That’s right~. The current and previous girls weren’t bad, but they were all too uptight.”

I see… I’m beginning to get the hang of this.

It would be embarrassing if I’m wrong.

“Ria said that the six goddesses live in that space where my soul is being transported to, right?”

“That’s right~.”

“How much interaction do you have with the other gods and goddesses?”

“I’ve only heard a little bit about what kind of gods are there, and I’ve never talked to any of them directly except for Felza-sama.”


Just the thought of it made my skin crawl, and I was speechless.

A world with only six people.

Although they are able to monitor the lower world, they are forbidden to touch people directly except in special circumstances, and they have almost no contact with humans except for successive generations of shrine maidens.

I knew that much, but I had no idea that there was no contact at all with the gods who administer other worlds…

How many years have they spent in such a period of time? No, how many years have they spent not at this level?

Since monsters must have been born first, and the split entity must have been sent down to see if humans could live there, at least Feeril-sama has been observing this world since the time when there were no humans.

It is truly an unimaginably long time that the six of them have spent together, bound by the ability of immortality.

Besides… the goddesses have their own feelings.

They were angry when I shouted curses at them, happy when I bought them shoes or prepared a bath for them, and perhaps a little pity when they heard how I came to be in this world.

I think Ria enjoyed watching me try to focus on efficiency despite my weaknesses.

Her appearance is no different from other humans, and I don’t know the difference.

…It’s just hell.

Even I, who have been shut in for a long time and cut off from human interaction, can say with certainty that I would go mad in such an environment.

If I had been drawn to such a fate, I would have wished with all my heart that I could at least kill my feelings or at least erase them.

Maybe it was because I imagined myself in the position of the goddess.

The words came out naturally.

“――You’ve been working hard all this time, haven’t you?”


It was strange.

My first encounter with them was very disturbing, but after that, I felt that the goddesses’ favor towards me was unnaturally high.

Ria was still suspicious of me, but that was because I was from another world.

I had assumed that because I was someone with advanced knowledge of Earth and mysterious abilities that gave me knowledge of this world that even the Goddesses didn’t know, I was useful to them, for better or worse.

But… I see. So that’s what this is about.

Was it because I was a transmigrant?

It is because I have no preconceived notions about the Goddesses, which can be called the common sense of this world.

Then it may be rude, but I’ll say it anyway.

If it was my misunderstanding, I should apologize with all my might.

With that in mind, I opened my mouth.

“Do you want a friend?”

Then, after a pause――


Feeril-sama replied with a smile that couldn’t have been more sincere, even though her cheeks were wet with tears.

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