Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1164: Chapter 149- Gabriel – New Professor (VOLUME 6)

Chapter 1164: Chapter 149- Gabriel – New Professor (VOLUME 6)




I had taken all the notes like I usually did when there was a meeting with Queen Trinity and the others. I was her right hand man, the keeper of the knowledge, and the one that she relied on most next to Reece and Vincent. I knew that she had needed me that day, and I knew just how to help her as well.

As the man that was always responsible for maintaining the history and knowledge of our people, and all the other nonhuman people in the world, I made a point of knowing the citizens as well as I could. That was why I knew who to contact for this situation.

I am not going to say that I knew the name and face of every person in our community and kingdom, but I knew several of them. I made a point of finding out who it was that was close to my Queen and her family.

The man that I had in mind for the task that King Reece had set for me was here in the area. He was local, but he hadn't always been. He had joined the area several years ago though, when he came to teach here at the school in Trinity Falls. That already made him qualified to teach others. He was a teacher after all.

I waited until the evening to call him. It was a school day after all, so I didn't want to make it so that he was disrupted during a lesson. He was the type of man to pride himself on his professional behavior and being there for his students. That was another reason why I knew that he would be good for this job that I had in mind.

"Hello?" He answered the phone on the second ring. There was no wondering how long he was going to put this off, he was always on top of things, another added to my list.

"Hello there, this is Gabriel Abadie, from the office of Queen Trinity." I knew that he was aware of me, even if he and I didn't have a lot of contact in the past. Just a little here and there. I remembered him well though. He had hair that was as black as night, not a single strand a different shade. And his eyes were amber colored, piercing and inquisitive at the same time.

He was a warlock of exceptional ability.

"Good evening Mr. Abadie, is there something that I can help you with? Does the Queen require my assistance with something again?" I will admit that he sounded a little off, as if he was wondering what might have happened in the last couple of days. Since the incident at the stadium that is.

"Actually, there is something that I need to discuss with you. Do you have the time to meet me in person? This is an important discussion." I did my best to explain without it sounding like there was something bad happening at the moment.

"This certainly sounds serious. Would you like to meet me in town for a meal, or prefer that I come to the castle?" He was willing to help and eager to know what was going on, more positives to his score here.

"I will come to you. I can imagine that you are a little busy at the moment, so I want to inconvenience you as little as possible." I was trying to be helpful and accommodating here.

"Alright." There was a note of suspicion in his voice, as if he didn't know what he should think about this. "I can send you my address. I assume that you are calling from your cell phone."

"Yes, I am, but I already have your address. It is part of my job."

"Yes, of course it is." There was a chuckle in his voice then. "I guess that I will see you soon then." He disconnected the call after that, waiting for me in his home and the information that I had for him.

I headed straight to the garage and to my vehicle. It was similar to all the ones that we, members of Trinity's staff, had. Some of the others, Shane and Shawn mainly, had other vehicles, but I chose to just use the large SUV that was the signature style. There was only one difference with mine. Because I was not a guard, mine was a dark burgundy rather than black.

Easier to spot among the others, but still pretty ambiguous.

I drove down the mountain and then across the compound to the exit that went directly to Trinity Falls. That was where I was headed. The house that I was looking for, on Collin Drive, was a ranch style home with white siding and a black roof. It looked completely normal and human, aside from the astrological decorations in the yard and the giant telescope that was on the roof.

"Welcome." The door opened before I even knocked.

"Good evening, Mr. Amadeus." I nodded at him and stepped inside at his direction.

"Call me Willem, I am sure that this isn't a negative call, Mr. Abadie, so there is no reason to be formal."

"No, it isn't negative." I shook my head at him. "And you may call me Gabriel. If it is easier for you, Willem."

"Sounds good." He started to lead the way down the hall. "Come, I made some tea for us." I could already smell it. Earl Grey, high quality.

"That will be lovely, thank you."

As we sat in the little dining nook, tea and cookies on the table as if it were a traditional service rather than a business call, we talked about the reason that I was here. I explained to him what it was that Queen Trinity had mentioned. How she wanted to educate the humans on our kind. And as a man that had already been teaching, I thought that he was the most suitable for this job.

"You are currently teaching, so I know that the job alone will not be difficult for you. And you are teaching Ancient European Studies, which already has a lot to do with the topic that we want to make the curriculum for. I am not joking when I say that you immediately came to mind when Queen Trinity was talking about this."

"I appreciate that, Gabriel. It is very flattering to know that I am so highly thought of." He nodded his head and smiled as he seemed to be thinking about the proposal. He wasn't looking at me though, it was as if he were looking at something in the distance.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked him, wondering what he was looking at.

"Not at all." His head shook slightly, but he was still staring into the distance. "I apologize. I was seeing for a moment."

"Yes, but what were you seeing?" I looked around, wondering if there was someone or something there, even if I couldn't sense them.

"No, I mean that I was seeing. As in the future." He repeated it for a moment. "I am sorry to worry you."

I had almost forgotten that Willem Joel Amadeus was a seer. He had the ability to see parts of the future, but most of the time his visions were a jumble of images.

"I hope what you saw was positive." I thought about the incidents that had happened recently, and I was afraid that he was going to tell me there were more like it coming.

"All will be just fine. Most often, I only see visions that pertain to me and my future, and that was what happened here. I had a vision of me accepting the job that you are offering me and how the classes might go. It seems to me that there will be a lot of interest in the class. Some might join the class just to make fun of the nonhumans, but most will be genuinely curious.

I suggest that we make quite a comprehensive curriculum for them to study." He smiled broadly and I just knew that there was something more to it than the lessons in the future.

"What else did you see, Willem? Why are you smiling?"

"I cannot see that far normally, and I do not know how long this will take to come to fruition, but I know that by working at the university, I will find my soulmate. I have yet to find my forever, as you can see." He indicated the stark and minimalistic home. "I would very much like to find her, and I think that this new opportunity is just what I need."

"That is wonderful to hear. I cannot wait for us to get started on the curriculum. We will contact the university and make the arrangements."

"Understood. I will begin to make an outline for the textbook that we will need. That will be the starting point, will it not?"

"Of course it will be, I will help you with that. As the former leader of the Sentinelle, I have all the information that you might need at my disposal, not that you don't already have it as well. Still, working together will be beneficial for us."

"Agreed." He nodded and picked up another small cookie from the plate. "I think that I am going to quite enjoy this. I simply adore history, as you should know already." The glint in his eyes had to do with the fact that, like me, he had lived for a long time and had experienced a lot of modern day history.

A new job was created for Willem and I. We needed to craft a textbook and have it published. And it needed to be one that we could teach the humans from. In truth, there was likely going to be more in-depth classes added later but, at the moment, we just needed the introduction to our world and basic histories.

It wouldn't take us as long to figure out the curriculum from the shortened list that the intro course would have.

Willem looked to be in his element as well, working through point after point as he knew just where to start and what to include in the overall class outline. When I gave Queen Trinity the update, and told her who my choice had been, she approved wholeheartedly. We all knew that Willem Amadeus was a good teacher, and a good choice.

With him at the helm of the lessons for the humans, there wouldn't be a chance for miscommunication or errors in the histories.

That was one task done, but there were several more to go. Not that I was complaining. I quite enjoyed my job as well. I was always there to help my Queen, and that gave me a purpose in life. Well, her and my family. Roisin, Brenna, and Shamrock, my little family that I never thought that I would have until I met Queen Trinity and was affected by her magic.

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