Chapter 1165: Chapter 150- Trinity – A Visit from Odin Part 1 (VOLUME 6)
Chapter 1165: Chapter 150- Trinity – A Visit from Odin Part 1 (VOLUME 6)
Things were going about as well as I could have hoped. I was able to spend time with Reeselynn throughout the day, taking my version of a maternity leave while waiting for the next task that needed my attention. It was actually a lot easier with how things had been since last weekend.
There were still haters and naysayers in the world, as there would always be, but nothing had happened since the riot and attack at the stadium. We were all breathing a little easier, and we were making plans for the future that didn't include a contingency plan for the inevitable war or doomsday that someone had in mind for us.
I spent a lot of time with Zachary, Zander, Zayden and Zaley as well as Reeselynn. Reagan and Rika, back to going to school full time, were there in the evening, but they were busy as well. And Talia was doing her best to finish the school year with honors. And she was also spending time with her friends. She hasn't had a lot of time with them lately, with all that had been happening.
I felt bad for her, all of the kids really, they were affected by what went on in my work more than other families were.
At the moment, the kids were in school. Reeselynn was sleeping. Reece was at the office, taking care of some issues that had come up last minute. And I was sitting in the living room. I was actually reclining in my seat, resting against the back of the sofa and the soft, supple cushions.
The moment that my head hit the cushions, my eyes had started to get droopy and heavy. I needed a nap, and there was no reason that I couldn't have one. The baby was sleeping, and there was nothing else that needed my attention.
Letting myself succumb to the pull of sleep, I closed my eyes and was asleep in less than a minute. Hell, it probably was less than five seconds. I was truly asleep instantly. Nothing about it struck me as odd. And looking back on the moment, I wouldn't have thought twice about it even then.
Once I was truly asleep, I noticed that things were 'normal'. I wasn't dreaming, not really. Instead, I was sitting in what looked like a field, a familiar one. One that was next to a cliff, but this time it was growing flowers unlike the last time that I had seen it.
"Hello, Trinity." I looked up from the place that I was resting among the grass and wildflowers.
"Hello, Odin." I smiled at him. "I am glad that this meeting didn't happen with me being naked." There was laughter in my voice, and it set him off. That joking, trickster side of him came out and he started to hold his sides as if the joke had been epic and he had a stitch from laughing so much.
"That is priceless, Trinity. I know though, the last time must have been so uncomfortable for you."
"Yeah, you could say that." I watched and nodded as he walked closer to me. He was looking at me, but also at the sea in the distance. "Was there a reason that you called me back here? Can't you just come to see me in the mortal realm?"
"I can, and I will. I need to have a meeting with you and the others. However, I need you to call a few more people there for me."
"Alright. And who needs to be there?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes at him, wondering what it was that he needed, and with whom.
"I want you to bring in some other leaders, like yourself. Yes, I know that among the shifters and magic users, you are the true leader, but I need to speak with a few more as well."
"Which ones? Do you have specific people in mind? Or is this up to me to decide?"
"No, I have the ones that I need to talk to. I need to see Landon Clayton, Trevor Jacoby, Gloriana Belphoebe Jacoby, Noir Steelwing, Abraham Malachi, and Daciana Joviak Undine. Please, if you do not mind, bring these people to meet with me. I will be coming tomorrow at your noon time. I can arrive as I did last time, or you can have a door waiting for me."
"I will not know where to send one of my doors, Odin. I have never seen where it is that you live."
"That is fine. You have two options for doors. You can draw one on the wall of the room you would like to meet me in. Or you can open a door to this area, and I will enter from that."
"I will make the door appear here." I told him with a nod. "I don't want to mess up the other option." I laughed because that was obviously not possible. I just didn't want to draw on the walls like that.
"That is just fine. I will be waiting here for you to open the doorway for me. You would do well to have the ones that I asked for, as well as yourself and Reece. There is something that you all need to know, a decision that I have made. Oh, one more person." Odin seemed to have forgotten one. "Ask Dietrich Asher-Conrad to come as well.
There is someone that I would like him to speak to. I will bring them along with me tomorrow."
"Alright." I nodded, not sure what needed to be said, but knowing that it would be best if I just followed his instructions at the moment.
"I will see you soon, Trinity." He rose from his position next to me, but he stopped me as I moved to do the same. "No, take your nap here. You are tired, and time moves differently here. If you leave right now, you will not be rested yet. However, if you sleep here, in the meadow of flowers that have sprouted, you will be fully rested and alert when you wake up.
I do not want to send you back without getting the nap that you needed."
"Wasn't it you that made me fall asleep? I mean, you called me here, so I fell asleep, right?"
"That was Nehalennia's thing. I actually just sensed that you were asleep when I needed to talk to you. The sleep was your body telling you to rest. Alright, it might have been heightened a little by my close proximity, but I wasn't the one to make you fall asleep."
"Oh. Well, I guess that I have been trying to catch up on the rest that I was missing out on."
"Indeed. You have been through a lot in such a short time, Trinity. And I am not just talking about the last year, I am referring to your entire existence. You have lived through more than most of the Gods have ever had to endure. To think, they were leading and guiding people with no experience such as yours." He tsked and clicked his tongue. "Sleep now, Trinity.
I will see you tomorrow."
I did as he told me. I laid down in the grass among the flowers. The scent of them was so strong, yet so soothing. I felt as if they were almost as effective as a sleeping potion as they helped me to drift off to sleep. And when I did sleep, I didn't dream at all.
It truly felt like I hadn't done more than just blink my eyes, but I had fallen asleep deeply and soundly. When I opened my eyes the next time, it was dark in the world that I was in. The sun had set here in the celestial realm, and I was being caressed by a gentle and warm breeze. I was warm, calm, and very well rested. It was, quite honestly, the best sleep that I had ever had in my entire life.
Now that I knew how much sleep I had gotten, I knew that I needed to get out of here. And all I needed to do to get home, was to stand up and try to leave. At that exact moment, when I went to take a step away from where I had been, I jerked awake in the living room, where I had been before the couch had lulled me into sleep.
I looked at the time that was displayed on the holographic clock on the mantle. Only five minutes had passed since I had closed my eyes. Reeselynn was still sound asleep, she was basically in a milk coma for the next little while. I had napped, but I had used very little time in doing so.
"Well, I guess I can use this time to make some calls." I shrugged and grabbed my phone. Even though I knew that I could do this mentally, I always preferred to call the traditional way. It was more polite, in my opinion.
I called Trevor and told him about the request from Odin. He knew that he needed to be there, especially when a God had requested it. And he would make sure to tell Gloriana and Daciana for me as well. I also knew that Athair mòr would be there as well, not willing to let his mate go alone to something like this.
My next call was to Landon, who happened to live very close. And his wife, Ava, was able to let her Alpha know about the meeting. Because Ava was part of Noir's clan of bird shifters. That was all working out really well so far.
Abraham Malachi was the man named Doc that I met several times throughout the years. He was the leader of the water shifters that lived on the west coast. He was there with us when we were investigating the murder of Andrea in Waterton. He was also a Sea Dragon, a powerful and immortal being with great wisdom.
That was it. They were all notified. Well, aside from Dietrich, but he was going to be here later anyway, so I would just let him know in person. And I was sure that Shawn would join him in this meeting with Odin. He, like Athair mòr, wouldn't let his mate go into the meeting alone.
I sat and wondered what this was all about for a little while, but there wasn't anything that I was able to do about it. We just needed to be there when Odin revealed it all to us in due time. Still, I was very curious. Odin was an extremely unique individual, and I never knew what he was going to do at any given moment. It was sure to be interesting though.